VARIAN associates - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 17, 2012 - VARIAN associates. Anal. Chem. , 1961, 33 (10), pp 53A–53A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60178a720. Publication Date: September 1961. Copyright ...
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NIH EXHIBIT American O p t i c a l Co., Instrument Div. Eggert & Sugar Rds. Buffalo 15. Ν. Υ.

Barnstead Still and Sterilizer Co. 2 Lanesville T e r r a c e Boston 3 1 , Mass.

Exhibiting: Microscopes-laboratory, phase, polarizing, stereoscopic, and com­ parison; photomicrographic camera; total solids meter; cardiometer.

Exhibiting: High purity water still ca­ pable of producing water with 0.1 ppm total ionized solids content; disposable cartridge type laboratory demineralizers ; pure water distribution systems; distilled water draw-off faucets; paraffin dis­ pensers; extremely fine water and air filters; purity meters.

American Sterilizer Co. 2424 W e s t 23rd St. Erie, Pa.

Exhibiting: Sonic energy system, freezedry apparatus, biogen continuous culture apparatus. Analytical Measurements, Inc. 585 Main St. Chatham, N. J .


Bausch & Lomb Inc. 635 St. Paul St. Rochester 2, Ν. Υ.

Exhibiting: Spectronic "505" spectropho­ tometer, DynaZoom Laboratory micro­ scope, StereoZoom microscopes, micro measuring projector.

Exhibiting: p H meters. H. Reeve Angel & Co., Inc. 9 Bridewell Place Clifton. N. J .

Exhibiting: National Appliance Labora­ tory apparatus Model 3560 C 0 2 incuba­ tor, Model 5670 chromatography oven, Model 3220 water jacketed C 0 2 incuba­ tor. Applied Physics C o r p . 2724 S. Peck Rd. Monrovia, Calif.

Exhibiting: new Cary Model 15 record­ ing spectrophotometer and new CaryLoenco chromatography radioactivity analysis system. Atomium C o r p . 940 Main St. W a l t h a m 54, Mass.

See Perkin-Elmer Corp. Baird-Atomic, Inc. 33 University Rd. Cambridge 38, Mass.

Exhibiting: tems.

Atomic instruments and sys­

Baltimore Instrument Co., Inc. 716 W . Redwood St. Baltimore 1 , M d .

Exhibiting: Universal stereotaxic instru­ ment, small stereotaxic instrument, stereotaxic instrument for teaching, Prior manipulator, Carl Zeiss polarimeter 0.01° (visual t y p e ) , operation microscope refractometers, E . Leitz Dialux-Pol research microscope, stereo microscope, Pradomicroprojector. Barber-Colman Co. Industrial Instruments Div. 1300 Rock St. Rockford. I I I .

Exhibiting: Gas chromatography equip­ ment using ionization detectors plus ac­ cessories.

Bendix Corp., Cincinnati Div. 3130 Wasson Road Cincinnati 8, Ohio

Exhibiting: Mass spectrometer, magnetic electron multiplier, electron microscope, air particle collector, vacuum evaporator, automatic polarimeter, dosimeter, LabVis automatic continuous viscosimeter, respirator\' analysis mass spectrometer.

B-D Laboratories, Inc. Rutherford,N. J.

Exhibiting: New Baltimore Biological Laboratory products for the microbiologi­ cal laboratory including reagents for fluorescent antibiotic techniques, the new Rim Seal disposable culture plate and culture media for staphylococcal studies. Cappel Laboratories is introducing CulturSTAT kits for the rapid easy preparation of complete tissue culture media as well as new cell lines and ani­ mal blood products. Samples of Falcon Plastic's new disposable, sterile, plugged pipets, 1 ml. serological and 1.1 ml. bac­ teriological, and tissue culture tubes and dishes as well as other single use products will be available.

Beckman Instruments, Inc. Scientific and Process Instruments Div. 2500 H a r b o r Blvd. Fullerton, Calif.

Exhibiting: Infrared and ultraviolet spec­ trophotometers, gas chromatographs with temperature programmer, p H meters and other analytical instruments.

Becton, Dickinson and Co. Rutherford, N. J .

Exhibiting: disposable and reuseable needles, including the new sterile dis­ posable plastic syringe, Vacutainer speci­ men tubes, Vacutainer culture bottles, sterile disposable blood lancets, B-D Dilupette, vinyl and polyethylene medi­ cal grade tubing, the new Ace medical glove and other allied products. Circle No. 132 on Readers' Service Card

A message of importance t o . . .


Operating non-destructively on very small samples Sas low as 3rr,g for a 300 molecular weight compound . Varian's A-60 Spectrometer ι an pro vide valuable insights into the nature and structure of large, unwieidly compounds such as terpenes and alkaloids/. The new A-60 also pro­ vides quantitative analysis of simple mixtures. By providing highly reproducible spectra on pre-calibrated charts, the easy to-operate A-60 makes the val­ uable analytical capabilities of Ν MR practical for routine use by organic chemists in all industries. for complete data on the now A 60 write the INS1RUMFNT DIVISION i-'i I : '"

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