Urea Adduction Process in Semicontinuous Fixed Bed - Industrial

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prriod \vas about '0%;. 'l'he organic carbon distribution in t h r residue and the aromatic liquid products \vas about 13yc each. a t the lot\r,t gas rat?. 'I he organic carbon in the residur drcreasrci with an incrc.:i\e in hydrogen feed rate. as \vould be exprcted. :I11 yirld and organic carbon distribution data are uncorrected for lo\< carbon balances (92 to 96Yc). Higher conversions to gaseous hydrocarbolls could. of course, be obtained by increasing oil shale residence times. although the maximum Lzould be 'ibout 85 to 90Ci;.since a minimum yield of aromaric liquids of 10 to 157; lvould be cxpected from pievious exprrirnce in hydrogasification of prtroleuni hydrocarbons similar i n composition to krrogrn ( / ( I . /?. 13). 'I'hrse trst results have been verified by pilot-plant-scale tests. :Ilthough the pilot plant tcst program has not yet been co~nplctrd.prrliminary results are given in Figure 12 along \vith part of those sho\vn in Figure 1 1 . Good agreement in the t\zo sets of data is apparent. Complcte results from the pilot plant test program will be reported ishen the pilot plant test program is completed. A cknowledgmenl

The guidance and counsel of the Project Supervising Committee under the chairmanship of C . F. Mengers were very helpful. Thanks are due to E. B. Shultz! Jr., ivho designed most of the equipment and helped develop much of the experimental procedure. F. C. Rac. N.Mechales. A . E. Richter, and R . l', Johnson assisted in conducting tests. D. M. Mason and J. E. Seuzil supervised the analytical Lvork.

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