May 29, 2012 - TOWER CONFERENCE MANAGEMENT CO. Anal. Chem. , 1983, 55 (2), pp 275A–275A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00253a823. Publication Date: ...
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The West Coast's first conference/exhibition devoted t o the scientific research laboratory.

Come to San Jose LABCON west 83

Laboratory Instrument and Equipment Conference and Exibition May 10,11,12,1983 San Jose Convention Center • San Jose, California (only 5 minutes from the airport)

Technical Program Explores State-of-the-Art and Future Trends

Exhibit Devoted to New Equipment, New Supplies

The twenty technical sessions planned for LABCON WEST will examine current practices and the most recent developments in scientific instrumentation and equip­ ment. All topics have been chosen based on pertinence and applicability for practicing laboratory professionals. General program chairman is the noted analytical chemist, Ms. Marjorie K. Balazs, President of Balazs Ana­ lytical Laboratories in Mountain View, Cal. The Program Advisory Board assisting her is composed of: • Dr. Richard Gaver, San Jose State University • Miss Shirley Radding, Stanford Research Institute • Dr. Michael McCowan, Beckman Altex • Dr. Donna Bakale, Technical Marketing Programs • Dr. Lois Durham, Stanford University • Dr. Lewis Throop, Syntex Research • Dr. Lee Scharpen, Surface Science Laboratory • C. J. Mosbacher, Industrial Research & Development Magazine

Over a hundred companies are bringing their newest products for professionals and their laboratories to the West Coast—to give you a hands-on look at what's available. LABCON WEST is the exhibition devoted ex­ clusively to the instruments, equipment and supplies you need for your daily and special projects. Here is your opportunity to find new techniques for cutting costs, ways to improve efficiency and increase precision.. .ideas for all aspects of laboratory operations.

Organized and produced by:

TOWER CONFERENCE MANAGEMENT CO. 143 N. Hale St. Wheaton, IL 60187 312-668-8100 Co-sponsored by:


Session Titles • Electronic Materials Characterization I—(TEM, SIMS, CV Spreading Resistance, RBS) II—(Heavy Ion Backscattering/Microscopy, Ion Beam Implantation, Ion Beam Mixing) III—(New Advances in Auger Technology, ESCA) • Recent Developments in Liquid Chromatography • Applications of Mass Spectroscopy in Environmen­ tal Waste and Industrial Toxicology • Advances in Pharmaceutical Evaluations by Instrumental Chemical Analysis • Atomic Spectroscopy in Lab Management Systems • Practical Methods for the Efficient Analysis of Industrial Wastes and Environment • Recent Advances in Ion Chromatography • Applications of Gas Chromatography in Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology • Advances in Geochemical Analysis • Applications of Parallel Access Spectrophotometric Systems • Ground Water Monitoring • Advances in IR/UV • New Techniques in Water Quality Assessment • Applications of X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy • Investigative Analytical Techniques in Forensic and Fire Research • Lab Automation and Computer Applications • Advances in Automated Chemistry/Flow Injection Analysis • Particle Technology


Plan N o w t o Attend Mail Coupon for Details LABCON WEST'83 143 Ν. Hale St. Dept AC Wheaton, IL 60187 Please send me complete information for attending LABCON WEST '83, including full details on technical programs. Name




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