Trichodiene biosynthesis and the enzymatic cyclization of nerolidyl

Studies of the cryptic allylic pyrophosphate isomerase activity of trichodiene ... Pentalenene biosynthesis and the enzymic cyclization of farnesyl py...
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J . Am. Chem. SOC.1986, 108, 3097-3099


Communications to the Editor Trichodiene Biosynthesis and the Enzymatic Cyclization of Nerolidyl Pyrophosphate

Scheme I

David E. Cane* and Hyun-Joon H a Department of Chemistry, Brown University Providence, Rhode Island 0291 2 Received January 6 , 1986 Trichodiene (1) is the parent hydrocarbon' of the trichothecane family of sesquiterpene antibiotics and toxins.* The formation of trichodiene from farnesyl pyrophosphate (2) is typical of a general class of cyclizations in which the acyclic trans-allylic pyrophosphate precursor is converted to a cyclic product containing a cis double bond without apparent release of any free intermed i a t e ~ . ~In recent studies of the cell-free biosynthesis of trichodiene, we have reported that farnesyl pyrophosphate is cyclized to trichodiene by preparations of trichodiene synthetase without loss of either hydrogen atom from C-1 of the acyclic precursor and with net retention of configuration at this center4 (Scheme I). These results are best explained by an initial isomerization of farnesyl pyrophosphate (2) to the corresponding tertiary allylic pyrophosphate ester, nerolidyl pyrophosphate (3) which can adopt the appropriate conformation for cyclization to trichodiene, consistent with the results of a significant body of model experiment$ as well as extensive investigations of monoterpene bio~ y n t h e s i s . ~To . ~ date, however, there have been no reports of the conversion of nerolidyl pyrophosphate to cyclic sesquiterpenes.* We describe below results that demonstrate the intermediacy of nerolidyl pyrophosphate in the cyclization of farnesyl pyrophosphate to trichodiene and that establish the stereochemical course of this transformation. A sample of (lZ)-6,7-tram-[ l-3H]nerolidol (5.36 mCi/mmol) was prepared from nerolidol by stereospecific metalationlo with 2.5 equiv of n-butyllithium-TMED followed by quenching with 2.5 equiv of [3H]trifluoroacetic acid. The corresponding (1Z)-[ l-3H]nerolidyl pyrophosphate was generated in 9% yield by a two-step procedure involving initial conversion to the mon-

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