varian aerograph

Moduline-C with the matrix programmer will solve your most complex G.C. problems ... Moduline-C with matrix programming will auto- matically perform e...
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ORANGE OIL Conditions: Moduline 1520-C; flame ionization detector; dual columns—10'XVa" SS, 3 0 % FFAP on 60/70 DMCS Chromosorb W; carrier gas—N 2 27 m l / m i n , H2 27 m i / m i n , air 300 m l / m i n .

matrix multilinear


Moduline-C with the matrix programmer will solve your most complex G.C. problems and also give you:

— available only with


all electronic • all solid state • no batteries

UNATTENDED OPERATION—Simply insert rate plugs in the matrix board to set up a program which can include both linear rates and isothermal intervals. Then push the start button and go do something else. Moduline-C with matrix programming will automatically perform even the most complex separations for you. INCREASED REPRODUCIBILITY—The all electronic, all solid state construction and automatic operation provide precise control at each stage of the program, insuring reproducible retention times and more accurate results. REDUCED OPERATOR TIME—Your time is freed for more productive work. Just drop by occasionally to inject a new sample, since at the end of each unattended run the column oven automatically cools down and resets to the initial temperature in preparation for the next program. INCREASED RELIABILITY—Whether you define reliability as trouble-free operation, reproducibility of results, or as precision and accuracy, the Moduline-C with matrix multilinear temperature programmer will meet even the most stringent terms of your definition.

v a r i a n

a e r o g r a p h

2700 mitchell d r i v e / w a l n u t c r e e k / c a l i f o r n i a 94598/415-939-2400 specialists in gas c h r o m a t o g r a p h y Circle No. 157 on Readers' Service Card

98 A
