TRS-80 Chemistry Lab, Volume 1, Review I (Hallgren, Richard C.)

however, some familian'ty with the operation ... ment Options (as providrd in the user manual and on the on-screen menu) are as follows: 1. Input. Thi...
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GRADISK Richard Cornelius, John Wiley & Sons. 605 Third Avenue. New Ywk. NY 10158 Hardware: 48 K Apple ll or llf Sonware: Applesoft. DOS 3.3 Components: 1 disk, manual Level and Subject: General tool for grade recording cost: $75 Summary Ratings Category Ease of Use Subject Matter Content Pedagogic Value Student Reaction

Ratlng Gaod


Revlew When I first received this program Iwas a comparative nonce in the use of microeomputers. In retrospect, my initial difficulties with the operation of the program were minor. Since then, my knowledge of microcomputers has rapidly expanded, and I now find it difficult to recall those experiences that would be of value to the novice. Technically, this progvam cannot he considered instructional software but rather an instructional or grade management system. The program allows the instructor to maintain student records and calculations of grades. The program is quite easy to run; however, some familian'ty with the operation of microcomputers must be assumed. My attempts to have laboratory assistants test the use of the program were initially unsuccessful because the documentation was not always clear. Although the user manual (and the program disk) provides s sample file (called "Presidents") to try out the various program options, its approach does not seem particularly relevant or appropriate. The users' manual is not organized in a manner that is very helpful to a first-time user. To appreciate fully the usefulness of the program options, it was often necessary to consult the "Summary of Options'' a t the hack of the book. It would have been better to discuss and illustrate each option in one section. I concluded that this program had not been extensively pretested by teachers with limited computer experience. In most cases, however, the users' manual was easy to follow. A more thorough discussion is needed of procedures for data-disk initialization and

savin~.and the use of disk drives. The t h e main CHADISK Gradp Management Options (as providrd in the user manual and on the on-screen menu) are as follows: 1. Input. Thisis used to begin a new file, add names, or insert new scores. Unfortunately, the latter input is too easily confused with the edit changes discussed helow: that is, once a scorelgrade category is decided upon the actual scores recorded a t a later time are not inserted under this option but under the edit option. This option should probably he labeled "Input (new)." 2. Changes. This option allows you to edit he., reviselcorrect) the student names, scares, or dates. The "Dates" option is a five-character score identifier date or label (such as "Exam 2"). The other change allowed under this option is to delete a name or file. I t is not possible to enter the scores in decimal notation. which mav he unacceotable to some teachers. In the olace of R score a few comments such as ..II'I:. DROP,INC. ?. can be entered, however, no additional space is allowed in the program for notes that the instructor may wish to add about a particular student score (e.g., the drop date). 3. Grades. The grade option allows you to set up the score weighting and grade cutoffs. A maximum of onlv five score cateeories ~~.~ (for . example: homewrk, hour exams, lahuratory, special, or final exam worcs~are ~~ermitted. Most inst~cturu, will be able tu aw~>mmcdate their grading formulas to this limitation, but it would have been helpful to havesn option to expand the number of score categories. The grade cutoff option allows you to determine the letter grades corresponding to the scores. The final scores are recorded as (nondecimal) percentages. I t would have been helpful to be able to see the raw score totals on which these percentages are based. The program also allows you to drop one (but no more) test, from each score category. 4. Output. This option allows you to display on the screen or as hardcopy an individual student's scores, a list of student names (alphabetidy or by student number) and scoresfor any onesection, the number of students and scores, or a plot of the grade distribution. At the end of the listings the average and standard deviation are listed for each score. A problem that was encountered relatine to the maximum number of names that could he printed out from a file is being corrected in a revised version. ~~












5. Files. This option allows you to read or save files fromlon a datadisk, merge files, and exchange programs. However, the merging of oossihle if all score different files is onlv --.-~ ~~ categories are the same. A newer version is being planned to accommodate larger classes. On the whole I would rate this as a Good user-friendly program appropriate for those teachers who do not have the time to design their own grade management systems using the more flexible (and ~ossiblvno more costly) spread-sheet programs available for the same purpose. Some of the limitations of this program identified above may well discourage persons from its purchase or use and serve only to convince them that the program is nothing more than a fancy and expensive calculator. Another limitation of this program is that its use bv several instructors or maduatp, undergmduare teaching assistants in multisectioned courses will not be poisibk smce the procram cannlrt becupi~d. 0.Bertrand Ramsay Eastern Michigan University Ypsilantl. MI 48197



TRS-80 Chemistry Lab, Volume 1 Richard C Haligren. Radio Shack D vision. Tanay Corp.. Fort Worth. TX Hardware: TRS-80 Color Computer, 16K extended BASIC Software: Extended BASIC, cassette recorder Componento: 3 cassenes, simulated experiments, student experiment books Level and Subject: Generalth gh school chemistry Cost: $199 Summary Ratings Revlewer Ravlewsr category Ease of Use Soblecr Maner Content Pedagwic Vatalue student




Excellent Good Good Below average Average Below average Average Below average

(Continued on page A106)

-Reviewed in This Issue Reviewer

C o m p u t e r Learning P a c k a g e R e v i e w Richard Cornelius, GRADISK Richam' C. Hallgren, TRS-80 Chemistry Lab, Volume 1 Books

0.Bertrand Ramsay Frederick J. Rowe J a m e s D. Beck

Richard E. Dickerson, Harry B. Gray, Marcetta Y. Darensbourg, and Donald J. Darensboura. Chemical Principles, Fourth ~ d i t h Titles of Interest Monograph

William E. Moore

A105 A106


A109 All0

Volume 62

Number 3

March 1985


Review I The Radio Shack TRS-80 Chemistry Lab, Volume I, comes as a slickly packaged looseleaf hinder instructor's manual, and 30 staple-hound student laboratory manuals. Inside the front cover of the instructor's manual are three tape cartridges, containing six "investigations" far a 16K extended color basic eomputer. Topics covered are Kinetic Thwry, Charles' Law, Boyle's Law, Titration, Conductivity, and Solubility. The programming language is Basic,which can he easily modified and customized. I t is very easy to make disk copies of the program and no modification is required with the disk version. The programs work rapidly; the graphin used are straightforward hut do not fully utilize the powerful graphics capability of the TRS-80 color computer. Explicit instructions are given to students for loading the programs and operating the computer. Students who worked with the programs were primarily high school juniors and sophomores enrolled in the New York State Syllahus (Regents) chemistry course. The program entitled Kinetic Theory allows students to investigate the relationship between temperature and pressure for an ideal eas at constant volume. The lahoratory mannil resents haekeround information on " the meaning of each term. A summary quiz is given, whieh checks the students' comprehensions of the background information. At this point, students are ready for the computer simulation. The graphics screen shows a cylinder in which students can introduce anywhere from 1to 19 moles of gas. The cylinder is over a flame and the temperature of the gas is shown. Students can select temperatures for which the pressures are to be measured. The data are stored and students enter these on the data worksheet from the laboratory manual. The data worksheet has agraph grid with the X-axis (gas temperature in Kelvins) filled in. and the Y-axis values to he used (depending on the number i,f mdeschosen~ arp given Student* plvt the puintx and grt a straight line relationship. Students then return to the computer to compare the computer version of the graph with that on the data worksheet. The procedure can be repeated for other quantities of gas. The investigation concludes with the students responding totasks outlined in the laboratory manual. Students predict the proportionality constant between temperature and pressure; and based on this constant, predictions of pressures at temperatures not given are calculated. The Charles' Law program is similar to that of the Kinetic Theory. Students review the background information, complete the summary quiz, and then select the numher of moles of gas they choose to work with. With the same apparatus used in the Kinetic Theory, students investigate the variation of volume and temperature. As temperatures are selected, the piston in the cylinder moves to show the approximate volume at the selected temperature (and constant pressure). Students record their data, scale the Yaxis, plot the data on the worksheet, and --.-r


compare their plots with the one generated by the eomputer. The program concludes with questionssimilar to thaae in the previous study assignment. Some students enjoy repeating tasks they have mastered; far others, the excitement of investigating is gone when they reach Boyle's Law. The task now involves selecting pressures from 1to 10 atmospheres, and noting the change in the position of the piston as the volume varies. The class very rapidly gets through all the tasks of recording, plotting, viewing the graph, and answering the concluding questions. All the data that they have accumulated are "perfect" for ideal gases and the chance of error has been eliminated by the computer program. Some of the mystery of the gas phase is gone; and the excitement of chemical elroerimentation in a real situation has nor hem eaperienred. T h e conductivity program uses the computer to investigate the conductivity of five solutions. The experimental apparatus shown consists of two electrodes immersed in the solution that the student selects, avoltmeter and an ammeter. The student varies the voltage (hetween 1and 10 V) and the current data are stored. The computer-generated graph of voltage versus current is compared to that of the student. The conductivity (in mhos) of the five solutions are calculated and used to make predictions of the current flow through each of the solutions when 50 V are applied. The program does not investigate why the conductivity varies from solution to solution or what the effects of varying the amount of solute are. Students carried out their assigned tasks but did not show much enthusiasm. The solubility program allows the student to investigate the solubility of three salts in water. The experimental apparatus shown consists of a cylinder of water and a source of salt. Quantities of water (from 100-1000 e) areselrrtpd. The student togglrs"~pmn~"of salt into the water until t h e s h t i o n hennrnes saturated. The quantity of solutr that is diasolved is recorded on the data worksheet. Students calculate the solubility per 100 g of water for the three solutes and answer questions. I t might have been interesting to investigate the effects of temperature on solubility, hut as it is a student is tempted to ask, "Is that all there is?" No package of chemistry investigations would he complete without the titration of an aeid with a hase. After the customary background information and summary quiz, the investigator choases the concentration of haw and the ouantitv of acid to he used. Depending on theselectims, it is pnsilde for the student u,r u n out of bare hefore neulraliaation occurs. Excitement! The experimental apparatus displayed consists of a buret poised over a cylinder containing a red liquid. The student toggles "drops" of base to the acid solution. Each drop is about 1cc in volume, and the program techniques involved make the addition of hase agonizingly slow. Students were frustrated hy not heing ahle to add an initial flow of hase until the color of the indicator showed that additions he dropwise for an accurate endpoint. The data for hase concentrations and acid volnme are entered in resoonse to the oregram prumpr*, and the computer enters the P volume at the equ~valenctpc,i~,r.T ~ rtudent enlrulales the conrentratim uf the arid wing

Journal of Chemical Education











the equation displayed on the screen and enters the results. The experiment is repeated five times using the same aeid but with lowered concentrations of hase or increased volumes of aeid. The purpose of these variations is to study the effect of increasing volume of hase on hoth ahsolute and relative error. Students responded favorably to the gentle persuasion uffered by the program to mvestigate error. The cost of rhr set is a rather stiff $199.00. Even for those color computer enthusiasts, who purchase sophisticated software for $60.00, this would appear to he a high price to pay. The programs do not encourage the ereativitv and curiositv associated with scienrifir invedgation, and the graphinare well hdow the capability of thr computer. Three of the six programs in the package use the same graphics. This is not necessarily had; hut when it represents half the total in an expensive set, it causes a reevaluation of a purchase. Surely the colorful elements of chemistry and chemical principles deserve more. Frederick J. Rowe ~~


Northpat High School Northport. NY 11768

Revlewer II The Radio Shack TRS-80 Chemistry Lab is a set of six experiment simulation programs. The instructor's manual states that "By using the computer, junior high and high school students will he ahle to investigate a variety of situations without special Lahoratory equipment." The simulations cover kinetic theory (Amantons' Law), Charles' Law, Boyle's Law, conductivity, solubility, and titration. Each is a separate unit that can he used independently of the others. The instructional package for the TRS-80 Color Computer includes three cassette tapes, an instructor's manual (121pp.), and a student experiment hook (90 pp.). The series is available for the TRS-80 Model I, 111, IV family of microcomputers as well as for the Color Computer. This review applies to the Color Computer programs. There are two broad criteria that I use when evaluating educational software: (1) the program must accomplish something worthwhile, and (2) the computer must he an appropriate medium for accomplishing this. Unfortunately, this series fails to meet these criteria. The general goal of the package is to replace, or a t least to supplement, actual laboratory experiences. The experiments whieh have been chosen, however, are not exceptionally difficult, dangerous, or ex~ e n s i v efor students to perform themselves in a real laboratory environment, or far an instructor to demonstrate to a class. I suspect that nearly all high school chemistry students are already encountering these experiments in one of these two modes. The computer momams bring nothinenew or unioue to the " experiments and may i n some rnses runfuse or iruqrmte the sturlent. Consider the conductivity simulntion ns an example. The purpose of the experiment is to show that some substances are strong electrolytes and some are not. The student notes the current flowing through aqueous solutions of sugar, table salt, hydrochloric acid, and magnesium sulfate. The comparison is complicated hy measurements heing made at varying voltages and the need to record and
