inventory control edited by
JOE RICH Blackhawk Chnsfian School 74W East State Boulevard Fori Wayne. IN 46815
Useful Plastic Items Available Marie Sherman Ursuline Academy St. Louis, MO 63122
It recently has come to our attention that hospitals are a source of plastic items that can he used by chemistry teachers a t the precollege or college level. These items are discarded t?oh uperai'mg room;bur have not come i n contact with any ol'the pnrirnrs; therefbre, rhev are prtit.crly sare to use. Some of these items are 1. square-shaped, sturdy polypropylene bottles: 500-mL,
100-mL,and 1500-mLsizes; 2. polystyrene "lens cases", about 5 x 7 in. in size, which are
quite suitable for storing Beral pipets (each lens case held one tiny plastic lens implant to be used after cataract removal);and 3. instrument trays, about 12 x 15 in. and 2-3 in. deep, with a number of deep compartments. T h e r e prohahly a r e a n u m b e r of other items t h a t would he available from other hospitals. Get i n touch with someone connected with t h e operating room a t your local hospital to see what can be obtained. This will reduce the amount of t r a s h the hospital sends to a landfill, and a t the same time you will obtain some useful items for your laboratory!
Journal of Chemical Education