Varian computer systems can completely Auto-Mate
S p e c t r o S y s t e m b y V a r i a n : a total analytical system for in-lab use that delivers on-line data processing and optional on-line computer control of your present GC, spectrophotometry, mass spectrometry, NMR or EPR instruments. The typical SpectroSystem comprises: a complete package of software for your analytical instrumentation, (1) Operating Console labeled in chemical—not computer—terminology, (2)
Special Instrument/Computer Interface, (3) Varian 620/i Computer with 1.8 microsecond cycle time, 16bit word length, and a Teleprinter. Designed with the scientist in mind, SpectroSystem frees you to do more and better chemical analysis. Typical results: an EPR spectrum simulation (4) that demonstrates confirmation of a proposed molecular structure, printout (5) of a spectrophotometer tristi-
See the Varian booth at CIC on May 26-28 in Montreal
your analytical laboratory. 11 Ί1Ί1 TRISTM 055.60844 5 :HROMT 000.45666 IS COLOR DIFFER IS COLOR DIFFER
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mulus colorimetry analysis, printout (6) of a gas chromatography analysis, printout (7) of formula cal culation from mass spectroscopy measurements. SpectroSystem is the versatile product of a special task force of Varian scientists, programmers and engi neers—specialists in designing data systems exclu sively for analytical instruments. It's a single-sourceresponsibility system—Varian makes it a turnkey Circle No. 114 on Readers' Service Card
project including custom installation, software, service, on-site training. It's a working, field-proven s y s t e m . A n d it's d e l i v e r a b l e to your lab now. For b r o c h u r e , w r i t e Varian Instrument G r o u p , Data Systems, 611 Hansen Way, varian Palo Alto, California data systems 94303. Please state your instrument group field of analytical interest. See ACS Laboratory Guide for Alt Products/Sales Office