Vitamins and Hormones. Advances in Research and Applications

of the book will prove to be a weakness for those who expect to obtain a deeper ... control of metabolic processes is emphasized but 011 the brighter ...
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VOl. 79

applications. Especially useful is the chapter devoted t o testinal Synthesis of Vitamins in Son-ruminants” by Olaf the structure of ion exchangers and their different trade Mickelson, covers almost 100 pages and represents the niost names. It should eliminate considerable confusion for complete and most thoroughly documented review available prospective ion exchange users and enable them t o readily on the subject. The next 40 pages on, “Some -4spects of select the type of resin for their particular needs. Vitamin A Metabolism,” by J. S. Lowe and R . A . Mortoii It must be pointed out, however, t h a t the very strength of the University of Liverpool, is limited t o a discussion of of the book will prove to be a weakness for those who expect the conversion of carotene t o vitamin A and the systemic t o obtain a deeper understanding of the subject matter. mode of action of vitamin A . T h e juxta-position of In The author’s preoccupation with the deceptiGely simple contradictory findings in these two reviews should serve concept of hydration a t times results in a somewhat mislead- stimulus t o further research. ing explanation of t h e theoretical aspects of ion exchange The “Regulation of Carbohydrate Xletaboli>m in Isolated kinetic and thermodynamic behavior. It would almost Tissues” by A. E. Renold, J. Ashmore and A . €3. IIa-ting, appear t h a t the concept of hydration offers a panacea for (pp. 139-188) surveys the current literature on the subject understanding the fundamental nature of these systems. with particular emphasis on the authors’ own u.ork. Tllc Moreover, a n excellent presentation of the subject of ion paucity of generally accepted conclusions regarding hoririniial exclusion is slightly marred by a n over-emphasis on the lack control of metabolic processes is emphasized but 011 the brighter side the availability of methods for attacking the of immediate uses for this technique. Along a similar vein, the author, in exercising his prerogative of giving wide problems is pointed out. The statement that glucose-6coverage to the various industrial corporations operating in phoiphatase occurs in t h e intestine ( p . 153) and the iniplithis field, at times ha5 slighted some major contributors, as cation t h a t proline is an essential amino acid (1). 171) are for example in the field of ion exchange membranes. errors. Save for minor typographical errors the book is well “Experimental Hyperglycemic States Xot Primarily Due written. For those interested in a rapid, competent, over- to a Lack of Insulin” by K . H . Shull and J. Mayer (,pp. all perspective of the subject of ion exchange, this b(>ok 187-227), is a review, with excellent historical perspective, should make an excellent addition to the literature in this of the direct or indirect effects of various endocrine secretie!d. tions on carbohydrate metabolism. This review is coniplementary t o t h a t of Renold, et ol., and should perhaps have OAKRIDGESATIONAL LABORATORY preceded it. CHEMISTRY DIVISION B. A SOLDANO “Biochemical Studies on Insect Hormones” by Peter OAKRIDGE,TEXNESSEE Karlson (Max-Plank-Institut fur Biochemie, Tubingen) (pp. 228-267) outlines the rapid biochemical advances made during the past few years in this youthful and difficult branch of endocrinology. The translation by H. E. Green Vitamins and Hormones. Advances in Research and Applications. Volume XIV. Edited by Robert S. of Harvard reads extremely well. Harris, Professor of Biochemistry of Nutrition, Massa“Glucuronide Metabolism, with special reference to the chusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MassaSteroid Hormones” is critically reviewed by C. A. Levvy chusetts, G. F. MARRIAN,Professor of Medical Chemistry, of the Rowett Institute, Bucksburn, Scotland (pp. 268University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, and 305), the clear separation of the anabolic and catabolic KENNETHV. THIMAKN,Professor of Plant Physiology, aspects being emphasized. T h e volume concludes n two reviews more technical in Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Academic Press, Inc., Publishers, 111 Fifth Avenue, New nature. “Bioassay of P tary and Placental GonadoYork 3, N. Y . 1956 xi tropins in Relation to Clinical Problems in Man” is dealt 486 pp. 16 X 23 cm. Price, with by J. A. Loraine of the University of Edinburgh (pp. s10.00. The first thought of a reviewer faced with this volume is 306-3519), and “Microbiological Transformations of Steroids “Does the latest addition t o such a well-established family and Their ilpplicatioris to the Synthesis of Hormones” b y need more than a casual birth announcement?” Then one S. H. Eppstein, P. D. Meister, H . C. Murray and D. IT. Peterson (pp. 360-432). Both of these reviews contain a remembers one’s own gratitude t o previous reviewers who, wealth of detail and a substantial number of references. even though they also must have felt inadequate t o apAll in all, the editors, authors and publishers of this useful praise critically the wide range of topics covered, at least, and highly readable volume deserve the hearty thanks of the by mentioning the subjects discussed, enabled the reader t o wide range of scientists to whom this series is a valuable decide whether the volume required immediate attention or source of information and pleasure. whether i t was t o be savoured a t leisure. BIOCHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT I n the current volume the number of articles on hormones A . E. HARI’BK UNIVEXSITY OF WISCO.VSIN outnumber those on vitamins six to two, but on a page MADISON,W ~ s c o ~ s r s basis this shrinks t o two to one. T h e lead article, “In-
