US STONEWARE - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 16, 2012 - U.S. STONEWARE. Anal. Chem. , 1956, 28 (11), pp 24A–24A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60119a725. Publication Date: November 1956. ACS Legacy ...
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NEWS able t o detect and estimate nerve gases Sarin and T a b u n colorimetrically. How­ ever, they claim t h a t the Schoenemann reaction is the most specific for analyz­ ing field samples, b u t other factors— type, exposure, and stability of absorb­ ent—must be considered. G. M . Foley, Leeds & N o r t h r u p , dis­ cussed the significance of nerve gases which give little or no sensory warning of their presence. I n the Schoenemann reaction, the indole in alkaline peroxide solution reacts with nerve gas t o form indoxyl, a fluorescent compound. These reaction products arc passed into a pho­ tometer where increase of fluorescence due to indoxyl is measured. Several types of photocell instru­ ments have been used by other workers.

C. O. Badgett, Leeds & N o r t h r u p , used this same principle t o study fluorescence dynamics, in which procedure the qui­ nine sulfate solution is outlined for such measurements in the fluorescence cell. D. N . K r a m e r and coworkers derived the amine-peroxide reaction (Schoene­ mann) used in detection of q u a n t i t a t i v e analysis of nerve gases. B a t e of color formation in this reaction was studied b y use of acetones, ketones, aldehydes, alcohols, and ethers, and spectral d a t a were presented for the role of acetone. A m e t h o d for identifying organic constituents in polluted air was devel­ oped by J. F . T h o m a s and coworkers a t the University of California. W h e t h e r the organics are present as gases or aerosols depends on ambient tempera­

ture. Removal is effected b y filtration or trapping. Separation of compounds is b y ether extraction. Most of t h e m fall into two categories: inerts (hydro­ carbons) and compounds with acidic properties. Microtechniques are used to separate them into classes, then chromatographic techniques t o separate the inert compounds. Various types of equipment h a v e been developed for analyzing t h e composition of constituents in air. J . Gwirtsman and coworkers a t t h e Boyce T h o m p s o n I n s t i t u t e developed a conical-shaped a b ­ sorber for absorbing fluorides from air passed through the absorbing solution and t h e n into a steam-distilling appara­ tus which completed the procedure without transferring the sample—thus reducing t h e possible losses or contami­ nation. T h e final end point determina­ tion uses a photoelectric filter photome­ ter. A new continuous potentiometric in­ strument for determination of hydrogen sulfide and hydrogen cyanide in air plant process streams was described b y J. P . Strange, Mine Safety Appliances. T h e

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N e w Analytical Division Officers were announced for the Division o f Analytical Chemistry a t the Atlantic City meeting of the ACS. John H. Yoe, University of Virginia (right), who was recipient of the Fisher Award at the Atlantic City meeting, is the new chairman-elect; R. P. Chapman, American Cyanamid Co. (left), is chairman of the division; Warren W . Brandt, Purdue University, was r e elected secretary-treasurer


AKRON 9, OHIO For further information, circle number 24 A on Readers' Service Card, page 79 A

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gas is removed from t h e sample by a n alkaline liquid absorbent and placed in a potentiometric cell containing a silver electrode and a saturated calomel reference. B y adjusting flow rates, measurem e n t s are m a d e by deflection for concentrations ranging from 4 parts per billion to 50 p.p.m. or higher. Of special interest is the use" of detector crayons for detecting a n d estimating semiquantitatively trace a m o u n t s of gases in the atmosphere. These crayons, described b y Arnold Prostak, A r m y Chemical Corps, change color i n t h e ANALYTICAL