United States Civil Service examinations - Journal of Chemical

United States Civil Service examinations. J. Chem. Educ. , 1941, 18 (5), p 242. DOI: 10.1021/ed018p242.2. Publication Date: May 1941. Note: In lieu of...
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of the physical chemistry 2periments is likewise stolen. Usually the experiments are first performed with relatively simple apparatus, such as freshmen themselves could handle. The errors involved in the use of the crude apparatus are discussed, then the real physical chemistry apparatus is introduced to show the relinements. The principle is put moss by the simple experiment,so that the students will not lose sight of the fundamentals involved hecause of the multitude of complicating details in the elaborate apparatus. An experiment in photography can be performed, 'in a semidarkened room, doing eveq-thing except the development of panchromatic lilm. Intensifying, reduction, making of blue print& of those are processes of interest to the average freshman engineer.

There are many reasons for this sort of change from laboratory to demonstrations. Many teachers believe that, per hour of teaching, laboratory instruction is a very lne5cient method. No matter how you try to influence students to ask questions of the laboratory assistants, they always get a great deal of their information from their neighbors. In our demonstrations, the faculty lecturers answer the many questions. The trouble of checking in and out of laboratory is eliminated. The lessened number of students taking laboratory avoids congestion at the stockroom window. Even the saving of chemicals is no small item. But the main purpose, let me repeat, is better instruction in the way that it will do this type of student the most good.


AT A meeting held at 5:00 P.X. Tuesday, April 8, 1941, the following members were present: R. D. Reed. Chairman, N. D. Cheronis. Virginia Bartow, L. L. Quill, M. V. M c W , N. W. Rakestraw, and P. H. Fall. The following action was taken: (1) Received and accepted treasurer's report. (2) Mr. M. V. McGill, Chairman of the Committee on HighSchool Chemistry, gave a progress report on the work of his committee. Motion carried that the sum of Sf30 be allowed this Committee for necessary expenses between now and the month of September. 1941. (3) Plans for the Divisional program for the A. C. S. meeting in Atlantic City next September were discussed. PAULH. FALL,S m l a r y

Cash in bank. August 26, 1940 Receipts from dues ReeeiptsfromM. V. McGill from "Supplementary Experiments"

$2537.70 153 ,00

25.00 $465.70

Expenditures: V. Bartow-to reimbursefor outstandiibill paid by personal check M. V. McGill-for work on "Outline of Chemistry" Ira C. Davis, spesker at Detroit meeting P. H. Fal-for office of secretary J. C ~ XEDUC.-for . reprints Mack Printing Co.-letter heads Id. Eng. Chnn.-abstracts Detroit meeting L. J. Mitehell-due4 for American Science Teachers' Assodation afiiliatiou M. V. McGU-for "Manual of Supplementary Experiments" Ind. Eng. Chnn.-abstracts for St. Louis meeting Receipts less expenditures Outstanding check 22.20 Sum of last two items equals bank balance April 2.1941 97.04 Indebtedness: Committee on Examinations and Tests 50.00 V. Barto-ffice of treasurer 10.05 Balance in%vings account, January 1,1941 810.12 V ~ ~ o r nBARTOW. u Trmsarcr

UNITED STATES C M L SERVICE EXAMINATIONS THE Civil Service Commission has announced ex- ington office of the United States Civil Service Commission until December 31, 1941, and certification aminations for the following: as the needs of the service require. made Principal Research Chemist (any specialized branch), An insnflicient n u m k of eligibles is available for j' $5600 a year Senior Research Chemist (any specialized branch), filling positions in certain specialized branches. Difficulty is being encountered in filling positions in the $4600 a year Research Chemist (any specialized branch), $3800 Bnreau of Mines, Department of the Interior, and the Bnreau of Agricultural Chemistry and Engineering, a year Associate Research Chemist (any specialized branch), Department of Agriculture, in connection with the 613200 a year National Defense Program. QuaEed persons with Assistant Research Chemist (any specialized branch), experience in chemical investigative work involving the use of recently developed specialized technics and $2600 a year I Applications will he rated as received a t the Wash- instruments are urged to apply.