varian aeroGraPH | Analytical Chemistry

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ChromatoaraDhv Data Systems VA

varian aeroGraPH

Automate your GC lab with confidence Field-proven systems from Varian Aerograph You can be sure when you automate your GC lab with a Varian Aerograph Chromatography D a t a System. W e don't just promise system performance. W e guarantee it. With confi­ dence. Our system is backed by an unequalled combination of corporate strength and exper­ tise in chromatography, instrumentation, and computer systems. Only Varian Aerograph accepts total system responsibility for both t h e G C instruments and t h e computer system. Our complete turnkey service includes system specification, hardware and software, installa­ tion planning, complete system testing, elec­ trical signal cleanup for all existing GC's, full system installation and startup, formal accept­ ance testing, detailed customer training in t h e

design and operation of the system, full sys­ tem documentation, and w a r r a n t y of complete system hardware and software. And our responsibility to you goes on even after t h e system is operating to your satisfac­ tion. W e continue to support you with both service and on-going system development. M a n y major companies throughout t h e world have already installed our systems. And more and more are doing so. A note on your letter­ head will bring you literature describing our systems. It will help you understand why so m a n y companies are reaching t h e same con­ clusion about Varian Aerograph Chromatog­ raphy D a t a Systems—They're designed for t h e lab t h a t needs t h e very best.

270O M I T C H E L L DR / W A L N U T CREEK / C A L I F O R N I A / USA 9 4 5 9 8 Π 6 3 5 8 V I S C O U N T RD / MALTON / ONTARIO / CANADA S T E I N H A U S E R S T R A S S E / 6 3 0 0 / Z U G / S W I T Z E R L A N D D 6 7 9 S P R I N G V A L E RD / N. S P R I N G V A L E / V I C T O R I A / A U S T R A L I A



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