Enterez® 1533 Ink resin. Made from materials exclusive to Emery. Outstanding pigment wetting. Excellent gold leaf. Rapid gel recovery for a cosolvent resin. Low odor. Gives un equalled brilliance to dye inks used on foils or other packaging materials.
Emerez 1550 Hot-melt adhesive resin.
Unequalled thermal and oxida tive stability . . , practically eliminates thermal degradation, minimizing servicing of applica tion equipment. Fast set. High tensile strength. Excellent ad hesion. Low odor.
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Emerez 1555 (formerly Emery 4095) Hot-melt adhesive resin. Good thermal stability and many of same properties as Emerez 1550 at lower cost. Sharp melt ing point. Low water absorption. Good tensile strength at ele vated temperatures.
Unique polyamide resins from Emery Give your product a distinct competitive advantage Your evaluation of these unique polyamides may well reveal opportunities to further improve the quality and performance of your product. For here are two hot-melt adhesive resins and a flexographic ink resin that offer chemical and performance prop erties unobtainable from other sources. Available in free-flowing pellet form, these resins are part of a broad line of polyamides that have flowed from Emery's broad experience in dimer acid and resin technology. To check them out, just use the coupon.