Valence bond representation for the hydrogen atom exchange

Page 12210, column 1, line 5 up: replace “reactants” with. “reactants and ... Page 12213, column 1, line 6 of second paragraph: replace. “and ...
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3226 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 98, No. 12, 1994

Additions and Corrections


1993, Volume 97 Richard D. Harcourt’ and Rickie Ng: Valence Bond Representation for the Hydrogen Atom Exchange Reaction

Due to a misunderstanding, the following galley proof corrections and an addition to ref 7 were not incorporated into the published version of the paper. Page 12210, column 1, line 5 up: replace “reactants” with “reactants and products”. Page 12210, column 2, line 9 up: insert a comma after the word “coordinate”. Page 12210, column 2, line 8 up: replace “vibrational” with “variational”. Page 1221 1, column 1 : In the line below eq 1, replace “The terms” with “with”. Page 1221 1, column 2, line 4 down: replace “Scheme B” with “Scheme A”.


Page 12211, column 2, eq 5: replace “cp’b, ” with



Page 12211, column 2, eq 6: replace “ ~ 5 ” with “@s”. Page 1221 1, column 2: insert parentheses around the sentence below eq 8 and replace “We may then write” with “With RC = reactant complex and PC = product complex, we may then write”. Page 12212, caption for Table 111: replace “3-12” with “3“K“” with “ K ” .

11” and

Page 12213, column 1, line 6 of second paragraph: replace “and correspond to the wave functions of eqs 9 and 10.” with “rather than bonding, as occurs in structures I1 and m.” Page 12213, column 2, line 2 below structures (W) and (VIII): replace “k’ = K” = 00” with “k’ = K’ = a”. Page 12213, column 2, line 1 up from the Conclusions: replace “cp‘ab” with “Qbb”.

Page 12214, line 4 up from eq A2: replace “lab4 - lahcl” with

“pal - Ichl”. Page 12214, eq A2: replace “@I - 105”with ‘9, - 105”. Page 12214, column 2, reference 7: On p 47, change 24 to 29, and on p 49, delete reference to Figure 2 immediately above Figure 1.


0 1994 American Chemical Society