Transitions in Discrete Absorption Bands of Au130 Clusters upon

Jul 13, 2015 - Au 25 (SR) 18 : the captain of the great nanocluster ship. Xi Kang , Hanbao Chong , Manzhou Zhu. Nanoscale 2018 10 (23), 10758-10834 ...
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Transitions in Discrete Absorption Bands of Au130 Clusters upon Stepwise Charging by Spectroelectrochemistry Dengchao Wang, Jonathan W. Padelford, Tarushee Ahuja, and Gangli Wang* Department of Chemistry, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30302 *Email: [email protected]

ABSTRACT: Rich and tunable physicochemical properties make noble metal clusters promising candidates as novel nanomolecules for a variety of applications. Spectroelectrochemistry analysis is employed to resolve previously inaccessible electronic transitions in Au130 clusters stabilized by a monolayer of di- and mono- thiolate ligands. Well-defined quantized double layer charging of Au core and oxidizable ligands make this Au130 nanocluster unique among others and enable selective electrolysis to different core and ligand charge states. Subsequent analysis of the corresponding absorption changes reveal that different absorption bands originate from different electronic transitions involving both metal core energy states and ligands molecular orbitals. Besides the four discrete absorption bands in steady-state UV-visible-near-IR absorption spectrum, additional transitions otherwise not-detectable are resolved upon selective addition/removal of electrons at cores and ligand energy states respectively upon electrolysis. An energy diagram is proposed that successfully explains the major features observed in electrochemistry and absorption spectroscopy. Those assignments are believed applicable and effective to explain similar transitions observed in some other Au thiolate clusters. Keywords: Gold clusters, Au MPCs, Au130, spectroelectrochemistry, electronic structures, energy diagram

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Significant progress has been achieved recently to establish noble metal clusters as new types of functional nanomolecules with known molecular compositions and atomic structures.1-2 Their rich optical, electrochemical, magnetic and other physicochemical properties


make the metal

clusters promising candidates for biomedical science, sensing, nanoelectronics, catalysis and other energy technologies.6-8 To control and tune those properties for broader and more effective applications, there are fundamental questions to be answered.7 Evidences accumulate that the size, structure and charge states of the Au core, as well as Au-S interface bonding (i.e. S-Au-S staple motif) collectively determine the energetic structures and related properties of monolayer protected Au clusters (Au MPCs).9-12 One of the key questions is that the respective contribution of those factors and the physical origin of many electronic transitions, particularly those related to excited states via photo or electrochemical stimulation, remain to be elucidated. An extensively studied cluster is Au25, in which the magnetism, catalytic activity, photoluminescence efficiency, and other physicochemical properties are found to be highly dependent on the charges on the Au core as well as the type of ligands used.13-18 Systematic studies on other cluster systems would offer much needed insights to establish predictive models for the development of materials with desired properties for target applications. At the transition size range from small molecules to plasmonic Au nanoparticles, discrete absorption transitions or intensity decays with less distinct features can be observed in UVvisible-near-infrared spectrum range from different Au clusters.8 Electrochemically, quantized double layer charging and split HOMO-LUMO type electron transfer (ET) behaviors have been observed from larger (i.e. more than 100 Au atoms) and smaller (few tens) clusters respectively.8 Electrogenerated chemiluminescence (ECL) has been reported recently enriching the electrochemical and optical activities of these Au clusters.19-20 Once photoexcited, the Au clusters display broad and intense near IR photoluminescence (i.e. 650 nm-1000 nm) with long lifetime (up to microseconds), suggesting an energy relaxation process.21 While atomic orbitals from Au(d), Au(sp) and S(p) have been employed to explain some optical and electrochemical features,12, 22 the respective contributions of Au, S and the remaining ligand molecular orbitals to individual optical and electrochemical transitions remain to be established for various clusters. Further, because the remaining portion of the ligands, other than sulfur atoms that bind to Au as considered in most cases, is mostly inert in earlier studies, whether the molecular orbitals of the

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ligands (if adopted and within the energy range) could interact with or affect the electronic transitions of Au clusters remain to be established experimentally.8, 23 Spectroelectrochemistry combines the merits of optical and electrochemical techniques: the core and ligands redox states can be actively controlled via electrochemistry; the absorbance at different charge states can be recorded after electrolysis; the energy states of those corresponding electronic transitions can be correlated accordingly.24-25 This report studies a large Au130 cluster with some ligands that can be electrochemically activated.26 Spectroelectrochemistry is shown as a readily accessible technique to conveniently provide new fundamental insights for metal clusters. Such knowledge in literature remains scarce and is mainly obtained by ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy.27-29 The later tool offers lifetime in addition to the detailed electronic transitions but requires more advanced instrumentation and thus with less accessibility. RESULTS AND DISSCUSION The synthesis, purification and characterization of Au130(Dur-DT)29(PET)22 employed in this report follow previous report, in which Dur-DT and PET refer to durene-dithiolate and phenylethanethiolate ligands respectively.26 Steady-state UV-visible absorption and voltammetry features are shown in Figure 1, which serve as reference points for the following spectroelectrochemistry analysis. Four discrete absorption bands around 360 nm, 493 nm, 585 nm and 716 nm are resolved (by first derivative) from the absorption spectrum. Uniformly spaced QDL peaks (ΔE = 0.193 V) are separated by a 0.35 V gap toward more positive and negative potentials as shown in the differential pulse voltammograms (DPVs). The small gap is consistent with the earlier prediction of the transition from Au14x (x varied from 0-7 in earlier literature) to Au130 size ranges.8 Cyclic voltammograms at different scan rates and peak spacing analysis are included in Figure SI-1. The constant 59 mV potential difference between reduction and oxidation peaks in each pair of QDL peaks suggest facile and reversible core charging/discharging electron transfer (ET) activities. Therefore, the Au130 clusters at different core charge states have very good stability, allowing further spectroelectrochemical studies.

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Figure 1. 1 a) The UV-vis U absorption specttrum and b)) the differeential pulse voltammoggrams (DPVs) of o the Au130 nanoclusterss in CH2Cl2. At hig gher potentiials, ET acttivities invollving thiolat ate ligands ccould occur.. Irreversiblle ET processess accessing to ligand and Au(x)-lligand orbittals are obsserved in thhe CVs at w wider potential window sho own in Figu ure SI-2.26 Specific to thhe durene-diithiolate ligaands, a prom minent oxidation n peak at ca. +1.32 V an nd a reductio on at ca. -2.006 V are founnd for the A Au130 clusterss. The CVs from m a 2:1 Au u:Dur-DT co omplex and d a 1:1 Au:D Dur-DT com mplex are aalso provided for comparisson. These complexes, known k to be oligo/polym meric mixturees in generall as intermeddiates when syn nthesizing Au A clusters, could be perceived as Au(I)ish annd as Au(II))ish respectiively, consideriing each Durr-DT has two -SH group ps and their ppossible bonnd motifs on Au core surrfaces as ligand ds.11 The ET potential (peak or half wave w E1/2) off thiolate liggands on nannosized gold core, such as oxidative o an nd reductivee desorption,, are slightlyy shifted froom those obbserved from m the Au(X) complexes an nd those on n flat Au su urface, i.e. sself-assembleed monolayyer that has been widely-sttudied.30 The spectroelectr s rochemistry setup is illu ustrated in Scheme SI--1. Briefly, a three-elecctrode electroch hemical cell was built in n an asymmeetric quartz ccuvette (0.1× ×1 cm). A laarge Pt meshh was used as a working ellectrode in th he light path h (0.1 cm). A Pt foil as the counter electrode annd an Ag wire as the quasii-reference electrode e (Q QRE) were ppositioned aw way from thhe light path. The thin layeer and relative low sam mple concenttration enabble fast electtrolysis withhin minutes.. The majority Au130 clusteers in the ligh ht path can be b charged tto the desiredd charge stattes, monitoreed by the curreent decay to o ca. 10% of o initial value at a giveen potential. An absorpption spectruum is

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recorded after each electrolysiss. Due to th he ligand oxxidation proocess being irreversiblee, the absorban nce spectra under u +1.5 V (Dur-DT lig gand oxidatiion) is takenn after 1-2 min electrolyssis. Differrential absorrption spectrra in Figure 2 were obtaained by subbtracting the spectrum at 0 V from tho ose recorded d at differen nt potentials, i.e. differeent charge sstates after electrolysis.. The original spectra s are included i in Figure SI-3. The four m main peaks ffrom the oriiginal samplle are indicated d by the dash h lines amon ng those rich h transitionss newly-resoolved. Upon further reduuction of Au co ore (panel a)), the absorp ption bands around a 3.5 eeV, 2.5 eV aand 2 eV intensify. Neggative ∆A is ob bserved sho owing a valley at 1.77 eV and a broad decreease from 11.66 to 1.266 eV. Interestin ngly, the 585 5 nm peak iss one of the zones (anotther two arouund 2.90 eV V & 1.66 eV V) that remain laargely unchaanged. A well-defined isosbestic i pooint at 1.85 eV suggestts the conveersion between the 1.99 eV peak and th he 1.77 eV vaalley (sum aat 3.76 eV). IIn the core ooxidation (+00.2 to +0.8 V) shown s in paanel b, the in ntensity at alll four peakss decreases. A notable fe feature is thee shift in the peaak position from f ca. 2 eV V in reduction panel tow ward the 5855 nm band uupon oxidatioon. In addition to those deccreased band ds, upon thee ligand oxiddation at +11.5 V, the inntensity incrreases broadly below b 1.66 eV. e

Figure 2. 2 Differentiial absorptio on spectra under u differeent bias pottentials. a) rreduction annd b) oxidation n induced traansitions. Th he top (eV) and a bottom (nm) axis diirectly correlate the specctrum features with w energy diagram.

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The sp pectra after reduction r eleectrolysis cleearly displayy two compoonents in thee 360 and 4993 nm absorptio on bands. Gaaussian fittin ngs of the diifferential sppectrum at -00.8 V are shhown in Figuure 3. The 360 nm band is deconvoluteed into two peaks p centerred at 335 nm m and 380 nnm (3.70 andd 3.26 eV), while the 493 nm m band into 478 nm and d 526 nm (2..59 and 2.355 eV). It appears that thee 3.26 eV peak remains in position p whiile the 3.70 eV e peak shiffts toward thhe 360 nm band when fuurther oxidized. While the plasmonic p band for few--nanometer A Au nanopartticles (at 5200 nm, 2.38 eeV) is not disceernable for most m Au clussters, it is inttriguing to oobserve the eemergence oof a 2.35 eV band upon red duction.

Figure 3. 3 The Gausssian fittingss (dash liness) for the 3660 and 493 nm band inn the differeential absorptio on curve at -0.8 V. Fourr peaks with positive ∆A A centered aat 335, 380, 478 and 5266 nm, and two peaks p with negative n ∆A around 805 and 900 nm m are deconvoluted.

Beforee an energy diagram is proposed p to attribute thee correspondding transitioons, an impoortant concept about the ellectrochemiccal features at differentt charge stattes is explaiined in Figuure 4. After eacch electrolyssis, the majo ority clusterrs in the bullk solution hhave been coonverted intto the products of the correesponding ET T reactions. It is obviouus that the Q QDL peaks, sstill with uniiform peak spaacing in eacch voltammo ogram, are stretched orr compresseed upon thee charging to the

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respectiv ve potentials as shown in n panel a). Ex xtra chargess on the Au ccore will reqquire counterr ions to maintaain charge neutrality n in solution. Bo oth core charrges (at the ccore-ligand interface beneath the ligand monolayerr) and countter ion penettration (into the monolaayer from ouutside) are knnown to decreaase the capaacitance, wh hich leads to o the increasse in charginng energy, i.e. peak spacing ∆E.31 Acccordingly, th he ligand ox xidation poteential is also shifted as shhown in pannel b. This chhange in QDL peak spacin ng, though sm mall at ca. 10 mV rangge as analyzed in panel c (similar trrends n Figure SI-4 4 from anoth her sample with w smaller cchanges), inndicates the ccoupling bettween shown in the core and a peripherral charges (or ( dipoles). The QDL ppeak spacing at each elecctrolysis poteential is the averaged peak k-peak distan nces of all th he peaks shoown in eachh curve. Beccause the chaanges ng (i.e. from m 0 to -0.2V V) is small, a total or the averaged vvalue induced by one electron chargin presented d herein offe fers better signal/noise ratio. r Small variations oof individuall peak spacing in each curv ve might indicate splitting and shiffting in the degeneracy of those ennergy states upon charging that will require r betteer S/N in further fu studiies. Such innteraction att the core-liigand interface is expected d to be dynaamic, which h adds compplexity reflected in the proposed ennergy diagram.

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Figure 4. 4 a) The QD DL peaks ressolved from the DPVs; bb) the irreveersible ligannd oxidation from the CVs and c) data analysis after a bulk ellectrolysis aat different potentials (or different core charge sttates). Dash lines in paneel c are addeed to show thhe trend (nott fitting).

The energy e diagrams of the native Au1300 clusters annd those afteer reductionn are propossed in Figure 5. Those energy states in nvolved in the t distinct absorption ttransitions aare sketched. The diagram of the oxid dized form is relatively y straightfoorward to exxplain and thus not pllotted separatelly. The open n-circuit pottential (or reest potentiall) is slightlyy positive foor as syntheesized Au130 clu usters, i.e. +0.18 V for this t sample, which is ussed to definee the core froontier statess. The 0.35 V gap g after two o-electron ox xidation from m 0 V (Fig. 1) suggestss that there iis an energy state immediattely below the t core fro ontier states (0.35 - ∆E + 0.18 = 00.34 eV, ∆E E is the chaarging energy, 0.19 0 V). In consideration c n of the onee-charge diffferences of tthe Au clustters in the diiffuse layer afteer ET reactiions, and po ossible heterrogeneity off the Au clussters (both ccharge statess and composittion), ∆E is added a into th hese two stattes as possibble band bouundaries (erroor bar). At +1.32 V and -2 2.06 V (Fig.. SI-2), ET activities a revveal the Au--Dur-DT HO OMO and LU UMO or monothio olate Au clu usters, the Au A atom in tthe staple m motif (RS-A Au-SR) is sliightly states. Fo more possitive than Au(I) A compleexes. Because the bond sstructures off the dithiolatte Dur-DT oon Au clusters are curren ntly unknow wn albeit inner i Au ccore structuures are ddetermined,322 the correspon nding redox x potentials of the two Au-Dur-DT T complexes are employyed to definne the range off the HOMO O and LUMO O states resp pectively. A Absorption trransitions too the Au-Duur-DT LUMO could c therefo ore involve the t -2.06 V states s observved from thee Au130 clustters, and posssibly -2.20 V and -2.39 V ones att different time scale that will rrequire trannsient absorrption measurem ments beyon nd the scop pe of this reeport. It is important eemphasizingg that due too the

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chemicallly irreversib ble desorptio on of thiolaates, the listted potentiall values (E11/2) could invvolve several processes p spaanning over a potential range r ratherr than a speccific value. A weak oxiddation band at around a +0.9 V can be reesolved as prreviously repported.33 The transition from this staate to higher energy statess, i.e. core frontier staates, could not be deteected with tthe spectrom meter d. This statee is not inclu uded in the diagram d for cclarity. The oxidation peeak around + +1.73 employed V (Figure SI-5) is deenoted as Au u-S HOMO-1, from eitheer the Au-PE ET bonding or one of thee two n Dur-DT th hat bonds to Au similar to t the monotthiols, or botth. sulfurs on

Figure 5. 5 The prop posed energy y diagram for f the Au1330 nanoclustters at nativve, and reduuction states. So ome involveed energy staates would be b split and shifted wheen the core are reducedd. The arrows in ndicate the transferred t electrons e du uring the corre oxidation//reduction pprocesses. All the potential values are measured m wiith respect to o AgQRE (+ + 0.22 V vs.. SHE). The SHE potenttial is d in the diagrram at - 0.22 2 V. indicated

For th he as-synthessized Au clu usters, i.e. naative state onn the left, alll four main absorption bbands can be asssigned with h the transitio ons among these t energyy states veryy well. The 3360 nm (3.444 eV) band is also a observeed from the two Au-Durr-DT compleexes (Figuree SI-6), and thus arises from the Au-D Dur-DT HOMO-LUMO O transitions. The minorr differencees from the electrochem mistry states (1.32 + 2.06 = 3.38 vs. 3.44) is attributted to the brooad potentiaal range, partticularly from m the chemicallly irreversib ble reduction n process. Considering C the reductioon of the tw wo complexes at 2.20 V and a -2.39 V respectively y, a ca. -2.12 2 V state in the midst off this broad band wouldd give almost perfect p assig gnment. Sim milarly, the 493 (2.51 eeV) and 5885 nm (2.122 eV) bandds are

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attributed to the transitions from the core frontier states to the Au-Dur-DT LUMO. The transition from the Au-S HOMO-1 state to the partially-filled core frontier states leads to the weak band around 716 nm (1.73 eV). This assignment also explains and is supported by the weak band observed around 700 nm from different Au130-Au144 clusters.34-36 The minor peak shift reflects the differences in the core energy states of those clusters presumably. The transitions from the Au-Dur-DT HOMO to core frontier states would constitute the diminishing yet-non-zero absorbance extending beyond the detection range (1100 nm). Furthermore, transition from the +0.34 V states to the upper edge of the frontier states would generate the expected optical gap that could not be directly measured herein. Oxidation or reduction processes will change the electron density of the Au clusters. Charge dependent changes in UV-visible absorption peaks have been observed from Au25(PET)18 through homogeneous electron transfer reactions. At higher cluster charge states, the discrete absorption peaks become better defined with increased intensity.15 The excess electrons or holes are expected to reside/delocalized at the core-ligand interface. The splitting and shifting of the peak wavelength reveal the corresponding shifted or split energy states at the interfacial Au-S bonding. The rationale further validates the proposed energy diagram retrospectively elaborated next. In the reduction diagram, additional electrons into the core frontier states will inhibit the excitation from the lower states, which explains the broad decrease at the 1.66 to 1.26 eV range (rightest arrow). Consequently, the excitation to the Au-Dur-DT LUMO state will intensify. Further, the excess electrons is speculated to shift the density of states corresponding to Au (II)ish toward Au(I)ish type bonding at the core-ligand interface (i.e. the -2.20 V one from the Au(II)ish complex in Fig. SI-2). Using the -2.06 V and -2.39 V as boundaries, the 3.70 eV and 3.26 eV transitions are aligned almost perfectly. The argument requires finite structure information of the core-ligand bonding that is not available currently. Time resolved transitions could reveal the corresponding time constant that is not accessible in this study. The excess electrons appear to change the degeneracy of the frontier states and lift the upper edge slightly. This is attested by the well-defined isosbestic point at 1.85 eV that separates the new 1.99 eV peak and the 1.77 eV valley (a total of 3.76 eV that matches the Au-S HOMO to LUMO transitions!). It is worth mentioning that both transitions are only observed in the differential spectrum by spectroelectrochemistry. The two areas match each other well, which strongly

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suggest the conversion between an enhancement and an inhibition of the respective transitions. Similarly, those additional electrons in the listed core states account for the enhancement and peak splitting of 493 nm band. Other possible transitions between those states are not elaborated one by one, as they either remain un- or less changed compared to not-electrolyzed samples (i.e. 585 nm band) or do not generate detectable signals (beyond detection range). The lower electron density upon further oxidation causes the decrease of all four absorption bands in general. It is obvious that the 493 nm and 585 nm band will decrease due to the lower electron density. One likely cause for the 360 nm band decrease is strong coupling of the core energy states and the ligand orbitals at the core-ligand bonding. The newly created holes would reside at the Au-S interface and thus lower all corresponding transitions. Beside the decrease in intensity, the very important observation supporting the proposed diagram is the blue shift of the (-∆A) valley at 1.99 eV toward the 585 nm absorption band and the corresponding red shift of the 1.77 eV (700 nm) valley toward the 716 nm absorption band. It is unknown if the absorbance at lower energy range, i.e. from +1.32 to +0.18 = 1.14 eV, would increase with more states accessible limited by the spectrometer detection range. Based on our earlier studies, electrons in the core energy states could relax into those emptied ligand orbitals after the cation radical formation upon ligand oxidation at +1.5 V.33 Accordingly, the new feature in the +1.5 V oxidation spectrum, albeit incomplete electrolysis and non-steady-state, reveal a broad increase below 1.66 eV. The observation not just further prove the earlier concept in the coupling of electrons in core states and Au-S ligand orbitals, but also justifies the inclusion of broad Au-DurDT energy states illustrated in the reduction panel corresponding to the 1.66-1.26 eV transitions. A definitive assignment of the hybridization of the corresponding atomic orbitals will require future theoretical analysis i.e. by density function theory calculations. Qualitative understanding can be inferred from the extensively studied Au25 nanoclusters among many others in literature.11-12 Each energy state (Kohn-Sham) of an Au cluster is a hybridization of atomic orbitals including Au(5d), Au(6sp), S(3p), and others (often unspecified).37 The Au core frontier states are likely composed predominantly of the sp bands of inner Au atoms, a rationale based on inner Au13 core contributing almost exclusively to the HOMO-LUMO orbitals in Au25 clusters. Unlike PET or other inert ligands, in which the contribution of non-Au/S atoms are often perceived insignificant, additional molecular orbitals from Dur-DT ligands are accessible and

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constitute an increased portion of “Others” at the respective energy states. The argument can be supported by the less recognized discussion in Au25 clusters, in which the electron donation from the PhCH2CH2 portion of the PET ligands has been employed to explain the red-shift of the computed energy states compared to experiments.37 CONCLUSIONS In summary, the Au130 nanoclusters electrolyzed to different charge states and the corresponding changes in optical absorption in UV-visible-near-IR range are studied. New electronic










spectroelectrochemistry. Discrete absorption bands previously inaccessible are attributed to the transitions involving both core and ligands energy states. An energy diagram is established that successfully explain all major absorption features. The spectroelectrochemistry analysis and the atomic/molecular level energy diagram are believed applicable to other cluster systems to resolve the physical origins of different optical and electrochemical activities. With the establishment of better resolved energy diagram, a new paradigm to efficiently tune the electronic transitions in Au thiolate clusters can be achieved through the coupling/hybridization of appropriate ligand molecular orbitals with Au-S cluster energetics. Such capability is expected to enable better catalysis, bioimaging and other applications.

Experimental Section Au130 synthesis and purification: The preparation mainly followed previous reports. After the HAuCl4 was phase transferred into toluene with tetraoctylammonium bromide (TOABr), 2phenylethanethiol (PET) and Durene-α1, α2-dithiol (Durene-DT) were added with stirring at molar ratio of Au:PET:Durene-DT = 1.5:2:1. The reaction mixture was stirred for 3 days after the reduction by NaBH4. The final Au130 clusters were precipitated and washed by ample methanol and acetonitrile. Electrochemistry: A CH instrument 700c potentiostat was used to conduct the cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). Unless noted otherwise, threeelectrode system was used in all the electrochemistry tests comprising a 0.2 mm-radius Pt disk electrodes, a Pt foil as counter and an Ag wire as reference electrode. The Ag QRE potential was

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calibrated to be 0.22 V (vs. SHE) by measuring the redox peak of ferrocenium/ferrocene (Fc+/Fc) at 0.48 V. The solution was purged with argon gas for 15 min prior to the measurements. Spectroelectrochemistry: A three electrodes electrochemical cell was built in a thin quartz cuvette. Bulk electrolysis was performed with WaveNano potentiostat (Pine Instrument) using a large Pt mesh as working electrode, a Pt foil counter electrode and an Ag wire quasi-reference electrode, as shown in the Scheme SI-1. The concentration of the Au130 nanoclusters was around 10 μM, and 0.1 M tetrabutylammonium perchlorate (TBAP) used as supporting electrolytes in CH2Cl2. The UV-vis absorption spectrum was recorded with Shimadzu UV-1700 spectrophotometer.

ASSOCIATED CONTENT Supporting Information. Redox features of the free ligands, Au-Dur-DT complex, Au-PET complex, Au-PET plasmonic nanoclusters; Charge state effect on the QDL spacing and ligand oxidation are included. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at AUTHOR INFORMATION Corresponding Author *Email: [email protected] ACKNOWLEDGMENT The grant from National Science Foundation (NSF CHE-1059022) is gratefully acknowledged. D. Wang acknowledges the B&B fellowship from Georgia State University.

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