U. S. Government publications - Radionuclide standardization. A

A bibliography. G. I. Coats. Anal. Chem. , 1967, 39 (14), pp 83A–83A ... Published online 21 September 2008. Published in print 1 December 1967. Lea...
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miscellaneous systems and techniques; and industrial application of solvent extraction. Atlas of Electron Spin Resonance Spectra. B. H. J . Bielski, J. M.


Gebicki. xiii 665 pages. Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Ave., Xew York, Y . Y. 10003. 1967. $27. This volume contains a selection of electron spin resonance spectra likely t o be of greatest general interest t o experimental spectroscopists. Where possible, the authors have included with each picture a short description of the experiniental conditions employed in recording the spectra. The original publication is listed unless the spectrum was not published and this is indicated where applicable. The book contains the tables of data and author and chemical indexes. Supplement to Oficial Standardised and Recommended Methods of Analysis. S. C. Jolly, Editor. xiv

+ 424 pages.

Society for Analytical Chemistry, 9/10 Savile ROW:London, R’. 1, England. 1967. $91; $18, members.

This book is a Supplement to the volume issued in 1963 under the title, “Official, Standardised and Recommended Methods of Analysis.” It contains the more recently standardized methods of analysis, Part I, published by the Analytical Methods Committee of the Society for Analytical Chemistry, a rewritten and reset version of the bibliography which lists references to methods for a wide variety of materials, Part 11, and an index to the main volume and the Supplement. Textile Laboratory Manual. Vol. 5: Fibres. W . Garner. 266 pages.

American Elsevier Publishing Co., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N . Y. 10017. 1967. 89. This volume, like its predecessors, is designed to be used in conjunction with Volume 1, which gives details of test methods indicated by reference numbers throughout the book. The book treats ’each of the important textile fibres in turn, describing the methods used for their identification and giving their physical, optical, and staining characteristics. Tests for identification of various fibre treatment processes are also given. Analysis of fibre mixtures is covered, including a new qualitative method devised by the author, and most of the published quantitative procedures.

Gas Chromatography Data Compilation. DX 26A. 740 pages. Arneri-

can Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. $40; for ASTX members, 30% less. This book contains up to 60% of the published data, abstracted through 1965. The contents, in tabular form, has double the volume of data contained in the original publication STP 343. In addition t o retention data; the retention index and capacity ratio are included.

U. S.Government Publications Radioassay Procedures for Environmental Samples. Publication N o .

999-RH-27. 1961. Single free copies may be obtained from Public Inquities Branch, Publzc Health Service, U . X. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Sl‘ashington. D. C . 20201.

This is a manual of methods used in laboratories of the Public Health Service’s National Center for Radiological Health of the Bureau of Disease Prevention and Environmental Control for the determination of interpretation of the radionuclide content of samples collected for environmental surveillance. Major section headings are Instrumentation, Quality Control, Milk, Food, Kater, Air, and Ot,her Environmental Samples. Appendixes give a glossary of terms and reagent preparation instructions. Bibliographic references are included for ispecific procedures as well as for more general discussions. Radionuclide Standardization. A Bibliography. G. I . Coats. vii


51 pages. Publication No. 999-RH26. 1967. Single free copies may be obtoined from Public Iwpiries Branch, Public Health Service. 17.S. Dept, of Health, Education, and Welfare, T.1’ashington, D. C. 20201. The bibliography contains references on absolute counting (23) : coincidence technique, formula and corrections (41j : calibration by beta and 4 pi beta methods (891,beta-gamma coincidence (32), gamma-gamma coincidence and gamma counting ( 2 7 ) , x-ray-gamma coincidence (17) , alpha-gamma coincidence (7j, liquid scintillation counters (14), ion chambers and calorimeters (9 j , coincidence circuits (48) : dead time and statistics (32); thin films (21 j ; sample preparations, back scattering, and self-absorption (30) ; maintenance and storage of standards (9) ; intercomparison of solutions ( 7 ) ; and general references (12 j , Circle NO. 189 on Readers’ Service Card

VOL. 39,

NO. 14, DECEMBER 1967

83 A