Use The Most Reliable - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Take advantage of the availability and ease of use of over 1,800 AOAC methods. • Comply ... following: your name and address, a check or MasterCard,...
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Use The Most Reliable and Current Analytical Methods Available . . . Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC, 15th edition • Save time and money, achieve more accurate analysis, and improve your laboratory's reputation • Take advantage of the availability and ease of use of over 1,800 AOAC methods • Comply more easily with government regulations • Be confident you're using the best, most current methods available Chemists, biochemists, microbiologists, other biologists and other scientists reach for Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC for the analytical methods they need for their work in regulatory, research and quality control activities. They know that AOAC methods are reliable and reproducible — each has been tested using interlaboratory collaborative studies. The easy-to-follow, step-by-step format specifies all reagents and apparatus. Alternative methods are often provided to accommodate a wide range of laboratory capabilities. Plus, as analytical needs change and as knowledge and techniques advance, new and revised methods are continually being validated by AOAC. Annual supplements, sent at no additional cost, ensure that purchasers have the latest information available.

Contents: VOLUME 1 - AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS, CONTAMINANTS, DRUGS-agricultural liming materials... fertilizers..plants..feeds.drugs in feeds..disinfectants...pesticide formulaions...hazardous substances... metals & other elements...pesticide & industrial chemical residues...waters, salt...microchemical methods...radioactivity... veterinary analytical toxicology...cosmetics...extraneous materials...microbiological methods...drugs...drug & feed additives in animal tissues...forensic methods

Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC, 15th edition

VOLUME 2 — FOOD COMPOSITION —baking chemicals.distilled liquors.malt beverages..wines.nonalcoholic and tea..cacao bean...cereal foods..dairy products...eggs and egg & other marine products..flavors...fruits & fruit products...gelatin, dessert preparations...meat & meat products... nuts & nut products...oils & fats.vegetable products...spices & other condiments..sugars & sugar products... vitamins & other nutrients...color additives, direct & indirect... natural poisons. 1,200 pages. 1990. 2 volumes. Hardbound. Illus. ISBN 0-935584-42-0 $268.00 in North America (USA, Canada, Mexico); $298.00 outside North America For AOAC International member prices, subtract 10%. To obtain your copy of Official Methods of Analysis, send your order with the following: your name and address, a check or MasterCard, VISA, or Diners credit card information (name of card, card number, and expiration date) plus signature to AOAC International-ACS, 1970 Chain Bridge Road, Dept 0742, McLean, VA 22109-0742. +1 (703) 522-3032, FAX +1 522-5468. Credit card orders may be phoned or faxed in.




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Editor: Donald R. Paul University of Texas, Austin Published by the American Chemical Society

Quality information that gives you the leading edge Covering the broad, interdisciplinary field of chemical engineering and industrial chemistry, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research delivers peer-reviewed, monthly reports with a focus on the fundamental and theoretical aspects of chemical engineering, process design and development, and product R&D. A typical issue contains original studies in the areas of kinetics and catalysis, materials and interfaces, process engineering and design, separations, and other topics, with an emphasis on new areas of science and technology.


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