Uses and Applications of Chemicals and Related Materials - C&EN

Importers and Exporters. 7. Libraries, Teachers, and Students of all branches of the Chemical Industry. 8. Advertising Agencies, Dealers, and Trade As...
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Uses and Applications of Chemicals and R e l a t e d Materials A Guide t o Their Current Industrial Uses, Potential Applications, and Sales Possibilities CONTENTS OF VOLUME


Volume two will be found extremely helpful in connection with t h e use of Volume I as well as for the extensive amount of new information which it contains. I t i s made up of the following sections. Part 1. Index of Uses. In this index are listed the substances treated in Volumes I and I I arranged under headings descriptive of their various uses. For example, under "Plasticizers" will be found such substances as Diethyl Phthalale, Tricresyl Phosphate, Camphor, etc. Part 2 . Uses and Applications of Chemicals and Related Materials. This section is identical in arrangement with Volume I . I t gives the use of each substance classified by industries and by applications within each industry. In cases where new uses of items already given in Volume I have become available, these are included a s supplementary information. I n addition to these, Volume I I contains about 2500 items n o t described i n Volume I There is a total of 360 double column pages of this material. Part 3. Index of Synonyms and Cross References. This index contains the alternate names by which many substances are known. I t will aid the user of the book in locating items which are commonly known by several names as for example, lime— calcium hydroxide; hydrochloric acid— muriatic acid. Part 4 . Index of Patents. I n this index a r e listed by number the patents cited in Volumes I and I I together with the names of their owners. Part 5. Index of Addresses. The owners of the p a t e n t s given in P a r t 4.


and Edited by

T H O M A S C. G R E G O R Y Specialist in Chemical Market and Literature Research key to the chemical and process industries, these volumes provide a quick a n d accurate shortcut t o vital information t o the current uses and applications of about 8,000 important substances in more than fifty leading industries. B e cause of the wide range of materials and their industrial applications, a n d t h e conciseness with which t h e information is presented these books will be invaluable t o the following groups: 1. Sales Managers. 2 . Salesmen of Chemicals. 3 . Chemical Manufacturers. 4. Research Directors. 5. Patent Attorneys. 6. Importers and Exporters. 7. Libraries, Teachers, and Students of all branches of the Chemical Industry. 8. Advertising Agencies, Dealers, and Trade Associations.


Classification of Uses b y Industries

These detailed analyses or "surveys" constitute t h e body of the books. I n t h e case of the more widely used chemicals like sodium hydroxide a n d sulfuric acid, t h e survey requires several pages. On t h e other hand many newly synthesized substances appear for which only one or two uses are yet known. All uses are classified b y industries arranged alphabetically. Both general a n d specific uses are included: t h e general classification indicates whether, for example, the material acts as reagent, intermediate, solvent, softener, plasticizer, filler, reinforcing agent, reducing agent, etc. The specific classification gives the exact products in t h e manufacture of which the listed material plays a p a r t . Over 50 industries are represented. Synonyms

The first item given under each substance is its synonym. A complete cross-reference index quickly shows under which of several names each material is listed. I n most cases t h e presence of synonyms will avoid a tiresome search through dictionaries and reference books. Foreign Names

Next is given the n a m e of each substance in the most important foreign languages. French and German are invariably given and sometimes also Spanish, Italian a n d Latin, where this is of medical importance. This feature will b e of special value t o importers and to purchasing agents and salesmen having foreign contacts. Patent References

Most uses covered b y effective patents, either U. S. or foreign, are so indicated by the appropriate patent number in parentheses. This again is a time-saving feature, precluding many hours of searching in a library. T h e book does n o t pretend t o offer the results of a complete p a t e n t search, b u t the profuse references included will be of great interest and value. Vol. I I contains indexes t o all patents given in both volumes.

Volume one 653 Pages, Price $10.00

Volume two 527 Pages, Price $ 9 . 0 0

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