U. S. STONEWARE - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 16, 2012 - U. S. STONEWARE. Anal. Chem. , 1959, 31 (8), pp 50A–50A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60152a747. Publication Date: August 1959. ACS Legacy Archive...
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Nov. 4 to 6—Eastern Analytical Symposium and Exposition. Hotel New Yorker, New York. Sponsors : Local sections of Society of Applied Spectroscopy, analytical groups of ACS, and Metropolitan Microchemical Society. Page 46 A. Nov. 10 to 15—International Congress and Exhibition of Laboratory Measurement and Automation Techniques in Chemistry. Association of Swiss Chemists and Swiss Association of Automation. Contact: ILMAC, Clarastrasse 61, Basle, Switzerland. Nov. 16 to 20—Fifth International Automation Congress and Exposition, New York Trade Show Building, New York. Contact: James Emge, 845 Ridge Ave., Pitts­ burgh 12, Pa. (Now postponed until 1961) Nov. 19—American Chemical Society, Analytical and Microchemical Group. Phil­ adelphia Section, University of Pennsylvania Museum. Topic: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Speaker: Harlan Foster, Du Pont. Contact: Sidney Alpert, National Drug Co., Haines & McCallum Sts., Philadelphia 44, Pa. April 5 to 14, 1960—137th National Meeting, American Chemical Society, Cleveland, Ohio. Sept. 11 to 16, 1960—138th National Meeting, American Chemical Society, New York, Ν. Υ.

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Ultrasonic Machining Co., a sub­ sidiary of Zenith Optical Laboratories, has been organized for the sole purpose of ultrasonic machining of extremely hard, brittle materials such as ferrites, silicon, ceramics, germanium, carbides, crystals, glass, and quartz. This opera­ tion was formerly handled at the parent company in Copiague, Ν. Υ. Ultra­ sonic Machining Co., is located at 1015 Asbury Ave., Asbury Park, N. J.

• Chemically Inert Tough


• At your laboratory






Circle No. 138 on Readers' Service Card

50 A



Radiation Engineered Services, Lafayette and Water Sts., Norristown, Pa., a new engineering firm, is now of­ fering a series of training programs in the nuclear field. These programs are designed to assist in obtaining Atomic Energy Commission licenses for the possession of radioisotopes, and to pro­ vide a source of information for those interested in the nuclear field. Typical programs included : basic and advanced isotope radiography, basic and applied nucleonics, isotope gaging, and tracers and radiochemistry. The programs will be offered in the RES building in Nor­ ristown, Pa. (near Philadelphia), or, on special arrangement, can be conducted in the customer's plant. Periodically, certain programs will be offered in ma­ jor cities throughout the country. Technical Measurement Corp., manufacturer of radiation measure­ ment instruments, recently moved all operations into a new plant in North Haven, Conn. The company was formerly located in New Haven. The new building provides over 11,000 square feet of space and houses all engineering, production, and adminis­ trative departments of the company. The 3-acre site will permit extensive future expansion.

• Glass Clear •

phire, carbides, hardened tool steel, ferrite, and similar materials previously considered unmachinable. Other Pre­ cision Glass products and services in­ clude the fabrication of standard and special absorption cells in a complete selection of types, sizes and tolerances.

Proceedings of Symposium Organ­ ized by Gas Chromatography Dis­ cussion Group. Gas Chromatog­ raphy, 1 9 5 8 . D. H . Desty, ed. xiii + 383 pages. Academic Press, Inc., I l l F i f t h Ave., New Y o r k 3, Ν . Υ . 1958. $13.00.

This volume is a collection of 28 papers presented at the second Sym­ posium of the Gas Chromatography Discussion Group, under the auspices of the Hydrocarbon Research Group of