Uses of Sugars and other Carbohydrates in the Food Industry

May 16, 2012 - Uses of Sugars and other Carbohydrates in the Food Industry. Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 (8), pp 72A–72A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60140a774...
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N o . 12 Advances in Chemistry

edited The same excellence of design, work­ manship and materials that are built into Aminco's other time-proven Warburg instruments for manometric research are now incorporated into its newest member of the family, the Bench Model Warburg Apparatus. The overall diameter of 16 inches and total weight of 63 lbs. make this Warburg the smallest and lightest commercially-available instrument of its type on the market. It is especial­ ly useful where lab space is limited, and ideal for classroom instruction. Nine manometer stations are pro­ vided to accommodate four pairs of operating manometers and one thermobarometer. Designed to maintain close tempera­ ture control, the difference in tem­ perature measured between any two points at an operational depth in the bath is less than 0.0 Γ C . Shaking of flasks is adjustable in both frequency and amplitude, and each manometer can be easily re­ moved to provide accessibility to in­ dividual flasks without disturbing re­ maining samples. Aminco-Lardy Warburg Apparatus

by the




Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

Uses of Sugars and other Carbohydrates in the Food Industry 17 papers—142 pages devoted to a better understanding of t h e ways in which our largest single dietary constituent—the carbohydrates— contributes t o t h e physical and chemical n a t u r e , as well as t h e nutritional quality and accept­ ability, of our foods.

The Role of Sugar in the Food Industry Starches in the Food Industry Liquid Sugar in the Food Industry Starch Hydrolyzates in the Food Industry Pectic Substances in the Food Industries Carbohydrates in Confections

Temperature range: Ambient to 50°C

Sugar in Confectionery

Power requirement: 115 v., 60-cycle,

Sugar and Other Carbohydrates in

Cat. No. 5-140 W a r b u r g , A m i n c o Lardy—nine stations; equipped w i t h b i - m e t a l thermoregulator, but w i t h ­ out manometers, supports a n d vessels which must be ordered separately.

Carbonated Beverages Sugars in the Canning of Fruits and Vegetables Sugars in the Baking Industry Sugar and Other Carbohydrates in Meat Processing Sugar in Frozen Foods Effects of Carbohydrates and Other Fac­ tors on Color Loss in Strawberry Products Role of Carbohydrates in Infant Feeding

APPARATUS Complete contained

information in

Role of Sweeteners in Food Flavor Sugars in Human Nutrition Sugars in Standardized Foods

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