Tuning the Fermi Level of SiO2-Supported Single ... - ACS Publications

Mar 26, 2010 - No degradation of the structural properties of graphene is observed after annealing at temperatures as high as 400 °C. Thermal anneali...
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J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 6894–6900

Tuning the Fermi Level of SiO2-Supported Single-Layer Graphene by Thermal Annealing A. Nourbakhsh,*,†,‡ M. Cantoro,†,§ A. Klekachev,†,§ F. Clemente,† B. Sore´e,† M. H. van der Veen,† T. Vosch,| A. Stesmans,§ B. Sels,‡ and S. De Gendt†,| imec, Kapeldreef 75, B-3001 LeuVen, Belgium, Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems, Katholieke UniVersiteit LeuVen, Kasteelpark Arenberg 23, B-3001 LeuVen, Belgium, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Katholieke UniVersiteit LeuVen, Celestijnenlaan 200d, B-3001 LeuVen, Belgium, and Department of Chemistry, Katholieke UniVersiteit LeuVen, Celestijnenlaan 200f, B-3001 LeuVen, Belgium ReceiVed: October 21, 2009; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: February 6, 2010

The effects of thermal annealing in inert Ar gas atmosphere of SiO2-supported, exfoliated single-layer graphene are investigated in this work. A systematic, reproducible change in the electronic properties of graphene is observed after annealing. The most prominent Raman features in graphene, the G and 2D peaks, change in accord to what is expected in the case of hole doping. The results of electrical characterization performed on annealed, back-gated field-effect graphene devices show that the neutrality point voltage VNP increases monotonically with the annealing temperature, confirming the occurrence of excess hole accumulation. No degradation of the structural properties of graphene is observed after annealing at temperatures as high as 400 °C. Thermal annealing of single-layer graphene in controlled Ar atmosphere can therefore be considered a technique to reproducibly modify the electronic structure of graphene by tuning its Fermi level. Introduction The interest in graphene originates from its peculiar electronic structure, giving rise to a unique class of physical properties for this atomically thick carbon-based material.1 Its notably high mobility, when compared with that of traditional group-IV and -III/V semiconductors, suggests great potential to be exploited for applications in next-generation microelectronics, as reported in the Emerging Research Materials section of the ITRS.2 For this purpose, controlling the type and concentration of charge carriers in graphene, for example when used as active material in electronic devices, is desirable. This possibility looks attractive as the 2-dimensional nature of graphene makes the whole surface area available for functionalization. Graphene is also an extraordinary thermal conductor; its room temperature thermal conductivity is significantly higher than that of diamond.3 Doping in graphene has been achieved by contacting with metals,4 electrostatic gating,5–7 and interaction/intercalation with chemical species in the gas/vapor-8–10 or liquid phase.11 A change in the mobility and conduction mechanisms occurs in graphene according to the specific electron donor/acceptor nature of the chemical species considered. Intercalation of multilayer graphene with alkaline metals9 or halogen molecules10 provides a way to induce electron- or hole-doping, respectively, without disrupting the out-of-plane π-electron conduction mechanism of graphene. Dielectric/oxide materials deposited on graphene12,13 or used as substrates14 represent additional examples of interaction between graphene and the surrounding environment. Such interaction causes a number of phenomena, e.g., charge exchange between graphene and the dielectric/oxide and scattering between the phonons and charge carriers of the two materials * E-mail: [email protected]. † imec. ‡ Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. § Department of Physics and Astronomy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. | Department of Chemistry, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.

in contact, all leading to a perturbation of the electronic structure of graphene.15,16 This in turn affects its electronic transport properties.17 Among the substrates of choice, SiO2 deserves special mention. A 300 nm SiO2 film has been the “historical” choice of substrate in the case of exfoliated, supported single-layer graphene, for optical contrast reasons.18 The study of the interaction between graphene and SiO2 substrates has been providing useful insights in the electronic transport properties of graphene and the scattering mechanisms limiting its performance, when substrate-supported.19 Changes in the structural and electronic properties of SiO2supported graphene when subjected to thermal annealing in different gaseous atmospheres have been observed.20–22 Graphene was extremely sensitive to the treatment conditions used. A disruption of the crystalline order in graphene may result if it is annealed in strongly oxidative atmospheres. Tailoring the electronic properties of graphene by inducing a controllable, persistent, and reproducible shift in its Fermi level, without degrading its structural properties, would be highly desirable in view of the use of graphene in realistic microelectronic applications. Additionally, introducing a bandgap in graphene by adequate surface treatment or functionalization with specific chemical groups would add another fundamental degree of freedom in the manipulation of graphene for microelectronics.23–25 In this work, we show the results of thermal annealing of SiO2-supported, exfoliated single-layer graphene (SLG) samples in undiluted Ar gas atmosphere. A reproducible, systematic change in the doping level of the annealed SLG samples is observed and analyzed by Raman spectroscopy. The main graphene signatures visible in the Raman spectra collected after each annealing treatment change in accordance with hole accumulation occurring in SLG. No degradation of the crystalline quality of SLG accompanies the change in the doping level, after annealing treatments performed at temperatures as high as 400 °C. The p-type character of SLG is found to monotonically increase with the annealing temperature. Our results of

10.1021/jp910085n  2010 American Chemical Society Published on Web 03/26/2010

Tuning the Fermi Level of Single-Layer Graphene

J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 114, No. 15, 2010 6895

Figure 1. (a) White light, optical microscopy image of a pristine graphene flake. A single-layer region is visible in the central part of the figure, surrounded by thicker graphene areas. (b) Raman spectra collected on the 3 points indicated on the SLG flake in (a). (c and d) Raman maps of respectively IG and I2D measured on the SLG portion identified in (a).

electrical characterization of back-gated field-effect SLG devices subjected to thermal annealing overlap with those obtained from Raman analysis. Experimental Section SLG flakes are deposited by micromechanical exfoliation18 on n-doped Si substrates covered with a 90 nm thermally grown SiO2 film. Raman spectra are collected at room temperature with a Jobin-Yvon spectrometer (0.3 cm-1 spectral resolution, 633 nm laser excitation) coupled to a XYZ piezoelectric stage for mapping (500 nm step in the XY scanning directions). A laser power of ∼1 mW (corresponding to VNP (Vg < VNP). The transfer characteristic of the pristine SLG-FET shows a slightly positive VNP (∼4 V). This behavior has been reported in literature14 and is compatible with hole doping induced by device fabrication residuals and contamination by the ambient atmosphere. The transfer characteristic of the pristine SLG-FET changes upon annealing: the SLG conductance and mobility decrease, and VNP shifts toward increasingly positive values. The upshift of VNP suggests an increase in hole concentration. Table 1 shows the results of the estimation of the induced doping charge n, calculated as n ) ηVNP. The increase of n is consistent with the progressive shift of VNP toward higher values as the annealing temperature increases. Unfortunately, the estimation of VNP after the SLG sample has been annealed at 400 °C is possible only by introducing an uncertainty, as Vg values higher than +50 V (∼5.6 MV cm-1), necessary to reach the Dirac point, would break the 90 nm SiO2 back-gate oxide. Raman spectroscopy was performed on the SLG-FETs after each annealing step, in parallel with electrical characterization. As discussed above, Raman spectra of graphene are sensitive to doping, and more in general to changes of the Fermi surface. The dependence of Gpos on the Fermi energy εF, and thus on the induced charge n, can be worked out by computing the frequency shift ∆ω analytically with the aid of eq 6 in ref 6

p∆ω ) pωεF - pω0 ) RP


[f(ε - εF) - f(ε)]ε2sgn(ε) dε pω0 2 2 ε 2

( )

Figure 5a, after each annealing step. The average values of Gpos (see Table 1) are plotted together with standard deviation (σ error bars. Each average Gpos is then used to estimate n, via eq 2. A direct comparison of the results of the two independent measurement techniques is shown in Table 1. Raman and electrical characterization of SLG-FETs yield values of n falling within the same order of magnitude. The almost constant difference between the two estimations of n amounts to ∼0.6 × 1012 cm-2. Conclusions In summary, we investigated the effects of thermal annealing on SLG samples deposited on SiO2 supports by micromechanical exfoliation. We found that heating SLG samples in undiluted Ar, at temperatures up to 400 °C, induces permanent changes in their electrical/optical properties, without affecting their structural properties. The Raman spectra measured on annealed SLG samples contain signatures of excess positive charge accumulated in graphene. We believe that charge transfer from the SiO2 support is responsible for the occurrence of hole doping in our SLG samples. The conclusions are further confirmed by electrical characterization performed on SLG-FETs. The neutrality point voltage VNP is observed to shift to larger values as the annealing temperature increases, a behavior compatible with hole doping. Our data are in accord with the current models explaining the change in Raman features upon doping in graphene. The annealing procedure employed in this work can be therefore considered a step forward in the controllable and reproducible manipulation of the electronic properties of graphene. References and Notes


where P is the principal part, f is the Fermi-Dirac distribution, and εF is the distance of the Fermi level from the Dirac point, evaluated as εF ) sgn(n)(nπ)1/2pVF.64 The phonon frequencies ωεF and ω0 are considered in the doped and undoped case, respectively. Pisana et al.6 correctly found that the adiabatic Born-Oppenheimer approximation (ABO) fails when applied to doped SLG, specifically when evaluating the G peak dependence on the change in the Fermi energy F. In fact, the use of ABO would result in Gpos being independent of εF, a situation not verified experimentally. Equation 2 therefore includes nonadiabatic corrections, required to account for the changes in the spectral features experimentally observed. Figure 5b plots the theoretical trend of Gpos vs n superimposed to the experimental data of Gpos measured on the SLG-FET of

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