United Carbon Products Co., Inc

accumulated experience in chelation. Send fortechnical data and samples. Chemical counsel on request. CJieHtitfcyá aiutdú/Mécáfe cÁmicafo nriumrn...
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T h e Versenes are our products. W e originated and developed them. We alone manufacture them. T h e y are good products. This is pointed out b y t h e fact t h a t others are now beginning t o imitate them. I n one sense this is r a t h e r flattering because it indicates a n actual superiority of the Versenes. B u t in another, it creates a confusing and somewhat deceptive situation for those who actually prefer t h e original Versenes. VERSENES VS COMPARISON

" J u s t like Versene," " j u s t as good as Versene," " t h e same thing as Versene." These are all sales arguments which imitators m u s t use. And, it is interesting t o note, t h a t it is extremely difficult for t h e m t o even explain their imitations without direct comparison to t h e originals. VERSENE1 SETS STANDARDS

I n Agriculture, I n d u s t r y or Medicine — wherever a n d whenever trouble is caused b y metal ions in solution you can count on chelate chemistry a n d t h e Versenes for help. Extremely stable a t high temperatures t h r o u g h o u t t h e p H range, these powerful Chelating Agents are guaranteed for uniformity of chelating power. W e will be glad t o share with you t h e more t h a n a generation of our accumulated experience in chelation. Send for technical d a t a a n d samples. Chemical counsel on request.

BERSWORTH CHEMICAL CO. FRAMINGHAM, MASSACHUSETTS WAREHOUSE STOCKS Chas. S. Tanner Co., Liberty Life Bldg., Charlotte, N . C. K r a f t Chemical Co., Inc., 9 1 7 West 18th Street, Chicago 8, Illinois Siegel Chemical Co., One Hanson Place, Brooklyn \7. N e w York G e o r g e Mann & Co., Inc., 2 J 1 Fox Point Boulevard, Providence, Rhode Islqnd B a r a d a & P a g e , Inc., Houston, Dallas, Corpus Christi, N e w Orleans, St. Louis, Wichita, Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Kansas City, M o . Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co., San Francisco, California V a n W a t e r s & Rogers, Inc., Seattle, W a s h . & Portland, O r e . Braun Corporation, Los Angeles, California

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The United Carbon Products Company is foremost in preparing electrodes to exact specifications. The electrodes shown above are some examples of custom-prepared shapes used by spectrographers throughout the world. Let us prepare the electrodes you desire. You can eliminate the risk of contamination and breakage sustained in cutting electrodes from rod stock. Take advantage of our expert machining, uniform purity, economy and excellent delivery. We invite you to inquire about samples or a trial order. Your designs will be prepared and later filed under your name for future reference and deliveries. *UCP Stock Numbers, f r o m left t o right: 857 1588 2242 1335 1040 1159 1332 2021

J& U n i t e d C a r b o n Products C o . , Inc. BAY CITY, M I C H I G A N ANALYTICAL