BENCH-SCALE DISTILLATION EQUIPMENT. T h e Center has various types and sizes of apparatus to distill any size sample from one cc to a tank-car load.
Unique Lummus Engineering Development Center—30 Minutes From Manhattan-Proves Out Processes Before Construction At a new 150.000 square-foot Center n e a r the Newark Airport, the L u m m u s Company is expand ing a long-established engineering development p r o g r a m into a major service to the process indus tries. T h e intensive pilot plant investigations car ried out here will, in the years to come, spell the difference between rash gamble and sound plant investment for many manufacturers in the chemi cal, petroleum, pulp and paper and allied fields, F o r a complete description of The Center and how it can help you bridge the g a p between labo ratory research and successful production, write for the 16-page b r o c h u r e "Lummus Engineering Development Center." Address The L u m m u s Company, 385 Madison Avenue, New York 17, New York.
ΛΛΟδΤ PILOT UNITS a3 Tibe Crnnttieir .amr pontt ttiinjartfiinar fen ma s-ttAELcfiani ~buHcLîr±g ^blocks/" S k i d - m o n m l t e d cnairgniag: mmim- -=ΟΠ·ΓΒΙΙ a s ttJke· wnw acfiie-fffiBuoEdi tanks·, h e a t e r s .and p u m p s for Iran—fer anad aaar-itteniim^ Pmo*tr»ess €«pnspininieimti_ fiteire SELO-WTO in b a c k g r o u n d c e n t e r , c a n ifoe ^i.d-efly ^ar5«nd_ A I! ojdlnii i=- «efl^nirii(rali er^nitnoi c a b i n e t . A l l s w i t c h e s , relays, a n d oonlir-oils naotil iWniisedl aim expllio>-Bio>im-piP>mo*iflira