Vapor-liquid equilibria for the binary systems of benzene-toluene

Vapor-liquid equilibria for the binary systems of benzene-toluene, diphenylmethane-toluene, m-cresol-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene, and quinoline-benz...
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J. Chem. Eng. Data 1987, 32, 143-147


Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for the Binary Systems of Benzene/Toluene, Diphenylmethane/Toluene, m-Cresol/1,2,3,4-Tetrahydronaphthalene, and Quinoline/Benzene Scott M. Klara, Rahoma S. Mohamed, Dennis M. Dempsey, and Gerald D. Holder" Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Universlty of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 152 13

Table I. Pure Component Data diphenylmethane temp, K vap press., kPa Al' = 15.1413,B1 = 5078.0,C1 = 53.89,Menb= 0.066 diphenylmethane 457.95 13.10 488.05 31.00 527.35 82.72 560.95 168.9 581.85 250.2

Vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data for the binary systems of benzene/tduene, diphenylmelhane/loiuene, m-cresoi/l,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthaiene, and benzene/quinoilne were measured at low to moderate pressures (0-1733 kPa) by uslng a static equilibrium cell. The data were isothermally correlated by using the Peng-Robinson equation of state to describe both vapor and liquid phases. The data were also correlated by using the Peng-Roblnson equation of dale lo describe the vapor phase and the universal quasi-chemical (UNIQUAC) excess Glbbs free energy expresslon for the liquid phase. Interactlon parameters for both the Peng-Robinson and the UNIQUAC equations are reported at each isotherm.

A l a = 14.3430,B1 = 4062.0,C1 = 62.44,hPer$= 0.061 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene 450.55 48.25 464.55 69.62 489.25 124.9 508.25 186.8 527.45 272.3 543.85 367.4 562.25 501.1 582.25 684.5

Introductlon For coal liquid mixtures, many components are high molecular weight aromatics and binary data for systems containing such compounds are relatively scarce. Isothermal VLE data are presented for the following systems which can be considered as model compounds for coal liquids: benzene/toluene, diphenylmethane/toluene, m -cresol/ 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene, and benzene/quinoline. The data were isothermally regressed by using the Peng-Robinson ( 1 ) equation of state to model both vapor and liquid phases, and by using the Peng-Robinson equation to model the vapor phase and the universal quasi-chemical (UNIQUAC) (2) excess Gibbs free energy expression to model the liquid phase. I t is our goal to present binary interaction parameters for the Peng-Robinson equation of state and UNIQUAC expression which will be useful in predicting the phase behavior of the coal liquids.

Ala = 15.5337,B1 = 4594.0,C1 = 54.34,Menb= 0.068 m-cresol 466.35 79.96 472.95 95.54 493.75 160.6 510.85 237.9 531.35 366.2 565.45 695.5 588.65 1028.5 Ala = 14.4961,B1 = 4390.0,C1 = 65.19,hPsr: = 0.102 quinoline 472.85 42.12 504.95 90.99 514.35 112.4 534.35 170.3 548.05 222.6 OlogP (kPa) = A1 -Bl/(T (kelvin) + Cl). bhPen= [,&(P,.,tl

- P&d)l2/N.

Experimental Section

Pressure measurements were monitored with two Viatran pressure transmitters. Low-pressure measurements were made with a Viatran, Model 501-115, 0-173 kPa transmitter. Pressure readings greater than 173 kPa were measured with a Viatran Model 501-115, 0-1733 kPa transmitter. Both transmitters were calibrated to f0.25% of the full-scale pressure. The following list of chemicals were available with a purity of 99 mol % or greater. Benzene was obtained from Fischer Scientific (5414). Toluene was available as a Baker Analyzed Reagent. Aldrich supplied the remaining chemicals of 1,2,3,4tetrahydronaphthalene (10,241-5), quinoline (24,157-I), diphenylmethane (24,007-g), and m-cresol (24,007-9). As a secondary measure, the components were analyzed by using a gas chromatograph showing the dominant peak to have an area of no less than 99% of the total. All chemicals were used with no further purification.

A schematic diagram of the apparatus can be found in Figure 1. The statk equilibrium cell consists of a stainless steel vessel with a volume of approximately 70 mL. Temperature is controlled by a Tecam fluidized temperature regulating sandbath and temperature controller (298-623 K). At the beginning of an experiment, the equillbrlum vessel was charged with 50 mL (liquid) of a pure or binary mixture. I f a mixture was used, it was stirred thoroughly before charging it to the vessel and no further internal stirring was necessary. Equilibrium conditions were assumed when constant temperature and constant pressure readings were obtained for a period of 15 min or longer and the pressure readings at such conditions were taken as equilibrium bubble pressures for the charged fluld. Both the vapor-phase and liquid-phase temperatures were monitored at all times. The vapor-phase temperature, which was always slightly (1 OC) lower than the liquid-phase temperature, was used as the experimental value because the equilibrium vapor pressures agreed more closely with the literature values when this temperature was used. All temperatures throughout the apparatus were measured by using stainless steel sheath Carboy Type K thermocouples. The thermocouples were calibrated with a high precision mercury thermometer with an accuracy of f0.05 'C. 0021-958818711732-0143$01.50/0

Results and Conciuslons Due to the high sensitivity of vapor pressure to chemical purity and experimental conditions, the vapor pressures of the pure components were measured with the same apparatus and from the same chemical batch as those for the binary mixtures (8). The pure component vapor pressure data obtained are 0


American Chemical Society

144 Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 32, No. 2, 1987

Table 11. Literature Comparison of the Benzene/Toluene System ( 6 ) temp, K Put,,” kPa Pexptl, kPa AP,kPa z(Benzene) = 0.226 373.15 393.15

100.7 165.3

373.15 393.15

137.9 228.1

373.15 393.15

159.9 265.7

101.1 164.2

0.4 -1.1

r(Benzene) = 0.566 @ @


-1.2 -1.0




%(Benzene)= 0.793 [email protected]


Flgure 1.

136.7 227.1

Experimental apparatus.

156.6 262.6

-3.3 -3.1

a Literature data are interpolated over composition with an average accuracy of 0.5 kPa.





Lagend 4- E v c I I Y E y I 4 4 5 0 . U K 0 DvRYEyI4 47O.W 1:




2 -Y

10‘ I

2 0

2 2

2 4

2 6


2 8


Figure 2. log


3 0

3 2 Xlo-’

pressure (kPa) vs. reciprocal kelvin for pure toluene.

presented in Table I. The data were also correlated by using the Antoine equation log f = A 1 - B l / ( T + C1) (1) where pressure is in kilopascals and temperature in kelvin. The constants (A 1, B 1, C 1) were determined by using a leastsquares technique and an external penalty method for locating the optimal region. The Antoine constants are listed in Table

$ 1





I. The accuracy of the data obtalned by using the above experimental equipment and procedure was determined through a comparison with Antoine equations and literature data for pure component systems (3-5) and literature data for the binary system of benzeneltoluene at 373.15 and 393.15 K (6, 7). For pure component systems the average error between the literature data and the Antoine equations obtained wlth our results is 3 kPa and the maximum error is 7 kPa. As illustrated in Figure 2, the error is a larger percentage of the measured pressure in the low-pressure range. Here the literature values are represented by an Antoine equation (3) because it reproduces the experimental literature data (4, 5) with an average error of 1 kPa which is only a third af the error we report. For the binary system the average errors are given in Table 11. The maximum percent deviation from the literature pressures is f2 % with the average deviation being less than 1% . The f -x-Tdata are regressed by using the Peng-Robinson equation to describe both phases. Subsequently the PengRobinson equation was used only for the vapor phase whlle the universal quasi-chemical (UNIQUAC) Gibbs free energy expression was employed to calculate the activity coefficient in the liquid phase. The interaction parameters in both the Peng-Robinson and UNIQUAC expressions are obtained when the objective function n

- fcaid)/fexp#)/N

( C ~ e x p t i ,=I

was found to be minimum




O i



Mole Fraction of Dlphmybn.thane

Equilibrium pressure vs. composition diagram for the diphenylmethane/toluene system. Flgure 3.

A comparison of experimental to predicted pressures is shown in Tables 111-VI. This is also illustrated in Figure 3 for the diphenylmethane (l)/toluene (2) system. The differences between predicted and calculated results are small, and are primarily due to the limitations in the accuracy of the experimental data. The calculated resuits represent the optimum correlation of the data obtained with the associated binary interaction parameters.

Glossary A l , B1, Antoine constants c1 A constant (eq 3) a attraction parameter UNIQUAC binary interaction parameter related to all AU,j and 711 (a,i = A U , , / R ) B constant (eq 4) b van der Waals covolume, m3 pure component constant defined by eq 12 11 N number of experimental data points P total system pressure, kPa

Journal of Chemical and Englneerlng Data, Vol. 32, No. 2, 1987 145

Table 111. Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data for Benzene (l)/Toluene (2) at 325.15,373.15, and 410.15 K predicted values exptl values Peng-Robinson Peng-Robinson/UNIQUAC Xl

P, kPa


P, kPa

P, kPa




0.955 0.959 0.963 0.982 0.995 1.0

1.0 0.999 0.997 0.982 0.954 0.914

75.8 0.783 93.8 0.866 101.4 0.891 130.1 0.956 158.7 0.990 185.8 1.0 0.1299X lo-'

1.0 0.987 0.977 0.925 0.860 0.789

201.9 239.0 255.4 318.9 384.2 447.7 0.7847X

1.0 0.986 0.972 0.922 0.855 0.782

T = 325.15K 0 13.4" 0.226 19.9 0.306 21.8 0.566 32.6 0.793 36.0 1.0 44.1 av error,b Y

0 13.4 0.478 19.9 0.583 22.2 0.810 30.2 0.928 37.5 1.0 44.1 0.2228X lo-'

0 75.8 0.226 92.5 0.306 101.4 0.566 138.1 0.793 157.7 1.0 185.8 av error,b Y

T = 373.15K 0 75.8 0 0.377 93.9 0.378 0.486 101.4 0.488 0.759 129.5 0.761 0.912 158.2 0.912 1.0 1.0 185.8 0.1342X lo-'

0 201.9 0.226 236.8 0.306 255.4 0.566 329.8 0.793 385.9 1.0 447.7 av error: Y

0 201.9 0.346 239.4 0.453 255.4 0.734 317.3 0.902 382.8 1.0 447.7 0.95X IO2

13.4 19.8 22.2 30.1 37.4 44.1 0.2224X

0 0.477 0.581 0.809 0.929 1.0


T = 410.15K 0 0.347 0.455 0.737 0.901 1.0

0.773 0.860 0.887 0.955 0.990 1.0

Interaction Parameters UNIQUAC


Peng-Robinson -0.004727 -0.02050 -0.02555

325.15 373.15 410.15


Q12, K -146.0 -168.8 -168.9



180.7 178.5 168.5

Table IV. Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data for Diphenylmethane (l)/Toluene (2) at 450.15, 475.15, and 500.15 K predicted values exptl values Peng-Robinson Peng-Robinson/UNIQUAC X1



P, kPa

P, kPa




T = 450.15K 0 0.3 0.5 0.7

485.4 309.2 199.9 80.3 1.o 8.9" av error,b Y

0 485.4 0.007 280.1 0.024 162.2 0.076 80.3 1.0 8.9 0.5633X 10''

0 0.006 0.021 0.073 1.0

0 776.6 0.3 484.6 0.5 308.5 0.7 126.0 1.0 21.6 av error: Y

0 776.6 0.011 437.9 0.039 251.1 0.119 126.0 1.0 21.6 0.5649X 10-1

0 1181.5 0.3 724.5 0.5 455.7 0.7 188.9 1.0 42.7 av error,b Y

T = 505.15K 0 1181.5 0 0.016 650.4 0.015 0.054 370.6 0.048 0.159 188.9 0.152 1.0 42.7 1.0 0.5783X 10-I Interaction Parameters

485.4 0.316 294.0 0.563 172.2 0.741 80.3 0.894 8.9 1.o 0.3753X lo-'

1.0 0.903 0.752 0.566 0.298

776.6 0.304 459.5 0.551 266.6 0.733 126.0 0.891 21.6 1.0 0.3753X 10-I

1.0 0.900 0.744 0.555 0.285

1181.5 0.303 679.9 0.548 392.6 0.729 188.9 0.888 42.7 1.0 0.4002X lo-'

1.0 0.900 0.744 0.553 0.278

T = 475.15K 0 0.010 0.034 0.114 1.o



Peng-Robinson 612 450.15 -0.09697 475.15 -0.1141 500.15 -0.1303 OLiterature data (3). bAverage error, y = (C~ll(psxptl - Pcalod)/Psrptll)/N.

K 390.9 451.4 416.0


Q21? K -365.1 -405.2 -402.5

146 Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 32,No. 2, 1987

Table V. Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data for m -Cresol (l)/lf,3,4-Tetrahydronaphthalene (2) at 450.15,500.15,and 550.15 K predicted values exptl values Peng-Robinson Peng-Robinson/UNIQUAC

P, kPa



P, kPa

P, kPa Y1 T = 450.15K 47.8 0 56.5 0.378 58.5 0.535 58.2 0.669 54.8 0.839 50.6 1.0

0 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.0

47.8 50.9 59.9 58.2 54.1 50.6 av error." Y

0 0.377 0.526 0.660 0.841 1.0 0.2433X lo-'

0 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.0

158.1 166.6 196.9 200.5 194.3 186.6 av error," Y

T = 500.15K 0 158.1 0 0.383 187.5 0.385 0.548 196.9 0.554 0.696 199.7 0.700 0.872 194.4 0.869 1.0 186.6 1.0 0.2163X lo-'

0 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.0

409.3 475.4 511.8 532.2 533.6 527.5 av error,b Y

0 0.379 0.560 0.723 0.896 1.0 0.2995X

T = 550.15K 409.3 0 481.2 0.380 511.8 0.564 529.6 0.725 533.2 0.894 527.5 1.0



47.8 1.669 55.9 1.388 58.1 1.226 58.2 1.096 55.1 1.013 50.6 1.0 0.2427X lo-'

1.0 1.036 1.127 1.339 1.856 2.399

158.1 1.480 186.5 1.284 196.8 1.168 200.5 1.072 195.5 1.010 186.6 1.0 0.2099X lo-'

1.0 1.027 1.096 1.250 1.600 1.940

409.3 1.281 479.7 1.169 511.8 1.101 531.1 1.043 534.7 1.006 527.5 1.0 0.2243X lo-*

1.o 1.017 1.060 1.151 1.338 1.501

Interaction Parameters UNIQUAC

T,K Peng-Robinson 450.15 0.03938 500.15 0.03738 550.15 0.02963 "Average error, y = (XE,I(Pexptl- pdd)/pe~pt,l)/N.

K 191.4 190.8 171.2

K -83.50 -96.64 -103.5 az1r


Table VI. Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data for Benzene (l)/Quinoline (2) at 350.15,400.15,and 450.15 K txedicted values exptl values Peng-Robinson Peng-Robinson/UNIQUAC X1 P, kPa Y1 P, kPa Y1 P, kPa Y1 T = 350.15K 0 0.4" 0 0.4 0 0.4 0.282 0.3 16.1 0.984 16.1 0.985 16.1 0.553 0.5 44.0 0.995 33.5 0.996 35.9 0.745 0.7 69.0 0.999 57.7 0.999 61.2 0.902 1.0 97.9 1.0 97.9 1.0 97.9 1.0 0.5968X 10-I. av error,b Y 0.8080X lo-'

0 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0

3.7" 59.0 153.3 244.4 358.7 av error,b Y

22.9 0.3 162.8 0.5 403.6 0.7 651.7 1.0 983.5 av error,b Y 0

T = 400.15K 0 3.7 0 0.957 59.0 0.959 0.987 121.3 0.988 0.996 209.3 0.997 1.0 358.7 1.0 0.7052X lo-'

3.7 0.309 59.0 0.565 128.5 0.748 219.5 0.901 358.7 1.0 0.5284X lo-'

T = 450.15K 0 22.9 0 0.901 162.8 0.904 0.967 324.6 0.970 0.990 560.3 0.991 1.0 983.5 1.0 0.6722X lo-'

22.9 0.332 162.8 0.582 340.1 0.758 581.6 0.905 983.5 1.0 0.5295X lo-'

Interaction Parameters UNIQUAC Peng-Robinson a,, 350.15 -0.07038 400.15 -0.08690 450.15 -0.10670 "Literature data (9). bAverage error, Y = (CglI(pexpti - Pcd/PexptlI)/N.


-179.7 -181.0 -191.6

K 45.71 27.73 26.40



1.0 0.890 0.729 0.548 0.308

1.0 0.899 0.746 0.564 0.313


0.906 0.760 0.583 0.330

Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 32, No. 2, 1987 147

,P Pexptl QI

9,‘ R rl T Tr AUIj V





Z YI ..



e,’ K



calculated total system pressure, kPa experimental total system pressure, kPa moleculargeometric area parameter for component i molecular interaction area parameter for component i gas constant, J mol-‘ K-’ molecular volume parameter for pure component i system temperature, K reduced temperature UNIQUAC binary interaction parameter molar volume, m3/(kg mol) liquid mole fraction mole fraction of component i vapor mole fraction lattice coordination number, here equal to 10 compressibility factor activity cdefficient of component i binary interaction parameter area fraction of component i in combinatorial contribution to the activity coefficient area fraction of component i in residual contribution to the activity coefficient characteristic constant UNIQUAC binary parameter segment fraction of component i

rameter. This parameter is a slight function of temperature for any given system. The value of 6, was determined when the objective function N

(C (PexpU - p calCd) / Pexptl)/ N /=1


was found to be a minimum. The value of a was fitted to the pure component data at each temperature. The UNIQUAC (2)expression was also used to calculate the liquid-phase activity coefficient model as listed below.

Appendlx The Peng-Robinson ( 7 ) equation of state was used to regress all the binary experimental data. This equation can be written in cublc form as follows Z3

- (1 - B ) Z 2 + (A - 3B2 - 2 B ) Z - (AB - B 2 - B 3 ) = 0

= exp(-

(2) where


Values of r , q , and q’are obtained from ref 3 and 6.








bP 8 s -


z = -Pv




The mixing rules are defined by a =

CI C X F ~ ~ ~ 1


b = Cxibl


a lj = (1 - 6,,)ai1’2aj1’2



where the constant 6, Is designated the binary interaction pa-

Llterature Clted (1) Peng, D.-Y., Roblnson, b. 8. Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundem. 1976, 15, 59-64. (2) Anderson, T. F.; Prausnltz, J. M. Ind. Eng. Chem. Process D e s . Dev. 1978. 17, 552-560. (3) Reid, R. C.; Prausnitz, J. M.; Sherwocd, T. K. The Properties of Gases and Liquids; McGraw-HIII: New York, 1977; pp 625-677. (4) Burker, J. T. 2.f h y s . Chem. 1910, 7 1 , 235-253. (5) Youns. S. J . Chem. Soc. 1889, 55, 486-521. (6) Gmehling, J.; OnKen, U.; Ark, W. Vapor-LiquM Equilibrium Data Coilecfion-Aromatic Hvdrocar6ons ; Dechema: Frankfurt, 1980; pp 298-299. (7) Schmidt, G. C.; 2.fhys. Chem. 1926, 121, 221. (8) Van Ness, H. C.; Byer, S. M.; Gibbs, R. E. AIChE J . 1973, 19, 236-244. (9) Stull. D. R. Ind. Eng. Chem. 1947, 39, 517. Received for review September 27, 1984. Revised July 15, 1985. Accepted January 19, 1987. The financial support of the Department of Energy/Fossil Energy Program Grant No. DE-FG22-83PC60803 is greatly appreciated.