Very, very clean. Cleaner. Easily retrievable. Again and again. - C&EN

Sep 17, 1990 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Very, very clean.

Cleaner. Easily retrievable. Again and agflin. REILLEX™ * 425 Polymer, available in bead form, goes beyond ammonia or triethylamine to neutralize and remove most acids from process streams. The beads are odorless, insoluble in all solvents, and can be recycled after regeneration with methanol, aqueous ammonia or caustic. In addition, Reillex 425 Polymer can facilitate recovery or disposal of many metals, and it is suitable for batch or column application. That's a clean sweep for Reillex 425 Polymer. *REILLEX is a trademark of Reilly Industries, Inc.

In a word, Reilly. For more information or a free sample, write or call: Reilly Industries, Inc., 1510 Market Square Center, 151N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, IN 46204. (317) 248-6411, Telex: 27-404, Fax: (317) 248-6413. ©1990 Reilly Industries, Inc.