varian aeroGraPH - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 23, 2012 - varian aeroGraPH. Anal. Chem. , 1970, 42 (3), pp 28A–29A ... Click to increase image size Free first page. View: PDF | PDF w/ Links...
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We've developed a data sys who cringe when somebody Varian Aerograph, the Gas Chromatography Company, is also Varian Aerograph, the Chromatography Data Systems Company. Our data systems were built for chemists who know chromatography better than they know computers. Designed by computer experts with GC experts looking over their shoulders. Our computer experts. Our GC experts. The results are data systems that let you speak to them in chromatography language, not software jargon. Ones that display GC status. Use multiple refer-

ence peaks for identificatior Allow you to do a recalculation without having to rerun samples. And detect peaks as small as three microvolts. Our data systems can handle the laborious peak integrating and interpreting for up to 40 GCs. Even if they're not ours. You buy one of our data systems. We set it up. In a couple of days. Or less. It works. No 6-months'debuggin^ And if, later on, anything you buy is updated, you'll be the first to get the new capability. Free.

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