Universities, Industry Forge Closer R&D Ties in Europe - C&EN Global

Chemical companies increasingly are forging closer links with university science ... "The additional funding will allow us to support a broader range ...
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Universities, Industry Forge Closer R&D Ties in Europe Exxon Chemical initiative highlighted at symposium on the importance of basic research and European trends in R&D cooperation Dermot A. O'Sullivan, C&EN London

Chemical companies increasingly are forging closer links with university science departments, in Europe as well as in the U.S. A case in point is a new initiative from Exxon Chemical that has been providing financial support to researchers at U.S. and West European campuses. Now the company is embarking on what it titles its "Program for Science and Engineering in Europe/' "This new initiative will provide a framework to extend the scope of our existing relationships with the European u n i v e r s i t i e s / ' explains Douglas M. Selman, vice president of business development and technology for Exxon Chemical's polymers group at the firm's Darien, Conn., headquarters. "The additional funding will allow us to support a broader range of university research studies in fields related to our interests." Selman outlined the program and its aims to a large audience of industry, university, and government representatives who attended an international symposium that the polymers group held in Brussels. It was organized with an eye toward the approach of the 21st century in that it provided a forum for discussion and exchange of views on trends in research and development cooperation in Europe. "When we look ahead to the year 2000, we see an evolution in the relationships between universities 38

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Selman: plan extends scope of efforts and industry," Selman says. "The global transfer of technology, the rapid commercialization of scientific innovation, the quickening pace of change are all factors that are blurring the traditional distinctions between basic research, typically associated with universities, and applied research, typically associated with industry." In just the past year, Selman notes, Exxon Chemical's funding of university projects has doubled. Overall it is spending about $3 million annually. "Yet there is more we can do," he emphasizes. "Our new commitment recognizes the need to support broader based research along with much of the product development projects that we have funded in the past." In both the U.S. and Western Europe, Exxon Chemical has been providing money for specific kinds of basic science projects in universities. "We try to keep from doing short-term applied work," Selman explains. "We select university science departments on the basis of their degree of expertise in particular areas, and build our programs

on whatever expertise they have, depending on our needs and their capabilities. Examples are catalysis work or novel analytical methods under development." The new program is a European initiative and will be more general in nature. For example, it could include dialogue conferences embracing both university and government departments. As Selman puts it, "There is a portfolio of approaches. We are at the stage now of sorting out those that will have the most positive impact both for us and for the universities." The program will have an initial annual budget of a few hundred thousand dollars—a fairly modest amount, Selman admits, but likely to grow, depending on how the program evolves. One goal is to extend the scope of existing relationships that Exxon Chemical has with universities in Europe. Another is to encourage personal contact between the company's technical staff at its R&D laboratories in Brussels and university scientists. "We intend this to be a two-way process," Selman says. "We will invite the academic community to come to our laboratories to give lectures and perhaps run courses. Correspondingly, we will offer greater opportunity for our people to participate in academic programs." A third aspect of the new initiative relates to graduate students, the research workers of tomorrow. "We will s u p p o r t their postdoctoral work," Selman says, "and provide them the kind of international exposure that our company can offer." John R. Webb, president of Exxon Chemical's polymers group, posed a number of questions relating to the broader theme of research, researchers, and university/industry

interaction. "In the spirit of dialogue we are initiating here, I would like [to pose] a series of questions for our consideration. "As we move toward the 21st century, what is our vision of the interaction among industry, academia, and government? What are the barriers to motivating young people to study science and engineering and how can we remove them? How can we work to prepare young scientists to make their maximum contribution in a rapidly changing research environment? In increasingly global organizations, how do we facilitate productive interaction among multicultural groups of people who represent diverse functions?" Webb stresses that science and technology not only are the lifeblood of companies like Exxon Chemical, they are the foundation of all industrial countries. "Our societies cannot advance productively into the 21st century," he says, "without scientific and technological resources in place or without a broad-based literacy in science and technology." Industry, government, and academia must work closely together if all are to gain maximum benefit from scientific innovation, Webb says. "The world has evolved beyond the point where a single company, or even a single country, can do what has to be done alone. Things are moving so fast that we cannot afford to shut ourselves off

Webb: science is lifeblood of industry

De Duve (left): basic research vital. Tent: outlook for cooperation good from anything. We can't afford a 'not invented here' syndrome." Pointing to Exxon Chemical's position as the world's largest supplier of olefin-based polymers, Webb notes, "in our vision for the year 2000 and beyond, outstanding companies will be known for their indepth knowledge, not only of their customers' markets but also of the markets of their customers' customers." An ability to tailor polymer molecules to deliver the product attributes the customer judges important, Webb says, is the basis of the company's vision in this area. Achievements, he points out, are based on an ability to probe molecular architecture and the synergies of polymer mixtures, alloys, and composites. Catalyst and process technology, too, are key to success. "To be considered the best," Webb says, "we must bring technical innovation, superior marketing, and commitment to quality into all the interfaces between us and our customers." Webb stresses the importance of recognizing that "we have no monopoly on good ideas. Stronger ties with the academic community is one way we hope to inject fresh perspectives into our research efforts." . The future offers much opportunity for young scientists, he adds. "Our task is to stimulate among young people the motivation and enthusiasm that will lead them to enter the polymer science field." Welcoming Exxon Chemical's

move to expand its Brussels research center "because of the employment and economic benefits it generates, and because of the confidence it reflects in the quality of our scientific environment," Belgium's Christian R. de Duve, who shared the 1974 Nobel prize in medicine, philosophized on some general aspects of research. "In the world of today, and even more so in the world of tomorrow, scientific research is, and will be, a major condition of continuing social progress and economic prosperity," he points out. "Almost everyone agrees on this," de Duve observes, "but not necessarily on how to answer the questions that it raises: What kind of research should we carry out? What strategy should we follow? What structure should we create to promote the effort? These questions are particularly important for the European Community as it braces itself to meet the challenges of [1992 and the single European market]." To the question of what kind of research is most likely to make Europe strong and prosperous, de Duve notes that the obvious answer would be the kind that leads to marketable products that would generate profits and jobs. "This, of course, is not a real answer," he says, "because it does not say what this kind of research is." De Duve, founder and president of the International Institute for Cellular & Molecular Pathology in Brussels, suspects that "most people probably would identify [this kind of research] with the kind of targetNovember 6, 1989 C&EN 39

Education ed, mission-oriented applied research that is directly concerned with the development of marketable products. This type of research largely is carried out in industrial laboratories, such as those of Exxon Chemical. It is done increasingly in collaboration with universities. In principle, its cost should be borne by the commercial establishments that will draw profit from it/' He points out factors that may, however, put a brake on a particular development. One is the element of risk involved. The conversion of a laboratory discovery into a marketable product often is a long and costly undertaking. "The decision to embark on such an undertaking obviously depends on the anticipated cost and the likelihood of success," he remarks. "This can amount almost to gambling, which responsible firms do not like to engage in very much." In many cases, de Duve notes, expected returns are modest. Nevertheless, the research still may be worth doing because of some social, political, or economic benefit of local or general interest that it may help produce. In such cases, the private sector is encouraged to undertake chancy, but potentially useful, research by the award of government subsidies. "In other words," he says, "society participates in the risks because it expects to share in the benefits." Although this may be a perfectly legitimate mechanism, de Duve notes that it is not easy to administer because it means that governments are expected to make expert decisions in many difficult areas. This requirement may be a source of problems, especially in a small country like Belgium, itself subdivided into two autonomous regions. The Belgian Nobelist lists three strategic approaches to research: "One is where we know where we are going and how to get there. The second is where we know where we are going but do not know how to get there. The third is where we know how to get there but don't know where." An example of the first was putting a man on the moon. The objective was clearly defined. No new knowl40

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edge was needed. All that was required was technological development. Much industrial research is of this kind, de Duve notes. It has the advantage that it can be precisely programed and budgeted, at least in theory. "Of course," he says, "even in the best laid plans there always is an element of chance, which may bring a surprise, sometimes good, sometimes bad." On the whole, however, de Duve points out, this is the kind of research that prudent administrators like because their decision to go ahead can be based on objective elements—clear goals, a rational strategy, and an assessable cost/benefit ratio. "What about the other two cases," de Duve says, "you know where you want to go but you don't know how, or you know how but you don't know where?" If asked to choose between them, he says, the prudent administrator would almost certainly pick the former. "Obviously important is to identify a goal, such as finding a cure for cancer, developing a vaccine against AIDS, or cleaning the environment. If one does not have all the knowledge needed to achieve one's goal in a rational fashion, then one approaches it the empirical way." This strategy has long been a favorite in pharmaceutical research, de Duve notes. "One seeks a specific pharmacological or therapeutic effect. That's the goal. Then

Chevalier: joint funding plan needed

Belayew: firms must foster research one tries a large number of compounds." In contrast to the more rational research strategy, the chances of success of the empirical approach are much less, de Duve continues. No matter how many compounds one tries, the miracle drug may not be found. Another drawback to this type of research is the high cost. The third approach to research, de Duve explains, is much more difficult to sell. "Who in his or her senses would support a project that is not directed toward a goal that can be defined in terms of profit and other benefits associated with its execution?" he asks. "Certainly not the majority of those that would be expected to pay for it, including the voters." Yet they would be wrong, de Duve argues. "The kind of research they would refuse to support is basic research. Its goal is new knowledge. By definition, it does not know the answers to the questions it asks. Even less can one predict the profits and benefits arising from it. For understandable reasons, this research holds little appeal to the prudent mind. I have heard it described as a luxury, something society may indulge in when it is prosperous but which has to be sacrificed in times of financial stringency." It is a grave mistake, de Duve maintains. Basic research is the main source of new knowledge. This in itself is good enough reason to support it. It is the duty of every society, he adds—especially in the more developed parts of the world—to support this effort. But there are more practical motives for supporting basic research.

"Because it is the main source of cialized knowledge and technical ergy, life sciences, information technew knowledge/' de Duve says, "it is skills needed to make meaningful nology, and new materials. The budthe main source of new applications. progress. "As for quality, this need get being considered amounts to Even though the specific nature of is obvious," de Duve says, "but not about $8 billion. Actual funding the outcome may be unpredictable, easy to fulfill in the antielitist and could be closer to $11 billion through to foster it is to fertilize the ground mediocratic atmosphere that prevails addition of money left over from out of which new technologies, new in some European countries." the current multiannual research products, and hence profits and benePutting these two requirements program. fits will inevitably grow." "This sounds like a lot of money, together in a European context, de Another reason why support of Duve continues, "the obvious an- and it is," Hendrik Tent, deputy basic research is imperative, de Duve swer emerges. We need multidisci- director general for science, research, says, is that this kind of research is plinary centers of excellence devot- and development at the EC Comcarried out mainly in universities. ed to basic research and to training mission, remarked w h e n he adIts main work force consists of grad- first-class investigators. However, dressed the Exxon Chemical conuate students, postdoctoral research- these centers should not become ivo- ference. "But if one considers it as a ers, and technicians. Their degree ry towers. Their doors and windows percentage of projected total EC exof excellence, he points out, depends should be wide open to the outside penditure, it amounts to about 4.7%. essentially on the number, compe- world, especially to the industrial Indeed, viewed as a percentage of tence, and motivation of the aca- world." all R&D spending throughout the demic staff; on the quality of the The need for promoting scientif- EC, it stands at around 2%." facilities in which they work; on ic research at all levels throughout Tent points out that "we [at the the equipment they have available; the 12 member countries of the Eu- EC Commission] act as a catalyst. and on the adequacy of their re- ropean Community has been recog- We provide the money to help make search budget. nized by the EC Commission in things happen." On the other hand, "Any country that refuses to pro- Brussels for a n u m b e r of years. he admits, 2% might be considered vide its universities with these es- Currently, a new five-year frame- a bit modest. sential elements through support of work program under discussion is "We have tried to develop an inbasic research does, in fact, deprive planned to begin next year. Studies frastructure to ensure that the proits whole industrial establishment will embrace the environment, en- grams selected reflect the needs of of adequately trained personnel," de Duve says. "It is such a vital U.S. AIR FORCE LABORATORY GRADUATE issue that if for one reason or another the political body fails to do FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM its duty in this respect, the private Southeastern Air sector should chip in by means of Center For Force joint ventures that allow the invesElectrical Office of tigators the freedom compatible with Engineering Scientific an academic atmosphere, or, if need Education Research be, by outright donations. "When one looks around—and I AFOSR OFFERS FELLOWSHIPS FOR GRADUATE STUDIES LEADING TO DOCTORAL am thinking of the U.S. in particuDEGREES IN SELECTED SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING DISCIPLINES lar—one finds that in every part of APPLICATION DEADLINE: January 17, 1990 —APPOINTMENTS BY: March 3 1 , 1990 the world where industry is highly ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must be U.S. citizens with baccalaureate degree by September developed, the private sector con1990. All qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to age, color, race, religion, sex or national origin. tributes a great deal to basic research. And this is not just philanthropy. It TERMS: Stipends of $15,000, $16,000, and $17,000 will be paid for the first, second, and third years of the program respectively. AFOSR will provide full tuition and required fees and is well-understood self-interest." $2,000 to the laboratory fellow's department. Maximum tenure is 36 months. Addressing the approach to reLaboratory Graduate Fellowships awarded under this program will be for study in the following search in the context of the Europedisciplines: an Community's single market due • Geophysics and Meteorology • Aeronautical and Astronautical • Industrial and Civil Engineering Engineering to emerge following 1992, de Duve • Life Sciences, Biology and Biophysics • Behavioral Sciences points to the need for collaboration • Materials Science, Ceramic • Biomedical Engineering and quality. "Research no longer is Engineering, and Metallurgy • Chemistry and Chemical Engineering • Mathematics • Computer Science and Computer carried out by lone individuals," he Modeling • Mechanical Engineering remarks. "The time of Louis Pasteur • Physics • Electrical Engineering and his microscope, or of AlexanFor information and applications contact: der Fleming and his culture dish, SCEEE-Fellowship Program is gone forever." Modern research is collaborative 1101 Massachusetts Avenue and multidisciplinary. It is conductSt. Cloud, FL 34769 ed by teams of experts who only Phone: (407) 892-6146 can master collectively all the speNovember 6, 1989 C&EN


Education industries and universities and that everybody that wants to participate is able to do s o / ' Tent adds. "An important objective is to speed up cooperation within the EC at three levels—between companies, between universities, and between companies and universities. The outlook is very exciting." One of the six themes of the new framework program is titled "Human Capital and Mobility." Funds will be made available to stimulate the mobility of scientists throughout the EC. "It's very important that young researchers, at the conclusion of their training, have the possibility of working for several years at a center of excellence in another country," Tent maintains. "One essential aspect of our policy is to ensure that we have a sufficient number of well-trained researchers for the future." The EC spends about 2% of its collective gross national product on research. But as Tent points out, there is a wide discrepancy in the spending pattern of the individual countries. In contrast to the nearly 3% of GNP spent by West Germany, the figure for Greece and Portugal is closer to 0.3% "There always will be differences," he notes. "But in our view, the gap is far too wide. And it can have repercussions not only in the field of science and technology, but also in the broader economic and political arena. We have to ensure that the gap will narrow rather than become wider." Belgium is one of the countries in which R&D effort is lagging, admits Pierre Chevalier, the country's secretary of state for scientific policy. Compared with the 2% EC average, Belgium doesn't spend more than 1.6% of its GNP on R&D. And in the case of studies at universities and other public institutions, spending stands at a mere 0.6% of GNP. To bring the country more into line with the EC average, Chevalier has proposed a plan that involves the public and private sectors of the economy working together. "A spending increase of only 25% by public authorities and of 10% by industries would allow the country to keep pace with the rest of the EC," he suggests. "If this joint ef42

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fort does not materialize, Belgium will become a third-rate factor in the emerging European state," he believes. He would also like to see changes in the rules relating to scientists who work for public institutions, such as universities and research institutes in Belgium. "The present rigidity makes exchanges between universities and industry impossible," he claims. "A research worker must choose between an academic career or a job with a private company. It is not possible to switch from university to industry and then return to academia." Another problem faced by scientists in Belgium, according to Chevalier, is that when a research program or project in a state-run institution is finished, those involved can lose their jobs. "They perish with the project they have worked on," he says. "This creates a feeling of insecurity and makes career planning difficult if not totally nonexistent." "When faced with this situation, one can't blame a young researcher for seeking work in the private sector, or blame the companies for picking up the best research talent. This form of brain drain is going to cause very great damage to our universities in the very near future, and lead to degradation both of education and research levels," he warns. "To stop this spiral, joint action has to be taken." To correct the problem, Chevalier is drawing up what he refers to as a new statute for research workers in Belgian's public institutions. It will stress mobility in general, and mobility between universities and industries in particular as they relate to further career development. It will be l i n k e d w i t h an outplacement strategy, a form of job and personnel pooling. "Collaboration with industry will be necessary," Chevalier stresses. "Industries must understand the importance of high-quality research and education at universities, and our efforts to make academic careers in Belgium more attractive." Chevalier's concerns, and those of the other conference participants, were echoed by comments made by a panel of young postdoctoral uni-

versity research scientists from several EC countries. Summing up, genetic engineer Alexandra Belayew from the University of Liege in Belgium, added that Chevalier is responsible for only 20% of the research funding for the whole of Belgium, whereas 80% is administered by the different Belgian communities and regions. "The money available is divided between eight different ministries in the Flemish-speaking part of the country, and four ministries in the F r e n c h - s p e a k i n g p a r t , " she notes. "I wonder whether all the ministries that have something to say about science in Belgium will ever get together to try to come up with a long-range perspective on research at the national level." Belayew also makes the point that when Belgian scientists return after postgraduate training in France, West Germany, the U.S., or elsewhere, they move into industry "because it is the only place where they will be paid for doing research. This may be all right in the short term. But when industry needs people in five or 10 years time, the scientists and engineers won't be adequately trained for what will be expected of them. They won't have been exposed to the most up-to-date procedures in their fields." "This is the main problem arising from the lack of funding for fundamental research in Belgium and elsewhere in Western Europe," Belayew says. "Industrialists must foster such funding in universities, because it is there that new science is generated and the education of future workers occurs." In closing the conference, Exxon Chemical's Selman observed that, although "industry must be very careful not to change the nature of the university, or its strong basic research dimension, cooperation between industry and universities obviously is a critical element of our science activity. One of our greatest needs is to respond to the challenge of how to meet the needs of the young researcher who has a heart for fundamental science and wants to remain involved at that level. This, and related issues, are important for the total R&D activity well into the next century." D