Trace determination of rubidium and strontium in silicate glass

Dec 1, 1973 - Journal of Analytical Science and Technology 2010 1 (1), 30-36 ... New ID-TIMS, ICP-MS and SIMS Data on the Trace Element Composition an...
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Trace Determination of Rubidium and Strontium in Silicate Glass Standard Reference Materials L. J.

Moore, J.

R. Moody, I . L. Barnes, J. W. Gramlich, T. J. Murphy, P. J. Paulsen, and W.

R. Shields

Analytical Chemistry Division, lnstitute for Materials Research, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C.20234

Procedures have been developed for the accurate trace analysis of Rb and Sr by mass spectrometric isotope dilution. A new Sr isotopic assay technique capable of measuring the three abundant Sr isotopes to 5000 expanded scale units on the strip chart recorder, thus minimizing the measurement error due to chart reading. Two "natural" solutions of SRM 987, SrC03, containing 1.3414 pmol Sr/g of solution were used to calibrate the separated 86Sr isotope. Six such calibrations ranged