Try this on your Purchasmg Agent - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 6, 2010 - Try this on your Purchasmg Agent. Chem. Eng. News , 1960, 38 (19), p 6 ... Add to Favorites · Download Citation · Email a Colleague...
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Try this on your Purchasmg Agent (SWEET MUSIC ABOUT ALIPHATIC AMINES)

Are you spending too much for aliphatic amines? You are — if your source isn't the Methylamines! Check the low molecular weights and moderate prices of monomethylamine, CH 3 NH 2 ; dimethylamine, (CH 3 ) 2 NH; and trimethylamine, (CH 3 ) «N. You'll see why they save you money. Then check the facts about Commercial Solvents Corporation — and you'll see why CSC is your ideal source of Methylamines. CSC now ranks as one of the world's




largest manufacturers. You're assured of a ready sup­ ply, because CSC is basic in the raw materials — a major producer of both methanol and ammonia. And you're assured of superior technical assistance, too, because CSC is one of the world's most experienced manufacturers of Methylamines. k For quality, for savings, let CSC Methylamines |k help you do the job. Available as compressed Β^ gases and aqueous solutions in tank cars, J|PJU||§fr cylinders, drums, and smaller units.



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