Translational Research from Academia to Industry: Following the

by Monsanto in 1974 (8). In another ... while valuable for further innovation and is licensed more often than federally sponsored ... vs. applied rese...
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Chapter 2

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Translational Research from Academia to Industry: Following the Pathway of George Washington Carver Oleksandra Zavgorodnya,1,† Julia L. Shamshina,2,3,† Paula Berton,2 and Robin D. Rogers1,2,* 1Department

of Chemistry, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487, United States 2Department of Chemistry, McGill University, 801 Sherbrooke Street West, ́ ec H3A 0B8, Canada Montreal, Québ 3525 Solutions, Inc., 720 2nd Street, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401, United States †These authors contributed equally to this work. *E-mail: [email protected]

Translation of new sustainable technologies from academia to industry and their commercialization is less based on the technology itself and more so on cost and demonstration of both viability and significant improvements over the current practice. In this chapter, we will discuss various stumbling blocks in the area of translational science, which include substantially different requirements of funding agencies for academia and industry, reluctance of research Universities when it comes to actual technology translation, and difficulties in demonstration of both process and economic viability of new technologies via scale-up in an academic environment. The majority of this chapter is dedicated to our own experiences in pursuing the translation of ionic liquid-based technologies for biomass dissolution and the synthesis of materials from Nature’s biopolymers.

© 2017 American Chemical Society Shiflett and Scurto; Ionic Liquids: Current State and Future Directions ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.


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Green Chemistry Green Chemistry originated at the intersection of synthetic and environmental chemistry, in 1990s, because of increasing attention to problems of chemical pollution and resource depletion. In 1996, EPA’s Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (1) sponsored the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Awards (2) to both promote and support sustainable development. While many national and international programs at the time focused on removal of pollution consequences and on finding solutions for already apparent environmental issues, Green Chemistry made a distinction between pollution prevention at the earliest stages of planning of chemical processes. In 1998, Paul Anastas and John Warner in the book “Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice” (3) formulated twelve Green Chemistry principles summarizing the activities of scientific community, industry, and policy makers, altogether directed to reduction or even elimination of toxic and hazardous chemicals in chemical processes. The field has grown and evolved progressively. Initially, Green Chemistry aimed for the development of greener synthetic pathways and/or greener reaction conditions estimated using the E-factor (4). Nowadays, while many industries are still focusing on greener chemical production, people have started to understand that the majority of chemicals and/or materials (from disinfectants to personal care to household items) are acquired based on their function rather than a particular chemical structure (5). From this standpoint, Green Chemistry has taken a totally new direction - it is more than designing new chemical products and processes that are sustainable, Green Chemistry represents new business opportunities that are sustainable. These business opportunities focus on the current market pain, and encompass sustainable means and methods to fulfill the need not by item substitution, but instead by designing a totally different technology that would allow a function replacement. Not because these technologies are green, but because they are better. Yet, somehow these sustainable technologies need to get to the market. Sustainable Development – Academic or Applied Research? From the point of new sustainable development, the academic setting is a promising environment, where people are constantly working in the direction of increasing the general body of knowledge through original scientific research. Research findings in different fields, such as chemistry, biology, biophysics, material science, drug discovery and development are published every day in high-impact journals and books. However, a discovery on its own does not mean its implementation into Society. For instance, there are 108,725 hits on SciFinder for the search term ‘herbicides’, where 32,023 are focused on their preparation (6); however on the shelves of stores people find Dicamba (Banvel®), introduced by Velsicol Chemical Corporation in 1967 (7) or glyphosate (RoundUp®) marketed by Monsanto in 1974 (8). In another example, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimated that as many as 90% of funded projects are not getting to the stage of human testing, not to mention commercialization (9). Indeed, in many 18 Shiflett and Scurto; Ionic Liquids: Current State and Future Directions ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

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areas of science, translation of exciting new discoveries into products is severely lagging behind the speed of discovery. There are several causes that can help to explain these phenomena. Part of the reason is that scientists themselves contrapose academia and industry as two completely different worlds, eternally debating the importance of fundamental vs. applied research, thus deepening the already existing ‘gap’ between research done in academia and its translation into marketable products. This is facilitated by substantially different requirements of funding agencies for academia and industry. The main types of available University funding include federal funding to generate fundamental knowledge, funding to support research and development in small University-incubated businesses (Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR), Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)) (10), and industrial funding. The first type of grants for basic fundamental studies is clearly the foundation for later applied science and therefore for potential commercialization efforts; reducing the number of fundamental studies with time will result in few commercialized technologies and products. At the same time, grants for basic studies are not directed to commercialization. This results in a great number of scientific discoveries being published in high-impact journals, but new marketable products or technologies arising from them (even if/when commercialized) may only get to market several decades later. Industry-sponsored research, while valuable for further innovation and is licensed more often than federally sponsored research (11), provides only about 5% (some US$3.2 billion (12) of U.S. research universities’ annual funding. Such separation between funding agencies and inherent conflict between them is the first reason that exciting new findings are barely making it to the market. The second reason is the mindset of Society. Students in chemistry as they graduate must often choose between academic and industrial careers. Academics are evaluated in their field using the ‘academic currency’ – number of papers, patents, presentations, impact factor of publishing journals, H-index, etc., and typically not on the number of commercialized technologies, although today patents are becoming more common as a CV-building tool. As a result, original research is viewed as an intellectual competition rather than a pathway towards changing the world. Research universities are reluctant when it comes to actual technology translation, and media are drowning in articles “Translational research vs. basic science: comparing apples to upside-down apples” (13) or “The basic vs. applied research debate” (14). The topic is so important that it was recently discussed at the closing panel discussion of the 64th Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting in 2014 (15). Translation of findings from basic science and fundamental research into industrial practice requires a much broader skillset than just a pure knowledge of science, for example, the ability to carry out a complex chemical synthesis to business plan writing, evaluation of resources, comprehension of both fundamental and applied research, scale up expertise, and entrepreneurial skills are also needed. Nonetheless, basic and applied research are complementary, with fundamental science discovering exciting new ideas that might be later translated into Society, and applied research posing new questions to be answered. Progress could stall as long as they are viewed as two completely separate worlds. Perhaps 19 Shiflett and Scurto; Ionic Liquids: Current State and Future Directions ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

we need to more closely examine the Pasteur Quadrant (16). In 1872, Louis Pasteur recognized the importance of both to be considered as one in his quote, “Il n'existe pas de sciences appliquées, mais seulement des applications de la science, liées entre elles comme le fruit à l'arbre qui l'a porté” (“There does not exist a category of science to which one can give the name applied science. There are sciences and the applications of science, bound together as the fruit of the tree which bears it.”) (17).

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Last Piece of the Puzzle? Proving Commercial Viability Even if we accept the idea that we, academics, can ourselves work on the technology translation, we still come to the problem: how will one prove its commercial viability? Therefore, the last, and perhaps the most important point, is that translation of new methods and practices from academy to industry is based on cost and demonstration of both viability and significant improvements over the current practice. Industrial adoption of new methods is difficult: industry has invested millions of dollars to get where they are today, so the new technology needs to be not only better, but so much better to justify new investments. Thus, one of the most difficult moments of moving a technology from an academic concept to a valuable commercialized product, is crossing the line between early innovation and readiness for licensing. For many technologies in the commercialization stage, scale up is needed to ensure that the process would work in a commercial production environment. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Department of Defense (DOD), Air Force Research Lab (AFRL), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Navy, Army, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) use metrics called Technology Readiness Levels (or TRL) to estimate technology maturity in order to reduce the risk of investing in immature technologies. Federal agencies and industrial companies prefer licensing technology with a TRL level of not less than 6, that is technology that has a fully functional prototype or scaled-up pilot. Even though academia is able to secure adequate funding for fundamental research, patenting, and perhaps even product development, typically, academics have no opportunities to conduct the scale-up needed to meet commercialization requirements. Thus, attraction of additional investments that enable scale-up is a difficult task for universities, and the only realistic pathway is to complete the task through manufacturing partners. Outsourcing is another possible pathway, and a few companies are now working as an intermediate link, scaling-up the technologies made in academia. For example, Oleotek, Montreal, Canada (18) provides on-site scale-up equipment rental and offers process scale-up services and pilot plant production from laboratory scale, to kilo-lab scale, to pilot plant scale. Operating inside a University: Is There an ‘Academic Business Model’? Academic settings should be able to use the knowledge they generate and translate it into useful things for Society. Yet, there is again a controversy: 20 Shiflett and Scurto; Ionic Liquids: Current State and Future Directions ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

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academia operates for a purpose of generating and providing knowledge, while businesses operate to generate profit. So, what should the ‘academic business model’ be? Many U.S. universities have now implemented business incubators, helping faculty and students to translate their innovative discoveries into Society by fostering technology startups. The incubators not only provide space, but act as an organizational vehicle, helping in all aspects of technology transfer, such as evaluating the feasibility and marketability of the ideas and securing the patents. Entrepreneurial Centers at the universities provide support in writing business plans, provide business advice, organize targeted business competitions, or ‘Launchpads’, often offering substantial cash prizes for certain discoveries. They might also facilitate meetings with business experts for help in finding investment. A substantial piece of the puzzle is nonetheless missing. From the standpoint of Green Chemistry, the incubators should position Green Technology as a priority area for educational and economic advancement and facilitate the transition to environmentally responsible technologies, processes, and materials. Such transition is possible not only through discovery and development of novel high-value products that combine environmental and performance benefits or present entirely different performance, but also through demonstration of process and economic viability via scale-up of new technologies. Academic scale-up facilities are needed with an access on a weekly/monthly basis, and highly qualified personnel providing technical support during operation to inventors of the technology. This step will bring benefit to the academic side, since students will be involved in an entrepreneurial, multidisciplinary environment that will contribute to their professional development. In addition, scale-up to a pilot plant allows the generation of better techno-economic data to demonstrate the potential of the developed technology, attracting investors that, hopefully, will license the patent and take the technology to industrial scale. Such an academic business model including the formation of interdisciplinary teams to direct R&D efforts towards green technologies ultimately will lead to a ‘sustainability revolution.’ If this comes to fruition, the economic value will come from new ‘products,’ perhaps as envisioned by George Washington Carver, who is credited with saving the Alabama economy 100 years ago. George Washington Carver George Washington Carver, a professor and later Director of the Agricultural Department at Tuskegee Normal and Industrial School in Tuskegee, Alabama, USA, devoted his work to improving the life of farmers by translating his discoveries into the real world (19). One example of his work was the implementation of the crop rotation method and alternative crops grown for improving harvest from heavily planted cotton lands exhausted by cotton farming (20). In addition to agricultural innovations, he extensively worked on diversification of farmer’s agricultural products by introducing new crops such as sweet potatoes, soybeans, and pecans. Carver is very well known for introducing and promoting peanuts after devastation of cotton crops caused by the boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis) in 21 Shiflett and Scurto; Ionic Liquids: Current State and Future Directions ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

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the early 20th century (21). Carver convinced the farmers, who made their living by raising cotton in the mono-culture economy of that time, to grow peanuts instead of cotton, thus converting the entire area to peanut farming. He had also considered which products (or ‘market opportunities’) were best suited for the poor Alabama region of the time harnessing capacity to diversify the ‘product line’ for different markets. In search of different products, Carver developed more than 325 possible applications for peanuts including milk, butter, cooking oil, sauce and use of peanut products in cosmetics and medicine (22). Not only did Carver invent new products, but he also translated his knowledge to the farmers through teaching them new farming practices and introducing new applications for their crops. He demonstrated direct translation of inventions from academia to their real life applications. Every new research area, including Green Chemistry, faces similar challenges as Carver did: How to translate new technologies developed during academic research to full scale industrial applications? The next section will explore several examples of technology transfer from academia to industry.

Case Study – Technology Transfer from Academia to Industry Renewable Polymers as Alternative to Synthetic Plastics Nature’s abundant renewable polymers are attracting significant attention as alternative to synthetic plastics (23). Among those, cellulose, which obtained from lignocellulosic biomass and chitin, obtained from the supporting external shell of organisms such as crustaceans, fungi, and insects, are two the most widespread biopolymers on Earth (Figure 1). While lignocellulosic biomass is an excellent renewable source, cellulose and other biopolymers in lignocellulosic biomass have poor solubility in conventional solvents that limits their wide acceptance, although remarkable chemical and mechanical properties of cellulose have resulted in many industrial applications, including textiles, cosmetics, and paper production (24, 25), as well as biofuels. Yet, out of the all the cellulose Nature produces, only < 0.1% is used for product manufacturing annually (26). Comparable to the recovery of biopolymers from lignocellulosic biomass, the isolation of chitin from biomass is a chemically intensive process and affects the superior properties of the native biopolymer. Native chitin particularly holds tremendous potential for use in the food industry, medicine, and as separation materials, but challenging to process into advanced materials due to its poor solubility. As a case study in translational research, we will review alternative technologies for dissolution and synthesis of materials from nature-made biopolymers developed by our group.

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Figure 1. Structure of the biopolymers: a) cellulose, b) representative hemicellulose (galactoglucomannan, major hemicellulose in softwood), c) representative lignin, and d) chitin.

Translation of IL-Based Technologies for Cellulose Dissolution and IL-Assisted Preparation of Functional Materials In 2002, while at The University of Alabama, we found that cellulose could be dissolved using the ionic liquid (IL, now defined as a salt with a melting point below 100 °C (27)) 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([C4mim]Cl) (28, 29). Although ILs were introduced in the late 90s as alternative solvent systems to volatile organic solvents (VOCs), and as electrolytes (30), it was the first successful example of complete cellulose dissolution with IL. As compared to industrial process, where cellulose is dissolved by derivatization (e.g., cellophane is produced using a soluble carbon disulfide cellulose derivative (31–33), that is upon production of the film is converted back to cellulose by chemical treatment), IL can dissolve cellulose in concentrations sufficient for manufacturing products without the need of derivatization (28, 29). To show versatility of the technology, our group reported preparation of cellulose films, beads, fibers and composites by regenerating cellulose from ILs at the lab scale (34, 35).

23 Shiflett and Scurto; Ionic Liquids: Current State and Future Directions ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

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The technology has been patented by The University of Alabama who paid a burden of patenting costs. In 2005, BASF obtained exclusive license rights for this technology from The University of Alabama, including dissolution, regeneration, and processing of cellulose (36, 37), before the scale-up of this process was developed. In the following years, BASF screened a variety of ILs for dissolution of raw cellulosic materials from different biomasses achieving polymer dissolution in amounts from 5 to 25 wt% and launched a product line of cellulose solutions in ILs under the commercial name CELLIONICSTM. In collaboration with the Institut für Textilchemie und Chemiefasern (Denkendorf, Germany) and the Thüringisches Institut für Textil- und Kunststoff-Forschung (Rudolstadt, Germany), BASF adapted a dry-wet spinning process for pulling cellulosic fiber from 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate ([C2mim][OAc]) IL at the pilot plant scale (38). A distillation process for recycling of the IL after fiber spinning, identified as a major production cost driver, was also developed and optimized. To date, BASF holds about 40 patents related to cellulose dissolution and cellulosic materials production according to SciFinder (search term ‘cellulose ILs’), yet, despite great progress achieved in cellulose-based materials synthesis using ILs, this technology has not yet reached wide implementation at a large industrial scale, perhaps because the IL-technology was taken over by the industry at the discovery stage without developing and optimizing scale-up process by the inventors. From industrial point of view, such an early technology takeover required significant financial investments in addition to extra time and efforts, needed to understand and implement the technology at the manufacturing scale, which might be the reason of slow industrialization. Translation of IL Technology for Separation of Lignocellulosic Biomass Components Lignocellulosic biomass has three major components: cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, in addition to several inorganic and some extractives such as phenolic compounds (39). To use cellulose directly from natural feedstocks such as wood, separation of cellulose (pulping) from lignin and hemicellulose is needed. To date, this separation in industry is primarily conducted using Kraft pulping, where the semi-selective chemical degradation of the wood matrix is done by sodium hydroxide/sodium sulfide treatment that introduces significant environmental pollution, in addition to extremely high energy consumption (40). Governmental (41) and Societal pressure on finding more environmentally friendly pulping methods for cellulose that would at the same time reduce the lignocellulosic waste accumulated every year (39, 42, 43) spurred the development of alternative technologies based on ILs. Since ILs were already demonstrated to dissolve cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, several academic research groups began to extensively investigate whether lignocellulosic biomass could be itself dissolved and fractionated using ILs (44–48). Thus far, the IL [C2mim][OAc] has been found to be the best solvent for complete dissolution of untreated wood biomass. Moreover, reconstitution of wood dissolved in IL resulted in separation of a free-lignin fraction and 24 Shiflett and Scurto; Ionic Liquids: Current State and Future Directions ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

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cellulose-rich fraction containing only 23.5% of lignin (44). However, the cellulose chains in form of macrofibrils incorporated in a matrix of lignin and shorter heteropolysaccharides such as hemicelluloses and pectins that hold these biopolymers together, prevent their complete separation. In 2010, we demonstrated that cleaner separation can be achieved by employing ILs with added catalyst such as polyoxometalates (POMs), combined with oxygen (49). Known from 1990, POMs, the metal oxygen clusters of d0 metal cations (MoVI or VV), are used as oxidation catalysts in different applications (50). The preliminary results on separation of lignocellulosic biomass by pretreatment with POM catalyst for delignification were excellent and we, in collaboration with 525 Solutions Inc., received U.S. DOE SBIR Phase I funding for further investigation of this technology (51). Results of Phase I showed that application of POMs catalyst in [C2mim][OAc] IL not only decreased biomass dissolution time (from 46 to 15 h), but also resulted in a superior separation of lignin from cellulose with lignin content in cellulose decreasing from 23.5% to as low as 5.4% (49). Based upon our early results, we planned to develop and optimize the scale-up process for this technology, from bench to pilot mini-plant and submitted a U.S. DOE SBIR Phase II application. Here, the overgeneralization-type arguments that ILs are expensive and toxic chemicals prevented us from receiving the Phase II on this project, despite the fact that the term ILs represents a class of compounds defined as salts that melt below 100 °C, and could have almost unlimited variation in chemical composition, price and toxicity. Besides, if ‘expensive’ IL is the only negative factor to implement the most effective separation technology, we have to consider leveraging its cost through the initial manufacture of high-value products. In such a case, while in the short run the technology would be more expensive than those currently practiced, once in place, the cost will drop down in a long term and, eventually, would become widely acceptable. What we learned from these experiences is that there are few key components of successful technology transfer from academia to industry that include not only development and optimization of scale-up process, but also development of highvalue end products. Furthermore, the successful business plan focused on market pain, and a cost of the technology when scaled is a key for academic groups, who are working on proving scalability. Besides, new technology will not always be expensive, but indeed, the opposite is true. Are these two case scenarios unique for our group? In our opinion, they are not. Although a lot of research groups in academia perform high quality research generating a lot of Intellectual Property (IP), this IP is not always able to cross the gap between early innovation and technology readiness for industry (52).

Translation of ILs Technology for Synthesis of Functional Materials from Chitin: The Beginning The lesson was learned by the time we were ready to translate our next technology, IL-based chitin extraction from shrimp shell biomass waste (53), to an industrially acceptable level. The chitin biopolymer has attracted a lot of attention in applications from metal recovery (54, 55), tissue engineering (56, 57), 25 Shiflett and Scurto; Ionic Liquids: Current State and Future Directions ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

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to drug delivery (58) among others, due to its biocompatibility and low toxicity, in addition to availability of functional groups suitable for surface modification. We developed a chitin extraction process for direct isolation of chitin with high purity and high molecular weight from shrimp shells. The materials prepared from it, appeared to be much stronger compared to those prepared (in cases it was possible) from the commercially available biopolymer (53). We have shown IL-based dissolution to form this normally insoluble polymer into multiple useful structures (films, fibers, and complex three-dimensional networks) for functional material preparation (59–62). One of our most interesting applications to date is the development of metal ion specific sorption materials for the selective extraction of metal ions from seawater. Chitin is naturally present in seawater and in search of alternative energy sources, we investigated the possibility to use chitin as a sorbent for uranium (54). We have shown that the sorbents in the form of dry jet-wet spun chitin fibers withstood surface modification with uranyl selective groups, resulting in high affinity to uranyl ions; however, for this application high surface area materials were desirable (63–67). To increase the surface area of our sorbent materials, we investigated electrospinning (68, 69), a method previously shown to work with cellulose (70–77) and in our first effort with chitin (61); however, all of these methods used a single needle syringe. To make this technology attractive for industry, we had to show the possibility to scale up materials production using the electrospinning technique. Together with 525 Solutions, Inc., we received a U.S. DOE SBIR Phase I award, where we demonstrated scale up from 3 to 300 mL (100-fold increase) of the electrospinning set-up. The scale-up was realized through the design and manufacturing of a multi-nozzle stainless steel spinneret equipped with insulating Teflon brackets, which was mounted on the bench-stand frame. Such set-up provided flexibility in adjustment of electrospinning parameters (e.g., working distances) by changing the position of Teflon brackets in the frame. The multi-needle spinneret was built as a pressure fed vessel (78), similarly to spinnerets used for electrospinning from VOCs (79) and was tested for electrospinning of different chitin solutions. The electrospinning parameters including voltage and distance from the needle to the collector and electrode were adjusted to achieve continuous electrospinning of nanofibers from regenerated chitin solutions (78). However, the scale-up of the electrospinning is not all that needs to be done to make the technology attractive for industrial partners. Indeed, the experience with chitin in the above research has led us to the inescapable conclusion that without a larger and consistent supply of the biopolymer, and supporting technologies to prepare high-value materials, the commercialization of this (and any similar) technology will be quite limited. In this instance, it is truly a case where innovation is stymied by simple lack of supply and scaled economy. Having consistent supplies of chitin (and therefore materials from it), would open the opportunity to develop a diverse product line to various applications, from water purification to medical materials and energy applications. We are currently working on a U.S. DOE SBIR Phase II (DE-SC0010152), where we are focusing our efforts on designing and implementing continuous chitin extraction at pilot scale, to demonstrate its scale-up viability. Once we 26 Shiflett and Scurto; Ionic Liquids: Current State and Future Directions ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

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have established this critical step, we believe the pathway will be opened for a ‘chitin economy’ with nearly limitless applications of chitin materials. The ability to consistently produce chitin biopolymer would give us a competitive advantage to diversify the range of possible products and enter several profitable specialized markets, with initial focus on the high-value high-cost products such as medical grade chitin and biomedical chitin products. Building high end markets will help pay for process development and economy of scale and, hopefully, down the road, will result in the revenue stream needed for production of low-value commodity materials.

Future Remarks Our role as scientists is vital in the development of green transformational technologies and achieving Society’s goal of a sustainable world. However, our role as ‘academics’ does not end with the initial idea or even initial development of novel sustainable processes. Academia needs to take basic research one step further, and be the link between discoveries in research Universities and industries, crossing the line between early innovation and commercial readiness, crossing the so-called Valley of Death (80). Now, of course, our commercialization efforts and thus our experiences and advice are based on a US academic-industrial collaboration model. The challenges of traversing the “Valley of Death” could differ substantially between, for example, Europe and the US, perhaps in part because of a difference in the way technology is transferred from academia to industry. One significant factor in this is the ownership of intellectual property rights (IPR). In the US, as a result of The Bayh-Dole Act of 1980, employment contracts for Universities often state that any IPR resulting from faculty research belongs to the University if/when any university resources are used to create the invention. This leads to less industry-sponsored research activity in US Universities brought about by the fact that industry, in case of IP development, would have to license the IP rights from Universities. Contrarily, in Europe, industry is developing open innovation approaches to R&D, strategically combining in-house and external Universities’ resources. A uniform patent policy exists that enables industries to retain IPRs, thus maximizing economic value from their intellectual property. Here USA can learn from European organizations who have established protocols in place for fostering research collaboration and serve to link basic research with commercialization. With basic discovery and product development being two important links in the overall commercialization process, the translation of original chemical research into Society is only possible through demonstration of process feasibility and its economic viability, which is achieved via scale-up of new technologies. In this regard, academic scale-up facilities are the key for both academicians (to generate techno-economic data and demonstrate the potential of the developed technology) and investors (to reduce the risk of investing in immature technologies). Such scale-up facilities will help attract investors and, hopefully, result in technology licensing and its translation to the industrial scale. From an educational perspective, such technology transfer into Society 27 Shiflett and Scurto; Ionic Liquids: Current State and Future Directions ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

will benefit future generation of scientists, since students will be involved in an entrepreneurial, multidisciplinary environment. As academics, we strongly believe that our mission is to help and lead society in the right direction. If global climate change is the boll weevil of the next generation, why are we waiting until climate change destroys our world instead of start trying to make a difference now?

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Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank 525 Solutions, Inc. together with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) SBIR Office of Science (DE-SC0004198, DE-SC0010152, DE-FG02-13ER90708, DE-FG02-10ER85848) and the U.S. National Science Foundation Small Business Innovation Research (NSF-SBIR) (IIP-1143278) for their support of biomass related research. This research was undertaken, in part, thanks to funding from the Canada Excellence Research Chairs Program.

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