Vapor Pressure of Water Adsorbed on Dehydrated ... - ACS Publications

Vapor Pressure of Water and Carbon Dioxide Over Whole Egg Solids Containing Added Carbohydrates. JOHN GORTON DAVIS , LEO KLINE. Journal of Food ...
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The curves of Figure 2 were derived from the curvea of Figure 1. The upper limits of the isotherms represent the concentrations at saturation as given by hidell (7). According to Badger and France ( I ) , aluminum sulfate solution of 44% concentration boils at 105” C.; they state thai their boiling point values are accurate to * 1’ C., with results probably low rather than high. In the present work no sign of boiling was observed during the apecific gravity determination for a 40% solution at 106” C. The specific gravities determined in the present work and the values from International Critical Tables (8) do not agree with the data from Mellor (6). Figure 2 was used extensively in pilot-plant control work, On the basis of the precision of the temperature measurements, weighings, and chemical analyses (Table I), the accuracy of the data is considered to be within *0.25% concentration for pure solutions. The specific gravity of impure solutions, such as those obtained from the reaction between clay or bauxite and sulfuric acid, is influenced by the excew of either alumina or ac d in the solution and by the presence of iron and other impurit es. According to data from Mellor ( O ) , solutions of commercial aluminum

Vol. 37, No. 10

sulfate have specific gravities lower than those of pure solutions of the same concentration. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

Acknowledgment is made to Philip Miller for helpful suggestions in the preparation of this paper. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Badger, W. L., and France, J. S., IND.ENQ.CHEW.,15,364 (1923). (2) International Critical Tables, Vol. 111, p. 70. New York, McGrawHill Book Co., 1928. (3) Ibid., Vol. 111, p. 325. (4) Ibid., Vol. IV, p. 226. (6) Lange, N. A., Handbook of Chemistry, 6th ed., Sandusky, Ohio,

Handbook Publishers, 1944. Mellor, J. W., “Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry”, Vol. V, pp. 333-4, London, Longmans, Green and Co., 1929. (7) Seidell, A., “Solubilities of Inorganic and Metal Organic Compounds”, 3rd ed., Vol. I, p. 97, New York, D. Van Nostrand Go., 1940. (8) Walthall, J . H., Miller, Philip, and Striplin, M. M., Jr., Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 41,53-140 (1945). (6)

Vapor Pressure of Water Adsorbed on Dehydrated Eggs BENJAMIN MAKOWER Western Regional Research Laboratory, U.S . Department of Agriculture, Albany, Calif. Equilibriumpressure of water vapor over spray-dried whole eggs was determined at six temperatures varying from 17.1’ to 70” C. and at moisture contents ranging from 0.5 to 5.5%. The results agreed well with similar data on eggs dried from the frozen state and with the less extensive data published by Gane (6). The results were analyzed by a graphical method suggested by Othmer (IO), and from this analysis was derived the isosteric heat of adsorption of water on dried eggs at various moisture levels. The ratio of the isosteric heat to the latent heat of condensation of water vapor increases from 1.1 to 2.1 as the moisture content decreases from 5.5 to 0.576. It was also ehown that the adsorption isotherms can be represented, within certain limits, by the Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller theory ( 4 ) of adsorption of gases on solids.


NQWLEDGE of the vapor pressure of water over dehydrated eggs is essential in the design of drying equipment for eggs and in the selection of packaging material for the dry product (11). The recent trend in drying toward lower moisture levels has brought about a need for vapor pressure data for eggs that contain less than 2% of water. The data in the literature for this moisture region are meager. Measurements previously obtained in this laboratory (9) and by Stuart et d. (14) were taken at one temperature only. Gane (6) measured the equilibrium moisture content a t various temperatures and moisture levels, but the vapor pressure data derivable from his data do not adequately cover the region below 2% of water. As Gane points out, his results apply only to the sample of spraydried eggs used. Vapor pressure may vary with different lots of eggs, as a result of differences in composition or differences in the method of d@ng or other treatment.

I n the present investigation the measurements were extended to the low-moisture region and also repeated at-the higher moisture levels, for the purpose of comparing materials prepared in different ways. A sample of dried whole eggs, prepared by drying from the frozen state (lyophilizing), was also included. I n the latter meth3d any deteriorative changes are likely to be minimized. MATERIALS AND METHOD

Spray-died eggs obtained from a commercial source contained initidly about 5% of water. The lyophilized eggs pre ared in this laboratory had a moisture content of about 2 8 . Ten samples of each kind of powder were adjusted t o moisture contents covering a range from 0.5 to 5.5%. The samples were adusted in one of two ways. One method involved addition of a known weight of water to a weighed sample that had been vacuum-dried at room temperature to a moisture level of about 0.2%. The water was evaporated from one vessel and adsorbed from the vapor phase by the powder in another vessel. The tranefer was effected in a closed system, in the absence of air. The other method consisted in placing the sample in a vacuum desiccator that served as a constant-humidity chamber. The humidity was controlled by an aqueous sulfuric acid solution of known concentration (8). The sample either lost or gained water until equilibrium moisture content had been reached. The moisture contents of the samples were determined by drying in a vacuum oven a t 100’ C. for 5 hours a t a pressure of 2 to 5 mm. of mercury. This procedure is ximilar to thc A.O.A.C. method (1) and is generally used in the industry. (Passage of dry air through the oven, as specified in the A.O.A.C. method, had no appreciable effect on results and was not included.) Vapor prexwre measurements are expressed in terms of results obtained by this procedure, although actual water contents are believed to have been somewhat lower. When water contents of a number of samples were determined b37 drying to constant weight at room temperature (to minimize decomposition) in evacuated desiccators that contained magnesium perchlorate as the desiccant, it was found that the results were about 0.15% lower than those obtained by the vacuum-oven method. If it is as-


oatober, 1945


temperature 17.1" C., and then at successively higher temperatures, 80°, 4b0,50°, 60°, and 70' C. The pressures in the sealedoff mercury manometers were read with the aid of a athetometer, with a precision of *0.05 mm. of mercury. The oil-iilled manometers could be read directly with similar precision. Pressure readings were taken for 3 ta 4 hours, and it was generally found that the time required to attain equilibrium pressure was approximately 1 hour, which was about the same as the estimated time for the attainment of temperature equilibrium. During the measurements at 70.. C. it was found that the apparent vapor pressure increased with time. The cause of this increase was principally attributable to the evolution of carbon dioxide as,presumably from some decom osition process. The ifentity of the evolved gas was e s d l i s h e d from the followin observations and experiments: (a) The gas was uncondensat dry ice temperature but was condensed a t the temperaabe! ture of liquid oxygen, -183" C. Hence it could not be either oxygen or nitrogen, but it could be carbon dioxide. (b) A 300gram sample of eggs was evacuated on a high vacuum system (oil and diffusion pumps) a t room temperature for 3 days and then a t 105" C. for 3 hours. This umping period wa8 intended to remove all the water and adsor$ed ases. At the end of this period the gases evolved upon further %eating at 105' C. for 4 hours The trap was then warmed were collected in a hquid air tra with a dry ice bath and the distilbd gas was collected in a second trap cooled with fi uid air. The distillate (46 mg.) was then transferred to a gas8ureet to d e t e m n e its denslty, and from this measurement the molecular weight of the gas was calculated to be 44.0 * 0.2. This is within experimental error, equal to the molecular weight of carbon dioxide. (c) The identity of the gas was further confirmed by the well known hme-water test. The amount of carbon dioxide formed in the Octoil manometers could be determined and corrected for by freezing out the water vapor and measurin the pressure of the residual as explained previously (& This procedure was a d o p t e a r measurements a t all temperatures merely as a precautions measure even though the rate of formation of carbon dioxig below 50" C. was ve small. When the sealed mercury manomotera were used, s i m x r determination of the evolved gas was not feasible. It is shown later that, the error thus introduced becomes appreciable only in the case of the measurements a t 70' C.





Figure 1. Isosteres of Water Adsorbed on Spray-Dried Egg Powder at Moisture Contents of 0.5 to 5.5%

sumed that the low-temperature drying method yields B more accurate measure of the water content, the present lower moisture limit (0.5%, oven method) for v a r pressure measurements was actually 0.36%. Lindse and X m f i e l d (7) found nearly the same discrepancy (0.13%y between the results of the A.0.A.C. method and those obtained by drying in high vacuum a t 78" C. A manometric method was used for the determination of va or pressure. The manometers were U-shaped and contained eitter For pressures lower than about 25 mm. of mer~ $ % ~ i ~ D i s t i l l a t i o n Products Inc. was used as the manom e d c fluid in an apparatus,descdbed y Makower and Myers (8). At higher p p ~ u r e sthw app%atus could not be wed cause of condensataon of water vapor in the manometer. A m d fied form waa therefore constructed as follows: Merc was used ta the manometric fluid, and the apparatus was m o z d so that i t could be completely immersed in a constant-temperature water bath, Glass-to-gb seals were used in lace of ground joints and stopcocks were eliminated. The m J f i e d unit was identical in principle to the one mentioned above. It consisted of a 100-cc. round-bottom ftssk connected through a smsll U-trap to a mercury manometer. The two limbs of the manometer were joined acTo88 the to (in a Y-joint to a common tube through which the system coulif be evacuated. A sam le of e gs weighin about 20 grams waa introduced into the fkdthroug% a side-nect which was then sealed off. The whole unit was evacuated on a highvacuum pumping system and sealed off n e r the Y-joint. T w o seals were made-one to separate the flask side of the manometer from the reference side, and the other t o separate the reference side from the pum ing system. During evacuation and sealing, the trap was cooledpto -80" C. to prevent the loss of water from the e g ;ample. The sample itself could not be cooled because it was k u n d to contain adsorbed carbon dioxide, which is difficult to ump off a t low temperatures. eh! ' measurement of the pressure was made first at the lowest


The experimental data at each temperature were amoothed graphicdy by plotting the measured vapor pressure against the moisture content. From these curvea (isotherms) the values of vapor pressure at various chosen values of moisture content were then obtained by graphical interpolation. The results for spraydried eggs are listed in Table I. Included also are values a t low -




Moisture Content,%b



0.078 0.34 0.7a

2.0 2.6 3.0 4.0 6.0 6.6




0.6 0.7 0.8 0.0 1.0




0.008 0 01




4.9 6.9

Vapor Prsssure, Mm. of Hg at Oo C. 30° C. 40'0. M)'C. BO0 0. 70° 0. 0.01i 0.084 0.10 0.2a 0.e 0.0.88 0.078 0.21 0.61 12s 0.067 0.16 0.3s 0 .0: 2.01 0.10 0.2a 0.6a 1.40 3.1 0.17 0.4I 0.01 2.06 4.3 0 .M 0.0s 1.01

3.10 4.5


11.7 13.8

0.61 2.08


6.2 8.8 1s.2 21.3 24.2

1.d 4.4 8.2 12.7 17.3 27 37 42

2.8 8.4 15.7

6.0 17.S 81

23 51 48




60 88

I06 125

The italicized.valuaa were obtained by graphical extrapolation of the

straibhtline plota in Wgure 1. Other values were taken from smooth ourvw o b t u n d by plotting logarithm of va or p~sssureagainat moisture oontent. The deviations qf the mepsured &es from the smooth curves are not greater than rl in the last si ni8aant 5 y Where the last figure M aubsoript the deviation is * 6 in k a t dec'ma place b doisture oontent on wet basis, deierrmned Ly the vaouum-oven method.

moistures and temperatures, obtained by extrapolation of the linear plots shown in Figure 1. This figure, constructed from data in Table I, shows the variation of vapor pressure with temperature at various chosen values of the moisture content in a graphical form euggeeted by Othmer (IO). Vapor pressure of water in equilibrium with the eggs i a plotted against the vapor



VOl. 37, HO. 10

represent Gane's data. They were obtained from Figure 2 of his paper by graphical interpolation. The agreement with our results at 40" C. is exceptionally close and was found to be equally close at other temperatures, despite the fact that the data from the two sources were obtained on different samples of dried eggs by different methods, including moisture determination.





j ,

I , 1 , I ,









Figure 2. Comparison of Vapor Pressure Results on Spray-Dried w i t h Those on Lyophilized Eggs and w i t h Data of Gane ( 6 ) at 40" C.

One might expect to find differences in the vapor pressure of egg powders dried in different ways, as a result of varying amounts of denaturation of the egg proteins. Lyophilized eggs would probably contain less denatured protein than spray-dried eggs. Gane compared the vapor pressure of lyophilized egg white with that for completely denatured (cooked) egg white and reported that results for the two materials were nearly alike. It is apparent from Gane's data, however, that although the difference was not great, it was significant; i t becomes particularly important at low moisture levels where it is of the same order of magnitude as the absolute value of the vapor pressure. Gane's data indicate that complete denaturation produces an increase in vapor pressure that corresponds to about 0.03 to 0.05 relative humidity unit at moisture levels bf 3 to 15%. Barker (2) found a change of about 0.1 relative humidity unit on denaturation of crystallizable egg albumin in the same moisture range.

2.2 -


2.0 pressure of pure water a t the same temperature on logarithmic coordinates. Linear plots (isosteres) are thus obtained, and the slope of the line is numerically equal to the ratio of the isosteric heat of adsorption of water by eggs to the heat of condensation of water vapor at the same temperature. The deviation of the data points from the straight lines is within the experimental error for all temperatures except 70' C. The values for 70" C., at moisture levels of 1% and higher, appear to be too high by 6 to 10% of the pressure obtained by extrapolation of the straight lines. The principal cause of this discrepancy was the evolution of carbon dioxide at the high temperature. The presence of this gas did not interfere with the measurements of pressures below 25 mm. of mercury, when the Octoil manometers were used, because the gas was uncondensable at -80" C. and was corrected for in the course of the measurements. I n the experiments a t higher pressures, when the sealed mercury manometers were used, it was not possible t o make the correction. The amount of gas could not have been very great, however, up to 60" C., as judged by the straight-line relation in Figure 1. The lines in Figure 1 are determined principally by the "corrected" values, since they occur in the majority up t o 60" C. The results for lyophilized eggs are not given in detail, since they were nearly identical with those for spray-dried eggs. Figure 2 compares the two sets of results at one temperature, 40 'C.; the vapor pressure is plotted against the moisture content. The curve was constructed from the data for spray-dried eggs in Table I. The open circles represent the results for lyophilized eggs. The agreement between the two sets of results is close. The rate of change of vapor pressure with the moisture content becomes very high in the low-moisture region, and the deviations of the points from the curve in this region are to be attributed to the uncertainty in the moisture content (*0.05%) rather than to differences in vapor pressure. COMPARISON WITH DATA OF GANE. It was of interest to compare the present results with those obtained previously by Gane (6) on spray-dried whole egg. The black circles in Figure 2


0 Spray-dried 0

I .4



1.2 1.06



10 .

2.0 3.0 4.0 WATER CONTENT, 96



Figure 3. Variation of EJEL (Ratio of Heat of Adsorption of Water on Dried Eggs to Latent Heat of Condensation of Water Vapor) w i t h Water Content

A change of about the same magnitude was observed on heatr ing dried whole eggs, as illustrated in the following experiment: A sample of lyophilized eggs at a moisture level of 0.6% was heated a t 70" C. for 20 hours and then at 100" C. for 45 hours. The vapor pressure of the sample (measured at 70" C.) changed from an initial value of 1.0 mm. of mercury to 2.1 mm. at the end of the 70"heating period; at the end of the 100" heating period the pressure increased to 11.6 mm. At the same time the solubility index changed from an initial value of 0.31 to a final value of 0.06 gram of soluble protein per gram of egg. (The solubility index is the amount of soluble protein in 1 gram of egg powder, measured in 0.1 M acetate buffer at pH 5.33. Two grams of dried egg powder are placed in a tube containing 100 ml. of the buffer, and the mixture is homogenized by gentle action of a close-fitting rotating rubber plunger. After iiltration, the nitrogen content of the filtrate is determined by the KjeldahI method.) The change in vapor pressure as a result of the heating amounted to 10.6/233 0.046 relative humidity unit. (The vapor pressure of pure water at 70' C. is 233 mm. of mercury.) The rate at which the change occurs is very slow. I n the experiment described above, the rate of change amounted to about 0.05 mm. of mercury (or 0.00022 relative humidity unit) -9

October, 1945


per hour a t 70" C. Barker (9) showed that the rate i n c r e w with increasing moisture content. Hence the discrepanciesfound in our measurements a t 70" C. may be accounted for, at least partially, in terms of this change. The slowness of the change probably explains the agreement of vapor pressure results for lyophilized eggs with those for spraydried eggs, as measured by us and by Gane. The degree of denaturation that occurred during spray drying was apparently not sufficient t o affect appreciably the vapor pressure relations. This fact is important when vapor pressure is used as a measure of the moisture content (9, 19). It means that a calibration of vapor pressure us. moisture content, once established, is applicable to samples of dried eggs from various sources. It is assumed that the method of drying does not involve excessively long or drastic heat treatment. HEAT OF ADSORPTION

The ratio of the heat of adsorption of water by eggs t o the heat of condensation of water vapor a t the same temperature was cdculated from the slope of the isosteres in Figure 1. The results

are listed in Table I1 and shown graphically in Figure 3. The graph also includes the results for lyophilized eggs. The value of the ratio increases slowly from 1.1 at 5.5% water to 1.4 a t 1.5% water and then increases very sharply to a value of 2.1 at 0.5% water. Thus, the heat of vaporization of water from eggs that contain 0.5% water is more than twice the heat of vaporization of pure water at the same temperature.


Moisture Content, %



the difference between the molal heat of adsorption in the first layer and the molal heat of liquefaction of water vapor. ,The results of the calculations are shown in Table 111. The values of alshow a @lightdecrease with increasing temperature, as might be expected qualitatively from the change of density of



Temp.," C.


3.7 3.6 3.6

i60t 70

per Mol-

- EL

BL@A) 10550 10'420 l0:220 10,020

1630 1690 1460 1260


BI 12,180 12,010 11 680 11:280


(Isoaferio) 12,820 12,720 12,570 12,550

water with temperature (3). If we assume that all the water in the eggs (at low p / p o ) is adsorbed by proteins alone and assume further that the adsorptive properties of all the proteins are similar t o those of egg albumin, we can calculate the percentage of protein in the eggs from the ratio of at for the whole egg t o alfor egg albumin. From the data of Shaw (IS), Bull (b), and Barker (@,the average value of at for egg albumin is 6.0grams. Values cited by Bull for other proteins are not very different. The average value of alfor whole egg (Table 111) is 3.5. The ratio of 3.5 to 6.0 yields a value of 58% for the percentage of protein in egg solids. This agrees fairly closely with the value of 51 to 52% usudly found by chemical analysis. If any significance is t o be attached to the Merence between the calculated and the measured value, it would mean that substances other than proteins, such as phospholipides, adsorb a small proportion of the total water. I











Ea is the heat of adsorption of water vapor on eggs; EL is the heat of condensation of water vapor at the aame temperature.


Most of the water adsorbed by the eggs is presumably taken up by the protein fraction. Shaw (13) and Bull (6) recently showed that the adsorption of water by proteins is well represented in terms of the adsorption theory of Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller (4). It was of interest t o apply this theory to the present results on spray-dried eggs. Figure 4 shows Brunauer-Emmett-Teller plots for three repreaentative isotherms, 39", 50", and 70" C., based on the data in Table I. Relative pressure, p / p o , was plotted as the abscissa and the function p / a ( p o - p ) as the ordinate. The symbol po r e p resents the water-vapor saturation pressure at the given temperature and p is the aqueous pressure over the eggs a t a moisture content of a grams of water per 100 grams of dry eggs. The moisture contents used in this calculation were corrected by subtracting 0.15 from the values listed in Table I. The corrected values were thought to be more accurate, as explained in the section on experimental method. It was found that the data are well represented by straight and nearly parallel lmes from the highest measured values at p / p , equal t o about 0.5, down t o a certain lower limit that depends on the temperature. The lower limit for p / p o varied from about 0.05at 17.1 C. t o about 0.12 at 70" C. Bull points out that the value of p / p o = 0.5 is approximately the upper limit of the straight-line relation for many proteins, From the slope and the intercept of the lines it is possible (4) to calculate al,the number of grams of water adsorbed in the first layer on the surface of 100 grams of dry eggs, and (E1 EL), O















Figure 4. Adsorption of Water Vapor on Dried Eggs Plotted According to Theory of Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller

Table I11 also gives the values of El that were derived from the calculated values of (Et EL) and the heat of vaporization of water, EL. According t o the B.E.T. theory, E1 represents the average heat of adsorption in the first layer, on the less active portion of the surface. Since the heat of adsorption increases with decreasing moisture content, this average value should be greater than the isosteric heat of adsorption Ea, a t the moisture content where the formation of the first layer has been completednamely, at the moisture content corresponding t o the value of at. Values of Ea, derived from Figure 2 are listed in the last column of Table 111. Comparison with E1 reveals that El is leas than Ea, by 600 to 1200 calories, which is contrary to the supposition stated above. Since this deviation is probably greater than the experimental




error in E,,, it must be assumed that the source of the discrepancy lies in certain simplifying assumptions inherent in the B.E.T. calculations. The discrepancy may be due to the fact that in the theory E,, is assumed to be equal to EL,while the experimental results show that E,, is actually about 25% higher than EL. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

Acknowledgment is made to Marjory Galvin for assistance with measurements and to T. M. Shaw and F. Stitt for helpful suggestions. LITERATURE CITED

Assoc. of Official Agr. Chem., Methods of Analysis, 5th ed., p. 308 (1940). ( 2 ) Barker, H. A., J. Gen. Physiol.. 17,32 (1933). (3) Brunauer, S.,"Adsorption of Gases and Vapors", Vol. I, p. 161, Princeton Univ. Press, 1943.


Vol. 37, No. 10

(4) Brunauer, S., Emmett, P. H., and Teller, E., J . Am. Chem. Soe.,

60,309 (1938). (5) BuII, H. B., IbM., 66,1499 (1944).

(6) &ne, R.,J. Xoc. Chcm. I d . , 62,185 (1943). (6A) International Critical Tables, Vol. V, p. 138 (1929). (7) Lindsay, W. N., and Mansfield, T., IND.Em. CHEM.,ANAL,

ED., 16, 628 (1944). (8) Makower, E., and Dehority, G. L., IND.EN^. CHEM.,35, 198 (1943). (9) Makower, E., and Myers, S., Proc. I m t . Food Tech., 1943, 156. (10) Othmer, D., and Sawyer, F. G., IND.ENG.CHEM.,35, 1269 (1943). (11) Pitmsn, A. L.,Rabak, W., and Yee, H., Food Znduatl.ies, 15,49 (1943). (12) Quartermaster Corps, Tentative Specifications for Dried Eggs. C.Q.D.No. 117A, Jan. 28,1944. (13) Shaw, T. M.,J. C h m . Phys., 12,391 (1944). (14) Stuart, L. S.,Hall, H. H., and Dioks, E. E., U.S.Egg PacZtr?r Mag.. 48,629 (1942).

SOLVENT EXTRACTION OF COTTONSEED AND PEANUT OILS Boiling Point-Vapor Pressure-Composition Relations for Miscellas of Oils in Hexane E. F. POLLARD, H. L. E. VIX, AND E. A. GASTROCK Southern Regional Research Laboratory, of Agriculture, New Orleans, La.

U.S . Department

The boiling points and densities of mixtures of cottonseed and peanut oils with commercial hexane are reported. They are useful in the design of vacuum evaporators and strippers and for control operations involving temperature, time of heating, and concentration of oil-solvent mixtures of various compositions, to prevent or minimize fixation of objectionable coloring matter or other deteriorative heat effects. Boiling point data are determined at various concentrations of crude cottonseed oil and crude peanut


ONTINUOUS solventextraction methods for vegetable oils have been adopted, to an increasing extent in new installations, particularly in the soybean industry ( I , 4,6),and to a limited extent in laboratory and pilotplant work for obtaining tung oil (6). Some viscosity and density data on soybean oilsolvent mixtures have been published (9). Cottonseed meal or cake has been commercially extracted both in Europe and South America for some time, but the possibility of solvent extraction of oil from cottonseed and peanut meal has received little attention in the United States except during the last few years. Many technical and engineering problems in applying solvent extraction have not been satisfactorily solved. Some of the difficulties are summarized by Olcott (6). Data obtained in the present study are important in determining the maximum safe temperature, time of heating, and vacuum stripping conditions for cottonseed and peanut miscellas of various concentrations without fixation of the objectionable coloring matter and other deteriorative effects which would impair the value of the oil. Boiling point curves are useful in designing engineering equipment for pilot-plant or full-scale operation. Although some work is reported in related fields (1, 6, 8), fundamental engineering data are not generally available for the

oil, over a range of pressures from 160 to 760 mm. absolute in commercial hexane. The reported data should be of value in the further development of the technology of the solvent extraction of vegetable oils. Observations of the effect of agitation in establishing equilibrium conditions of the oil-solvent mixtures are noted. The Raoult law and the DGhring rule cannot be applied for predicting data of the necessary accuracy within the critical operating region.

design of vacuum evaporation and stripping apparatus. Experimental data have been published for separating and recovering solvents such as Naphtha E and ethylene dichloride from cottonseed oil (,??) in which distillation ranges, a t atmospheric pressure, of mixtures containing 50% solvent and 60% cottonseed oil, are compared with the distillation ranges of the pure solvents. I n this investigation the boiling points of various mixtures of crude cottonseed and peanut oils in commercial hexane were determined over a range of pressures from 160 to 760 mm. absolute. The hexane was a commercial solvent (Skellysolve B) with the following specifications: gravity a t 60' F., 74.4' A.P.I.; boiling range, 140-160O .F.; vapor pressure a t 100" F. (Reid), 5.1 pounds per square inch; evaporation residue by weight, 0.0016%; color, water-white. Petroleum fractions which have approximately the characteristics of n-hexane are widely used and are generally available a t low cost. For them reasons a commercial grade of petroleum hexane fraction was chosen for this work. R e W n g tgst data of the crude cottonseed and peanut oils were as follows: (a) crude cottonseed oil: free fatty acids (w oleic) 3.5%, specific gravity a t 30' 0. 0.913, refining loss 12.5%, moisture 0.093%; ( b ) refined cottonseed oil from crude: iodine number 105.5, color 35Y-14.4R,color of bleached oil 35Y-5.5R;