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Nov 5, 2010 - Atomic Engineers' Training Courses. In anticipation of the demand "for engineers trained in the basic engineering chain reacting piles a...
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University News 9

Atomic Engineers' Training Courses

In anticipation of the demand "for engineers trained in the basic engineering chain reacting piles and their application in power plants" which will arise when the feasibility of atomic energy as a commercial power source has been determined, the University of California Extension has inaugurated a unique course in this subject at the Los Angeles campus. According to Leo H. Ohlinger, who is conducting the course, "''There is a sad dearth of engineers who are familiar with the elementary physics and the design of piles- . . men who can work with the physicists in designing and developing the various chain-reacting piles and their application as power sources for practical commercial uses." I t is hoped t h a t the two sections of "Theory and Design of Chain Reacting Piles'' being offered a t the university campus and the downtown extension building respectively will alleviate this lack t o some extent. Ohlinger, now a consultant in nuclear design for a California aircraft company, was with the Manhattan project for four years, and made the basic designs for the plutonium plant at Han ford.



The Pennsylvania Mfg. Confectioners' Association has selected Lehigh Universit3r as the site for its newly adopted candy production research project, the first of its kind in t h e nation. It will be under the direction of Ray T. Wendland, assistant professor of chemistry at Lehigh. As part of t h e project, graduate students will be invited to engage iiî candy production research and. upon completion of their studies and training t o become available t o the confectionery industry as consulting chemists. One of the features of the Lehigh candy training and production research center program wall be an annual short course in candy making for men and women currently employed in candy plants. Lectures, open to men employed in the confectionery industry, are planned for this summer.

To stimulate further graduate study in science and engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology is again offering fellowships, scholarships, and assistants!)ips for the term beginning Sept. 22, 1947. Among those which permit advanced study with unusual experience in special fields of research leading to either a master of science or a doctor of philosophy degree 2 5,

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The Robert Gould Research Foundation of Erlanger, Κν., has established for 19474S two grants of $1,500 each for training in nutrition, and ten grants-in-aid of re­ search. These grants-in-aid are of S2,000 each and will be distributed equally in the following fields: The recognition of preclinical nutri­ tional deficiencies Human nutritive requirements The most effective techniques for edu­ cating the public in nutrition Improvement in the nutritive value of human food as grown Improvement in the nutritive value of animal feed

California Extension


The University of California Extension has announced that it will offer Wo noncredit courses for practicing chemists in the coming semester. T h e courses are listed as ''Applied Differential Equations for Engineers and Chemists" and "Applied Physical Chemistry for Engineers and Chemists" and will be taught by Milton J . Polissar, regularly an instructor in chemistry at the San Francisco Junior College. Two sections of each class will be held, one on the Berkeley campus and the other a t the University Extension Center in San Francisco.


Fellowships at Illinois Institute


are: the Illinois Institute of Technology Research Fellowships; the Universal Oil Products Fellowship in Chemistry; the Westinghouse Educational Foundation Fellowship in Power Systems Engineering: the Institute of Gas Technology Fellowships in cooperation with the affiliated Institute of Gas Technology; and the Armour Research Foundation Industrial Research Fellowships. Although all have different stipulations and provide varied stipends, basic reouirement is a bachelor of science degree from an accredited college, and selection is made on the basis of personal qualifications and interests as well as on the scholastic ability of the candidates.


The Carnation Co. fellowship at North­ western University to study the chemical nature of Tenulin (the bitter principle of Helenium tenuifolium that causes a large waste of milk in the southern states) has been awarded to Richard Merner, formerly of the D u Pont Co. Earl G. Larsen, re­ cently of Armour Co. and of the Carnation Co., has been given the Carnation fellow­ ship a t t h e University of Wisconsin dairy department.


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