6 dimethyl sulfide (1.77 A.)7 and dimethyl trisulfide (1.78 and corresponds to about 30% double-bond char- acter. However, only small reliance can be ...
Vapor Pressures of Inorganic Substances. XII. Zirconium Dioxide1 ... V. Zirconium between 1949 and 2054°K. Journal of the American Chemical Society.
The vapor pressure of gallium has been determined by measuring the rate of effusion of the vapor through an orifice. The vapor pressure data for gallium are ...
effect in concentrations up to 0.1 X ; fluoride at this same concentration depressed the apparent wave height by 20%; while tellurite at a concen- tration of 0.1 ...
effect in concentrations up to 0.1 X ; fluoride at this same concentration depressed the apparent wave height by 20%; while tellurite at a concen- tration of 0.1 ...
The Vapor Pressures of Inorganic Substances. VI. Vanadium Between 1666 °K. and 1882 °K.1. James W. Edwards, Herrick L. Johnston, and Paul E. Blackburn.
BY ROBERT B. HOLDEN, RUDOLPH SPEISER AND HERRICK L. JOHNSTON. The need for more complete data on the vapor pressure and thermodynamic ...
Vanadium Between 1666 OK, and 1882OK.l. BY JAMES w. EDWARDS, HERRICK L. JOHNSTON AND PAUL E. BLACKBURN. The vapor pressure of vanadium ...
emissivity for pure Ti has been found, and cooling curve data were taken which confirm McQuillan's conclusion ... ously described.2 The free energy functions for.
Vapor Pressures of Inorganic Substances. VIII. Molybdenum between 2151 and 2462°K.1. James W. Edwards, Herrick L. Johnston, and Paul E. Blackburn.
XI. Titanium between 1587 and 1764 °K., and Copper between 1143 and 1292 °K.1 .... ACS Publications regularly produces Virtual Collections of the most ...
May 20, 1954
Discussion The dimensions of the Se(SCN)Z molecule are Se-S = 2.21 A., S-C = 1.69 C-N 1.13 LSSe-S = 101', LSe-S-C = 104O, dihedral angle for SSe-S-C = 79'. The sums of the covalent