Use of Ligand-Modified Micellar-Enhanced Ultrafiltration to Selectively

Feb 11, 1999 - Susan B. Shadizadeh1,2, Richard W. Taylor3, John F. Scamehorn1,2, Annette L. Schovanec3, and Sherril D. Christian2,3. 1 School of ...
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Chapter 19

Downloaded by MICHIGAN STATE UNIV on February 18, 2015 | Publication Date: February 11, 1999 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1999-0716.ch019

Use of Ligand-Modified Micellar-Enhanced Ultrafiltration to Selectively Remove Copper from Water 1,2


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Susan B. Shadizadeh , Richard W. Taylor ,4, John F. Scamehorn , , Annette L. Schovanec , and Sherril D. Christian 3




School of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Institute for Applied Surfactant Research, and Department of Chemistry, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019 3

The effectiveness of the ligand 4-hexadecyloxybenzyliminodiacetic acid (C BIDA) for the selective removal of Cu from aqueous solutions using Ugand-modified micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration (LM-MEUF) has been investigated. The cationic surfactant N-hexadecylpyridinium chloride (CPC) was used as the added colloid. Stirred cell ultrafiltration (UF) and semi-equilibrium dialysis (SED) methods were used to determine the effects of solution composition on the rejection of copper ions. The parameters studies include the concentrations of Cu , ligand, Ca , surfactant, and NaCl in the initial (feed) solution for UF and SED experiments and the applied pressure in the UF experiments. In solutions containing 100 mM CPC at pH 5.5, predominately 1:2 metal-ligand complexes are formed. Rejections of copper of up to 99.8% are observed, with almost no rejection of calcium, demonstrating the excellent selectivity and separation efficiency of C16BIDA in LM-MEUF. SED experiments showed that the ligand can be recovered for recycling by acid-stripping at pH 2. 2+




Surfactant-based separation processes are a class of chemical engineering separations that have great potential for removal and/or recovery of heavy metals and organic pollutants from water streams (7,2). Surfactant-based separation processes can require less energy, be less expensive, and have less environmental impact than traditional separation methods. Micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration (MEUF) is a surfactant-based separation technique that can be used to remove metal ions and/or dissolved organics from aqueous streams. In MEUF, the surfactant is present at a concentration well above its critical micelle concentration (CMC), so most of the surfactant is present as micelles. The micelles are roughly spherical aggregates containing about 50 to 150 surfactant molecules (3). The hydrocarbon chains of the surfactant fill the micelle interior making this core hydrophobic, and the hydrophilic portions of the surfactant are situated at the micelle surface. Cationic multivalent metal ions adsorb or bind to the surface of negatively charged micelles of an anionic surfactant while organic solutes tend to Corresponding author.


©1999 American Chemical Society

In Metal-Ion Separation and Preconcentration; Bond, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

281 solubilize or dissolve within the micelles (1,2,4-12). A disadvantage of MEUF in removing dissolved metals from aqueous solutions is that ions of the same charge will be removed with approximately the same efficiency, that is, there is a lack of selectivity. For example, using an anionic surfactant, C a , C u , N i , and Z n were all removed with nearly the same rejection (2,10). Ligand-modified micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration (LM-MEUF) is a modification of MEUF that can provide selectivity in the removal of cations (13-17). In LM-MEUF, a surfactant and a ligand are added to the contaminated solution. A suitable ligand for LM-MEUF needs to have a group which can selectively complex the target metal ion. Furthermore, the ligand should have a large hydrophobic group in order to have a high tendency to solubilize in the micelles so the ligand and complexed metal ion are attached to the micelle to a large extent. This solution containing surfactant/ligand/ion is then treated by an ultrafiltration process, shown schematically in Figure 1, using a membrane with pore sizes small enough to reject or block the micelles. As micelles are rejected, the solubilized ligand and its associated ions will also be rejected. The unsolubilized ligand, uncomplexed ions, and surfactant monomers pass through the ultrafiltration membrane to the permeate side (13-16). The effectiveness of the separation process in retaining the target species in the retentate can be defined in terms of a rejection value. The retentate-based rejection (in %) of species X is defined as:

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RX (%) = {!-( [Xlper / [Xlret ) } x 100



where [X]per and [X] t are the concentrations of the target species in the permeate and retentate, respectively. The resulting permeate stream from LM-MEUF contains very low concentrations of the surfactant, target metal, and the ligand and, hence, high rejection values for each of these species. By using a cationic surfactant in the LM-MEUF process, it is possible to expel the cations, which are not specifically complexed with the solubilized ligand, into the permeate by a process called ion-expulsion ultrafiltration (IEUF) (11,18,19). A Donnan-equilibrium effect causes the uncomplexed cations to become concentrated in the permeate; in this way, extremely large selectivities can be achieved with LM-MEUF (13,16). Consequently, a dilute process stream with a fairly large volume can be separated into a small volume concentrated retentate stream containing a large percentage of the surfactant/ligand/target ion, and a large volume permeate that contains toxins in low concentrations. Staging the ultrafiltration units (6) can permit the ultimate permeate to have any desired degree of purity so it can be discarded or reused. The retentate stream is considerably smaller in volume than the original process stream, and therefore, further treatment or disposal of this retentate can be less expensive than treatment of the original process stream. Schemes have been developed to recover the surfactant and ligand from the retentate for reuse (17). Micellar extraction of metal ions using an ultrafiltration technique has also been reported by Tondre and co-workers, including studies on ligand-metal complexation and kinetically controlled separation of metal ions (20-23). In previous LM-MEUF studies, selective removal of C u from a solution containing a C u / C a mixture has been accomplished using the ligand AH«-dodecyl)iminodiacetic acid with the cationic surfactant JV-hexadecylpyridinium chloride (CPC). Rejections of C u of greater than 99% were reported with no rejection of C a (13,14). Similar results were observed using a commercially available alkyl^-diketone ligand for the C u / C a mixture with Nhexadecyltrimethylammonium chloride as the surfactant (17). A regeneration scheme was developed and demonstrated for this latter system which allows reuse of the surfactant and ligand (17). In the current study, LM-MEUF is demonstrated for re


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In Metal-Ion Separation and Preconcentration; Bond, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

In Metal-Ion Separation and Preconcentration; Bond, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999. ULTRAFILTRATION MEMBRANE









Figure 1. Diagram of an LM-MEUF unit for the removal of cationic metal species from an aqueous stream.




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removal of C u from aqueous solutions containing C u and C a using the ligand 4-hexadecyloxybenzyliminodiacetic acid (C16BIDA) and the cationic surfactant CPC. The effects of solute concentrations and ultrafiltration operating parameters on the separation efficiency and selectivity are investigated. CH COOH 2

CH (CH ) CH 0 3





Ci BIDA Downloaded by MICHIGAN STATE UNIV on February 18, 2015 | Publication Date: February 11, 1999 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1999-0716.ch019


Most of the data discussed here were obtained by stirred cell ultrafiltration. However, we also use the semi-equilibrium dialysis (SED) technique which has been developed in our laboratory as a simple experimental method for investigating both solubilization of organic species in surfactant micelles and the binding or expulsion of ions by micelles. Since MEUF processes are equilibrium-controlled, rather than kinetically-controlled; the results of simple SED experiments can be used to predict the effectiveness of ultrafiltration (UF) purification processes for rejected species (8,1114-16,24-29). Experimental Section Materials. CuCl2*2H 0, CaCl2-2H 0, and NaCl (Certified ACS grade) were purchased from Fisher and dried at 240 °C for 24 hours. Compounds used to synthesize the ligand were obtained from Aldrich Chemical Co. and used as provided. Standard buffer solutions for pH 4 and pH 7, copper and calcium atomic absorption reference solutions, HC1 and NaOH (Fisher Chemical Co.), and methanol (HPLC grade, J. T. Baker) were also used. iV-Hexadecylpyridinium chloride (CPC) was obtained from Hexcel Chemical Co. and used as provided. The purity of CPC (pharmaceutical grade) was confirmed by surface tension and HPLC analysis. N-Hexadecyltrimemylammonium bromide (CTAB) was obtained from Fluka and used as provided. All test solutions were prepared using water that was purified by two stages of ion exchange with subsequent carbon filtering. Air used to pressurize ultrafiltration cells was passed through several filters and water removal traps. The ligand 4-hexadecyloxybenzyliminodiacetic acid, C16BIDA, was synthesized following literature procedures. 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde was alkylated with 1-bromohexadecane (30) and the aldehyde converted to an oxime (31). The oxime was reduced to an amine (32), followed by N-alkylation of the benzylamine with 1-bromoacetic acid (33). The final product was purified by recrystallization twice from ethanol. NMR and mass spectra of the intermediates and final product were consistent with the compounds sought (16). 2


Procedures. All test solutions were adjusted to pH 5.5 ± 0.5 using HC1 and/or NaOH. pH measurements were made using a Markson pH meter (model 6102) equipped with a Markson Q-830 epoxy body combination electrode. The pH meter was calibrated using standard buffer solutions (pH 4.00 and 7.00). UV-Vis absorbance measurements were made using an HP8452A diode-array spectrometer with 10 second signal-averaging or with a Hitachi 100-80 double-beam spectrophotometer. A holmium oxidefilterwas used to confirm wavelength accuracy. Ultrafiltration experiments were performed using a Nuclepore 400 mL stirred cell (Model Number S76-400, Spectrum) thermostatted at 25 °C using a circulating water bath. Unless otherwise noted, the pressure on the retentate side was 60 psig

In Metal-Ion Separation and Preconcentration; Bond, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.

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284 (414 kPa) in all the experiments. For the stirred cell experiments, anisotropic cellulose acetate membranes (Spectrum) with a molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) of 10,000 and a diameter of 76 mm were used. The ultrafiltration membranes were soaked in the feed solution for 24 hours before the run was started. The cell was initially filled with 300 mL of surfactant solution and the contents stirred at 840 rpm to ensure adequate mixing within the cell (7,72). For each run, a total of 200 mL of permeate was collected in 25 mL aliquots, along with samples of feed and retentate solutions. The rejection (Rx) was calculated using equation 1 from permeate and retentate concentrations measured at the midpoint of each run; that is, after 100 mL of permeate was collected. The semi-equilibrium dialysis (SED) method has been used as described previously (8,77,74-76,24-29). Regenerated cellulose acetate membranes (Fisher) with an average MWCO of 6000 were soaked in deionized water for 24 hours prior to use. The test solution (~5 mL) was placed in the retentate side of the cell and the permeate compartment was filled with deionized water (or NaCl solution). The cells were equilibrated for 24 hours at 25 °C and then the concentrations in permeate and retentate solutions were analyzed. All ultrafiltration and SED experiments were performed in duplicate and the results reported are the average of two runs. Sample Analysis. The concentrations of copper and calcium in the feed, permeate, and retentate solutions were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry using a Varian SpectrAA 20 atomic absorption spectrometer equipped with a GTA-96 graphite tube atomizer. The feed and retentate solutions were diluted to the concentration range of the calibration curve with doubly deionized water. Matrix effects due to the presence of surfactant were minimized by adding sufficient surfactant to the calibration standards to match the average found in the feed, retentate, and permeate solutions after dilution (14-17). Each copper and calcium sample was analyzed three times and the results averaged. HPLC with UV detection was used to determine the CPC concentrations in the feed, permeate, and retentate. The columns (4.6 mm, LD. χ 115 mm long) employed Whatman Partisil ODS II (Alltech Assoc., Inc.) with ten micron particle size. Peak heights were measured at 260 nm. Water was used initially as the solvent to wash any salts from the column, followed by a methanol-water mixture to elute the CPC. Results and Discussion Ligand Properties. In pure water, the solubility of the ligand as a function of solution pH was measured using UV spectroscopy. The concentrations of the ligand at saturation vary in the following manner; pH 5.5-6.5, 14 μΜ; pH 7.5-8.5; 45 μΜ and pH 9.5-10.5, 90 μΜ. The increase in solubility as the pH increases is expected since the carboxylic acid moieties undergo ionization forming mono- and dianionic species; that is, at pH 1.5, 6.0, and 10.0 the predominant ligand species are H L , HL~, and L ", respectively (16,34). The solubility of the ligand in the presence of a micellar surfactant (i.e., above the CMC) is important since it gives a measure of the metal complexing (loading) capacity of the LM-MEUF system. For a solution containing 100 mM CPC at pH 5.5, the nominal (total) solubility is greater than or equal to 2mM (16). In another study utilizing an alkyl-P-diketone ligand in CTAB, this level of ligand concentration (about 2% of total surfactant) causes a decrease in the CMC of about 20-30% compared to the pure surfactant (17). The partition of the ligand in the absence of metal ions was studied using the SED technique. Because CPC interferes in the wavelength region where the ligand absorbs, the partition experiments were carried out using the cationic surfactant CTAB which is transparent at wavelengths greater than 250 nm. The concentrations of ligand 2


In Metal-Ion Separation and Preconcentration; Bond, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1999.


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in the SED permeate and retentate solutions were measured at different pH values by absorbanee measurements at 270 nm. For solutions containing 50 mM CTAB, the ligand rejection values, RL, were calculated using equation 1 and found to be 95.3% (pH 1.5), 98.0% (pH 5.5), and 99.6% (pH 12). The increase in the R L values parallels the progressive deprotonation of die carboxylic acid moieties as the pH rises from 1.5 to 12.0. As the charge on the ligand becomes more negative, the electrostatic interaction with the cationic micelle increases, causing a larger fraction of the ligand to be retained by the micelle. The results of these prehminary studies show that C16BÏÏDA has very low solubility in water but is soluble in cationic CPC micelles at a level of at least 2 mM. The strong partition of the ligand (> 99%) into micellar surfactant at pH > 5.5 is important to minimize ligand losses during the ultrafiltration process. Ultrafiltration Studies. A series of ultrafiltration experiments was carried out with C 1 6 B I D A in micellar CPC at pH 5.5 (feed) to determine how differing experimental conditions affect the rejection of copper, Rcu- The feed concentrations of C u , C a , C 1 6 B I D A , CPC, and NaCl and the applied pressure were varied individually while the other parameters were held constant. For each set of experimental conditions, the feed, permeate, and retentate concentrations of Cu and Ca, along with the rejection values for copper, are given in Tables I, II, and III. Measurements of the CPC concentrations in the permeate and retentate were carried out for all ultrafiltration runs. Based on HPLC analysis and using equation 1, the average value for the rejection, RCPC» of CPC was 99.63%. Figures 2 to 4 show plots of [Cu] and [Ca] r versus [X]ret> where X represents the parameter varied. The insets in thesefiguresgive the average values of the concentration of the solution components that were held constant Although the feed concentration of a given solute was the same for the separate runs in each set of experiments, differences in separation efficiency caused small variations (< ±10%) in the values at the midpoint of the individual ultrafiltration runs (13). 2+




Metal-Ligand Stoichiometry in Surfactant Micelles. The feed concentrations of C u and C I Ô B I D A were varied independently and the effects on [Cu ] r, [Ca +] , and R are shown Figures 2 and 3 and in Table I. The permeate concentrations of copper are relatively low and copper rejection values greater than 99.7% are observed as long as [Ci6BIDA]f }:[Cu ]feed ^ 2.0. The abrupt change in Rcu values as the [ligand]:[metal] ratio exceeds 2.0 is seen more clearly in the results from the SED experiments (see Table IV). These results suggest that Cu(Ci6BIDA)2 " is the predominant complex species in micellar CPC. This finding differs from that calculated (34,35) for comparable conditions in aqueous solution where the 1:1 C u ( C i 6 B I D A ) complex was the major species (> 90%) for pH 2 mM) in CPC to provide excellent metal binding capacity. Partition of the C I O B I D A and its C u complexes into the micelles is high (RL ^ 98%) thus minimizing losses of the ligand. The predominate form of the copper complex in CPC at pH 5.5 is Cu(Ci6BIDA)2 '. For stirred cell ultrafiltration of mixtures containing C u and Ca , rejection values of C u are equal to or greater than 99.7% provided that ([Ci6BIDA]:[Cu ])f d ^ ·0. For feed solutions initially equimolar in copper and calcium, the [Cu ]:[Ca ] ratios in the permeate vary from 300-6500, demonstrating excellent selectivity for copper in LM-MEUF separations. However, concentration polarization effects in the ultrafiltration cell decrease expulsion of uncomplexed C a into the permeate, causing a slight reduction in the overall separation efficiency. Semi-equilibrium dialysis studies show the feasibility of acid stripping at pH 2 for removal of C u and regeneration of the ligand-surfactant mixture. Future studies will investigate the use of pH to control selectivity during the separation and recycling stages, and the design of ligands with selectivity for other cations, particularly toxic metals such as H g , P b and C d . 2+

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Acknowledgments Financial support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation Grant No's. CBT-8814147 and CTS-9123388, and an Applied Research Grant from the Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology. In addition, support was received from sponsors of the Institute for Applied Surfactant Research including Akzo Nobel, Amway Colgate-Palmolive, Dow, DowElanco, DuPont, Henkel, ICI, Kerr-McGee, Lever, Lubrizol, Nikko Chemical, Phillips Petroleum, Pilot Chemical, Reckitt and Coleman, Shell, Sun, and Witco. Dr. Scamehorn holds the Asahi Glass Chair in Chemical Engineering at the University of Oklahoma. Literature Cited (1) (2) (3) (4)

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