Viscosity–Molecular Weight Relations for Cellulose Acetate Butyrate

Viscosity–Molecular Weight Relations for Cellulose Acetate Butyrate. J. W. Tamblyn, D. R. Morey, and R. H. Wagner. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1945, 37 (6), pp ...
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June, 1945

factory in more humid areas, provided it is used in a reasonably short time after the bags are opened. Hygroscopicit is only one property of a fertilizer which affects its physical conJtions. A nonhygroscopic mixture, as measured by the laboratory test, may absorb moisture to cause secondary curing and caking in the bag as a result of insufficient moisture content during the initial stages of manufacture. On the other hand, a nonhygroscopic mixture may become too damp in the storage pile as the result of an increase in volume of liquid phase through solution of a very soluble salt. An optimum amount of moisture in the fertilizer at mixing time is, therefore, highly important to the general physical condition of resentday mixtures containing very soluble hygroscopic materiays. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

Thanks are due to those members of fertilizer control stations, state experiment stations, and the fertilizer industry who kindly


cooperated in furnishing samples and field data during the course of this study; also to W. H. Ross of this laboratory for many helpful suggestions. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Hardesty, J. O., Parker, F. W., Yee, J. Y., Gaddy, V. L., and Ross, W. H., Con. Fertilizer, 67, No. 0, 32-8 (1943); Am. Fertilizer, 99, No. 8, 6-7, 20, 22, 24, and No. 9, 10-11 (1943). (2) Hardesty, J. O., and Ross, W. H., IND.ENO.CHBIM., 30, 668-72 (1938\. .----r

(3) Mera, A. R.,Fry, W. H., Hardesty, 3. O., and Adams, J. R., Ibid., 25, 136-8 (1933). (4) Yee, J. Y.,IND. ENO.CAEIM., ANAL.ED.,16, 367-9 (1944). (6) Yee, J. Y.. and Davis, R. 0. E., Ibid., 16,487-90 (1944). PREBENTED 80 part of the Symposium on Nitrogen in Agriculture before the Division of Fertilirer Chsmiatry at the 108th Meeting of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY in New Y o l k , N. Y.

Viscosity-Molecular Weight Relations for CELLULOSE ACETATE BUTYRATE J. W. TAMBLYN, D. R. MOREY, AND R. H. WAGNER Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, N . Y . The relations between the molecular weights of fairly homogeneous fractions of cellulose acetate butyrate and the viscosity function ln& (determined in acetone and acetic acid) are given for the two cases: (a) the limiting value as c + 0, known as intrinsic viscosity; ( b )the value at c = 0.25 gram per 100 cc. The establishment of a relation using the latter viscosity figure permits the determination of the viscosity-average molecular weight without recourse to extrapolation to zero concentration. Upon degrading samples of heterogeneous (unfractionated) cellulose acetate butyrate by heat, ball milling, and ultraviolet, it was found that the In pr/cvalues and the numberaverage molecular weights (from osmotic pressure) are al,o related by equations similar in form to those obtained on fractions. A means is thus at hand for obtaining the more useful number average of heterogeneous cellulose acetate butyrate from a single viscosity measurement. It is pointed out that the establishment of a simple relation between these quantities for any polymer depends on the kinetics of the poIymerization or degradation process and its effect on distribution curves.


IGH polymers are composed of mixtures of macromolecules of widely varying size. These heterogeneous mixtures can by a suitable procedure, be separated into a series of fractions, each of which is more homogeneous than the original material. Such a procedure, commonly called "fractionation", usually takes advantage of the dependence of solubility on molecular weight. Although it is impossible by this method to prepare fractions whose molecular weight distribution curves are very narrow or nonoverlapping, it is practicable to obtain fractions of sufficient homogeneity for many purposes. The aim of this study has been: (1) To determine the relation 6) between intrinsic viscosity1 and molecular weight for wellfractionated cellulose acetate butyrate fractions. Such a relation has been expressed for other polymer fractions in the form: [q] =


by Mark (IO), Houwink (d), and Flory (3). (2) To determine whether an analogous relation between intrinsic viscosity and molecular weight exists for unfractionated samples of cellulose acetate butyrate which have been moderately degraded by heat, mechanical working, or ultraviolet light. Such a relation, if applicable to materials encountered commercially, would have considerable practical value because the number-average molecular weight of such heterogeneous samples would then be calculated from a single viscosity measurement. The analytical definition of number-average molecdar weight, "@, is:

where N S = number of molecules of weight Mi wi = fraction by weight which these molecules constitute of the whole polymeric mixture Other average molecular weights are given by Flory (a), Huggins (6), and Kracmer and Lansing (7). For example, weight-average molecular weight,

and viscosity-average molecular weight,

Spurlin (13) and Sookne and Harris (18) showed that the number-average molecular weight of cellulose derivatives is a better criterion of certain mechanical properties, nuch as fold resistance and extensibility, than is the viscosity-average molecular weight. 1

According to Kraemer (e),



In nr


The relative Viscosity nr is taken to be the ratio of efflux time for solution to that for pure solvent, since the density is not significantly changed for the dilute solutions used.



TABLE I. FIMTFRACTIONATION OF CELLULOSE ACETATE BUTYRATE No. Grams [VI in Fraction Unfractionated original 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21

Total fractions

Weight, Acetone at Grams 25' C.

300 10.3 3.3 17.1 27.0 12.3 14.6 18.0 15.1 8.8 9.7 11.0 10.5 12.3 18.0 16.1 14.9 14.9 20.0 18.3 8.6 16.1


1.78 2.95 2.90 2.79 2.76 2.40 2.43 2.40 2.35 2.21 2.12 9.04 1.93 1.72 1.69 1.54 1.37 1.32 1.00 0.83 0.63 0.36

Recombined to Form Groups

n Z


71,000 130,000 130,000

. .. .. ..... .....

26.3 11.8


..... ... ,.

8.0 6.4


.. . . .

.. ...


10.6 of No. 11 1.4 of No. 10

.,... 92,000

10.9 14.5


were measured in a modified Schulz osmometer (14), designed for operation by the static elevation method which involves the measurement of the height of liquid column or head after equilibration is complete. Corrections for surface tension were applied. The osmotic pressure, A, is reIated to concentration c of the polymer by the equation (6):

where subscri ta 8, p =.solvent and polymer, respectively d = gnsity R = gas constant T = absolute temperature p interaction factor described by Huggins


I n the most unfavorable case of the systems reported here, the ca term of Equation 1 amounted to only 2% of *. Hence, it can be neglected without significant error and Equation 1 reduces to:






7.0 15.2




Vol. 37, No. 6




Recovery, 97%


I n the fractionation of cellulose acetate butyrate (13.1% acetyl, 36.5% butyryl), a 2% acetone solution of the ester formed the initial solution. (Similar fractionations were carried out a t concentrations of 1 and 0.05%, and no better separation was obtained.) To this was added a mixture of equal volumes of water and acetone, containing 2% of sodium chloride to aid coagulation of the precipitate. This precipitant mixture was added, with stirring, at 22" C. until a slight turbidity persisted. This suspension was dissolved by warming the flask a few degrees, and then allowing the flask to stand for 24 or more hours a t 22' C. until the precipitate which formed on cooling had settled to the bottom. Most of the clear supernatant liquid was decanted and the remainder, containing the gel-like precipitated phase, was centrifuged. The separated gel was dissolved in acetone to make a dope of about 5% concentration, reprecipitated in fibrous form by running slowly into a large volume of water, washed with fresh water, filtered, dried, weighed, and labeled "fraction 1". Successive fractions were precipitated by additions of small volumes of water, containing about 2% of salt, and removed in the mme way as fraction 1. The last fraction, the twenty-first, was obtained by evaporation of the solution to a point where practically no acetone remained. These fractions, which will be referred to as the first series of fractions, were measured and then recombined into four groups as shown in Table I. Each group was then refractionated by the procedure used for the first f r a e tionation, and a second series of fractions was obtained whose properties are given in Table 11. Viscoarry DETERMINATION. The intrinsic viscosities (6) given in these tables were obtained in an Ostwald capillary viscometer a t 25' C. Measurements of the viscosity at concentrations of 0.125,0.25,0.5, and 1.0 gram per 100 cc. showed that the relation,

could mtisfactorily represent the data over the whole molecularweight range covered by the fractions. Constant B had the values 0.26 and 0.30 for acetone and acetic acid so1utionq respectively. By means of these viscosity-concentration reliltl~ns, the intrinsic viscosity can be obtained from a single viscosity measurement a t a finite concentration below 1 gram per 100 cc. NUMBER-AVERACI MOLECULAR WEIGHTDETERMINATION. The osmotic pressures of the polymer solutions (in acetone at 25' C.)

By plotting A / C as a function of c, the value of A can be determined. The semipermeable membrane used for these systems was of regenerated cellulose, kept in a wet and swollen condition from the time of ita regeneration. It was further conditioned far use by the method previously described (14).


Grama Fraction Unfractionated original 268.9 AI 18.2 A9 13.9 A: 11.1 A4 8.1 AI 12.0 A4 2.3 8.2

c1 C: c 8



D4 D: DI

Total fractions Recovery, 97%

Ester [SI at 2 5 O C. in: Analysk % Acetio Acetyl Butyryl acid . . Aoetone 13.1 12.1

30.6 37.8

.., . ..



?:86 . 0




0.7 22.3 29.4 4.8 3.3


16.7 17.7 12.8 13.7 16.1 4.e


,. *. ..I


.... ..





.. ..






.. ..


1.78 3,30 3.19 2.90 2.61 1.05 0.68 2.62 2.62 2.22 1.81 1.09 0.43 1.97 1.76 1.20 0.77

1.97 3.40 3:os


2:io 2.38

.... . a

2.09 1.94 1.36 ,,



1.23 1.09 0.94 0.77 0.61 0.24



0:63 0.24

n,, & ,.

71,000 210000 176:OOO


148,000 83,000


136,000 ii2;boo

..... ..... t . . . .


..... Si:ooo .....


..... .....



The external osmometer liquid, or dialyzate, was tested at the conclusion of each determination for the presence of high polymer by the evaporation of a portion of it to dryness. Polymers having number-average molecular weights of 30,000 or greater showed no evidence of a membranepermeable component, at least not h sutticient quantity to exceed 0.1 mg. per 25 ml. of dialyzate. I n only two of the determinations was the quantity of solute permeable to the membrane of serious concern; these were the loweat molecular-weight fractions DSand De of Table 11, of which about 2 and 6%, respectively, ultimately diffused through the membrane into the dialyzate. The.rate of diffusion was rather slow, however, requiring 10 to 12 days and six changes of dialyzate to ob-

lune, 1945


tain essentially complete elimination of the diffusible polymer fraction. A study of these diffusion rates made on cellulose acetate of about the same molecular weight as fractions Ds and Dc showed that the maximum pressure observed after the osmometer was assembled could be taken, to a very close approximation, as that corresponding to the sample in the absence of polymer ditrusion. We assumed, therefore, that the osmotic pressure molecularweight value! reported for fractions Ds and De have no sign& cantly greater error than those of other fractions. All the experimental errom involved in the osmotically determined molecular weights result in an uncertamty of f5% in the highest molecular weights and *a% in the lower molecular weights. INFLUENCE O F POLYMER CHAIN FACTORS ON FRACTIONATION


2 I 8

3 I





1 b Y

The solubility characteristics of a polymer will depend on: aolvent, type of chain, temperature, nature and number of side groups on the main chain, and length of chain. The separation into fractions is done in order to establish differences in length of chain. If, however, a significant separation takes place because of the nature and number of side groups, the purpose of the experiment is defeated. It is known that in the partial esterification of cellulwe there is a random placement of the side groups. Does this randomness cause one chain to M e r from another in degree of esterSca= tion in a given esterification procedure? Table I1 gives the acetyl and butyryl analyses of some of the fractions. Aa the m o l e c a r weight decreases, the butyryl content also decreases and the acetyl value rises, while the total acyl content remains practically constant. These changes are quite small, approximately double the experimental error of a measurement. Any fractionation on a basis of acetyl-butyryl ratio is therefore minute compared with the fractionation which has taken place on a basis of chain length. These results are thus in agreement with those of other investigators (0) who found that a precipitation fractionation takes place on the basis of .chain length. This may be further interpreted to mean that, for a fixed set of acylation conditions, the randomness of acylation of available hydroxy groups along a chain is on such a small scale that short chains do not differ from tong chains in their average degree of acylation. For a sample consisting of a mixture of batches, each of considerably different acyl content, a precipitation fractionation would separate on a basis of acyl content as well as chain length. This effect,may account for the slight ester fractionation obtained here, since such commercial samples of cellulose esters are usually blends of a number of batches which are not exactly alike in ester content. The relation between molecular weight and intrinsic viscosity was determined for each series of fractions by plotting [ q ] against ’%, Both series show about the same viscosity-molecular weight relation up to a molecular weight of approximately 100,OOO. Above this, there appears to be a significant difference between the two sets of fractions. The following relation is found to hold for the double-fractionated material, using acetone a t 25’ C. as the solvent: [7] =

13.7 X 10-6



Using acetic acid a t 25’ C., the relation is: =

14.6 x 10-5



These equations fit the data less well when the molecular weight takes on values below 20,000. The quantity [VI, obtained by extrapolation of In qr/c to zero concentration, has more theoretical signifiknce than a value of this viscosity function a t some finite concentration. But for the practical purpose of obtaining a molecular weight average, a properly calibrated equation using a value of this function a t a

I ut




. I
















Figure 1. Effect of Molecular Weight Distribution on Molecular Weight Averages The uneymmetric curve ID a emoothed dimtribution curve of the fraatione which were combined to form Broup A of Table I. Such a (diff-tirl) curve i. derked from the eummation or integral distributioncurve by plotting the elope of the latter againet molwular weinht. T h e mummation cuRa io obtained by plottin M ordinate the .ram weight percmta e of material whoee molecdnr wei ht exceed. a &en value of Mfgtted ED abdeea. The ermmedcal peak curve, formed by the luhed h e , merely reproeants a hypothetical narrow finction which ia umed to show how cloeely the weight and number averanem approach each other. A differential ourve ia &to oeruitire to how the mummation curve ia made to paam through the erperimental points.

Concentration of 0.25 gram of polymer per 100 cc. of solvent ia equally as good, and has the advantage that the step of extrapolation, either by predetermined law or by additional data, is eliminated. Usitlg the value of the function a t a concentration of 0.25 gram per 100 cc.. we obtain: Acetode a t 25” C.:


Acetic acid a t 25’ C.: Pyridine at 25’ C.:


12.7 X 10-8 nz@Ja

‘2- 13.5 X




12.3 X 10-5


n ~ o J S


(6) (7)

Routine usage of this quantity, In q,/0.25, is facilitated by assigning to it a symbol and name. The word “intrinsic” is now, by established umge, associated only with the value a t zero concentration and should therefore be avoided in this connection. As a suggestion, this quantity, which 18 related to the viscosityaverage molecular weight of a polymer, could be called a “viscosity-average index” and denoted by Z0.w for the particular concentration of 0.26 gram per 100 cc. The more heterogeneous a material, the more do the numberand weight-averages differ from each other. Applying a relation obtained on fractions to an unfractionated material, the M value obtained is a viscosity-average, which coincides in value with a number-average for the homogeneous fractions and deviates more and more therefrom for increasingly heterogeneous material. This is illustrated in Figure 1 where, for the symmetrical peak formed by the dashed line, the two averages N and V are nearly alike. For the unsymmetric full curve the calculated positions of the two averages are quite divergent, indeed the deviation of the ratio of these averages from unity is one measure of heterogeneity. (It is possible, however, to have curves of quite different shape and yet have the same ratio.) A further illustration of the divergence



+ L,

apparent that the higher members, a t least, were not homogeneous. Flory (8) concluded that these samples were not homogene-



Another example of relating the number-average of a heterogeneous polymer to a single viscosity measurement was given by Schulz and Dinglinger (11). For a heterogeneous polymethacryla&, an equation [ v ] = K n g b was derived in which [ v ] and "M refer to the unfractionated polymer. Since in the processing of cellulosic plastic materials the molecular weights are always decreasing, it is of value to find out whether the degradation produced by heating, mechanical action, or ultraviolet light are of such a kinetic nature as to preserve regularity rather than randomness between the two averages. Therefore, samples of the original unfractionated cellulose acetate butyrate were moderately degraded by heat, by ball milling, and by ultraviolet lighb, as described in Table 111. It is found that a relation exists between the measured intrinsic viscosity and the number-average molecular weight; this relation is expressed reasonably well by






18.5 X 10-6

















Figure 2.

Vol. 37, No. 6

Effect of Degradation on Homogeneity

of the two averages is given in the following table where three samples, differing in heterogeneity but showing the same intrinsic viscosity, are compared: Material Cellulose acetate butyrate fraction Unfractionated original Blend of fraotiona As and Ds (extreme heterogeneity)

"Z(from Viscosity) 89,000

"2(from 08motio Pressure) 89,000 71,000




As a result of considerable labor of fractionation and from osmotic pressure and viscosity measurements, an empirical relation is obtained which yields, for unfractionated samples, a molecular weight averaged in a complex manner. A more fundamental and significant average is the number-average, and the desirable goal appears of deriving a number-average from a single viscosity measurement. For types of distributions in which the ratio of weight- to number-averages remains constant, this goal is achieved immediately with the equation derived from fractions. Flory ( 1 ) showed that this condition is approximately true for linear condensation polyesters of high molecular weights. If some new empirical relation can be found between measured viscosities and measured number-averages on a series of heterogeneous polymers, this shows that, even if the ratio of averages is not constant, it does not vary in a chance or erratic manner. Although the distribution curves of such a series of heteropolymers differ, they do so according to more fundamental kinetics of polymerization or degradation which imposes order on the ratio of the viscosity and number-averages. A series of polyesters of o-hydroxydecanoic acid studied by Kraemer and VanNatta (6) showed a definite relation between intrinsic viscosity and number average. These polymers were made in the hope of obtaining homogeneous samples, hut it is

The viscosities and osmotic pressures were measured in acetone a t 25" C . The data of these experiments show larger errors, and there is a larger range of uncertainty in the selection of the proper exponent. Since the same value 0.83 falls within this range, we have adopted it as a tentative value for the case of heterogeneour mmples also. From Equation 9 and a single viscosity measurement, we may now calculate the number-average molecular weight of any sample of the unfractionated cellulose acetate butyrate which has been moderately degraded by heat, light, or mechanical action. Since this relation applies to materials encountered in practice, it should be of more practical use than equations relating to homogeneous fractions. When degradation by heat or ultraviolet is carried too far, the polymers become partly insoluble in acetone. This indicate6 that some reaction other than simple degradationor chain breaking takes place to an important degree after long heating or irradiatioii Such excessively degraded products are not included in the data.

TABLE 111. DEGRADATION OF CELLULOSE ACETATEBUTYRAW, I n Acetone at 25O C. Startin MateriA Unfractionated

Treatment None Heated in air

150' C. for 14 hr. 150' C. for 48 hr.

155O C. for 19 hr. 175' C. for 2.5 hr. 175O C. for 5 hr. Ball-milled 2 days 5 days 8 days 12 days Exposed to ultraviolet 8 p , E . S-4 lamp) 24 hr. Fraction A,

Fraction A:

None Heated in air 160° C. For 8 hr. For 17 hr. None Heated in sir 150" C. for 15 hr. 150° C.for24 hr., 150175' C. for 18 hr. 150° C. for 24 hr., 150175' C. for 28 hr.

l= 0.26 1.70



1.60 1.40 1.20 1.03 0.79

57,000 49.000 41,000 32,000 30,000

1.70 1.60 1.40 1.41

1.62 1.52 1.42 1.34

58,000 52,000 52,000 48,000

1.75 1.62

1.67 1.54

60,000 40,000

In1 1.78 1.68

1.47 1.26






2.46 1.46

2.32 1.30

102,000 53,000




2.73 2.30

2.56 2.18

144.000 100,000




June, 1945


There is some indication that the products degraded by ultraviolet light follow a law such as Equation 9 but with constants differing from those of heat or mechanically degraded products. However, more data are needed to establish this point. A marked example of the effect of degradation upon homogeneity is illustrated in Figure 2. Degradation of homogeneous fractions A* and A* shows that, as degradation progresses, they move to the left of their original line as defined by Equation 5 and approach the heterogeneity of the other degraded samples. This is shown by the dashed lines of Figure 2. It is by no meana evident that for other heteropolymers, in a aeries aorresponding to stages of procesaing, a definite relation can be found between a viscosity function and the number-average. The usefulneaa of such a relation justifies a search for it. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

We are pleeeed to acknowledge the aid of R. L. Tichenor in carrying out some of the fractionations, of W. F. Walker in determining some of the viscosities, and of L. B. Genung in making eater analyses.



(1) Flory, P. J., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,58, 1877 (1936). (2) Ibid., 62, 3037 (1940). (3) Ibid., 65, 372 (1843). (4) Houwink, R., J . prakt. Chem., 157, 15 (1940). ( 5 ) Huggina, EA. L., IND.ENQ.CHEM., 35, 980 (1943). (6) Kraemer, E.O., Ibid., 30, 1200 (1938). (7) Kraemer, E. O., and Lansing, W. D., J . Phys. Chcm.. 39, 153 (1935).

Kraemer, E. O., and VanNatta, Ibid., 36, 3175 (1932). McNally, J. G., and Godbout, A. P., J . Am. Chem. 8oc., 51, ;WQ5 (1929); Sookne, A. M., Rutherford, H. A., Mark, H . , and Harris, M., J . Rsseurch Natl. Bur. Standards, 29, 123 (1942). (10) Mark, H., “Der feste Korper”, p. 103, Leiprig, 8.Hirrel, 1938. (11) Schull;, G. V., and Dinglinger, A., J . pro& Chem., 158, 153 (8) (9)

(1941). (12)

Sookne, A. M., and Harris, M., J. Reacclrch Natl. Bur. S t w l -

(13) (14)

Spurlin, H. M., IND.ENQ.CHEM.,30,538 (1938). Wagner, R. H., IND.ENQ.CHEM.,ANAL.ED.. 16,620-3 (1944).

ards, 30, 1 (1943).

PRESENTED in part before the Division of High Polymer Physice, American Physical Society. in Rochester, N. Y.,1944. Contribution I001 from Korlnk Research Laboratorieo.

Iron Pentacarbonyl as Antiknock Agent in Alcohol Motor Fuels ISADORE PITESKY AND RICHARD WIEBE Northern Regional Research Loboratory

U,S.Department of Agriculture, Peoria, Ill.


N CONNECTION with work on knock suppressors for agricultural motor fuels, an investigation waa made of iron pentacarbonyl, since it is an excellent antiknock agent for ethyl alcohol. The term “ethyl alcohol” is used here in the chemical sense and is equivalent to anhydrous ethyl alcohol. Tetraethyllead is not only totally ineffective in ethyl alcohol but actually depresses the octane rating. That the two metallic compounds, tetraethyllead and iron pentacarbonyl, both extremely effective in gasoline, should have diametrically opposite effeeata in ethyl alcohol is somewhat surprising. Since this laboratory is interested in the development of motor fuels derivable from agricultural products, it was considered desirable to obtain any pertinent information. The purpose of this paper is to present experimental data conoerning its action on alcohol motor fuels. I n these tests a commercial product better than 99% pure waa used which waa further purified by repeated distillations either in vacuo or in a countercurrent of nitrogen. All operations were

carried out either in the dark or in red illumination. The physical and chemical properties were described by Blanchard and others (S,4,IS, t3,l.I). ENGINE TESTS

Knock ratings were made according to the A.S.T.M. Tentative Method of Test for Knock Characteristics of Motor Fuels (D357-43T). Tables I and I1 give some of the results obtained. Two difficulties were encountered in rltting fuels containing iron pentacarbonyl, and therefore the highest accuracy cannot be claimed for the data. Usually after a few runs the knockmeter readings became erratic because of a deposit of iron oxide on the diaphragm of the bouncing pin. This was partially overcome by making only three to five octane number determinations before overhauling the engine. The other difficulty WBS the persistence of action of iron pentacarbonyl in the engine, probably because of an active deposit of iron oxide on the rylinder walls which

Iron pentacarbonyl is an effective antiknock agent for ethyl alcohol fuels; however, caution must be observed when it is used in motor fuels, since the iron oxide deposit may seriously interfere with engine operation. The action of light changes iron pentacarbonyl to iron enneacarbonyl which is practically insoluble in hydrocarbon fuels. Iron enneacarbonyl, however, is soluble in ethyl alcohol, at least to the extent tested, and no obnoxious precipitate occurs in this fuel. Small amounts of oleic, palmitic, and stearic acids and of triethanolamine oleate are effective stabilizers for the h n pentacarbonyl in some hydrocarbon fuels; however, no generalization can be made at present. For solutions in anhydrous ethyl alcohol and in ethyl alcohol containing 5% water by volume, no stabilizer is necessary. If reasonable precaution6 are observed, working iron pentacarbonyl is probably no more dangerous from a health standpoint than tetraethyllead.