Valuable References for Analytical Chemists - American Chemical

in the series focuses on robotics, computers, and laboratory data man- agement; atomic and molecular spec- troscopy, electroanalytical chemistry and c...
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V a l u a b l e References for

Analytical Chemists from the American Chemical Society Measurement Challenges in Atmospheric Chemistry Presents discussions on state-of-theart techniques and instrumentation used for atmospheric measurements. Summarizes progress in a variety of areas of atmospheric research and identifies areas that should now be addressed by the research community. Provides indepth coverage of the measurement of both aerosols and gases. Reviews techniques for measuring species in the troposphere and mésosphère. Serves as an excellent reference for atmospheric scientists as well as an introduction to the field for analytical and gas-phase researchers interested in atmospheric measurement. Leonard Newman, Editor Advances in Chemistry Series No. 232 338 pages (1993) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-2470-6 $94.95

Biosensor Design and Application Presents a contemporary discussion of currently available and potential applications of biosensors. Examines diverse approaches to the basic problems of microsizing analytical instrumentation, including the use of intact Crustacea antenna, various forms of redox reactions, use of antibody-medicated reactions, and opticaland spectrophotometric-based methods. Describes requirements for using biosensors in experiments conducted in space as well as an interesting approach to the development of more efficient procedures for commercialization of biosensor technologies.


Paul R. Mathewson and John W. Finley, Editors ACS Symposium Series No. 511 204 pages(1992) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-2494-3 $54.95

Chromatography of Pharmaceuticals: Natural, Synthetic, and Recombinant Products

Element-Specific Chromatographic Detection by Atomic Emission Spectroscopy

Describes the role of chromatography in the development of new drugs. Features chapters on the analysis of natural and recombinant pharmaceutical products. Covers new techniques such as capillary electrophoresis and a n u m b e r of hyphenated techniques that combine liquid chromatography or gas chromatography with mass spectrometry. Describes such applications as impurity analysis, chiral separations, metabolic studies, robotics, and support of biotechnology products. Also describes trace and ultratrace analyses in a variety of matrices.

Offers fundamental research studies and reviews by the most active groups in the field, including those involved in instrument development. Includes discussions on a wide variety of techniques, including LC/GC, SFC, atomic emission spectrpscopy, plasma spectroscopy, microwave induced plasmas, inductively coupled plasmas, direct current plasmas, and inductively coupled plasma/ mass spectroscopy. A valuable source of information for analytical and environmental chemists, toxicologists, medicinal and pharmaceutical chemists, and instrument developers.

Satinder Ahuja, Editor ACS Symposium Series No. 512 214 pages (1992) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412- 2498-6 $59.95

Peter C. Uden, Editor ACS Symposium Series No. 479 345 pages (1992) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-2174-X $74.95

Instrumentation in Analytical Chemistry, 1988-1991 An anthology of 48 articles that first appeared in Analytical Chemistry, this volume provides an excellent overview of the entire field of analytical instrumentation and features state-ofthe-art developments. This fourth volu m e in the series focuses on robotics, computers, and laboratory data management; atomic and molecular spectroscopy, electroanalytical chemistry and chemical sensors; separations; mass spectroscopy; and surface analysis. Also included is an introduction by Royce Murray, editor of Analytical Chemistry. Louise Voress, Editor 350 pages (1992) Clothbound: ISBN 0-8412-2191-X $44.95 Paperbound: ISBN 0-8412-2202-9 $28.95

Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods: Environmental Behavior of Organic Compounds Presents simple estimation methods for 26 important properties of organic chemicals that are of environmental concern. Facilitates the study of problematic chemicals in such applications as chemical fate m o d e l i n g , environmental assessments, priority ranking of large lists of chemicals, chemical spill modeling, chemical process design, and experimental design. Provides step-bystep instructions to quickly and easily obtain the needed estimations. Warren J. Lyman, William F. Reehl, and David H. Rosenblatt First published by McGraw-Hill Book Company (1982) 960 pages (1990) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-1761-0 $49.95

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