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the Covert pr~cess.~ Schultz and Stork used. Raney nickel (W-2), prepared by the Mozingo procedure,6 under a pressure of about 200 at- mospheres. Schu...
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Vol. 70


NOTES catalysts for activity in the hydrogenation of 8naphthol. There is recorded in Table I the temperature and time required for the addition of two BY HOMER ADXXNS AND GEORGE KRSEK moles of hydrogen per mole of &naphthol over The partial hydrogenation of &naphthol over various catalysts and the yields of the alcohol and nickel catalysts may give predominantly either the the phenol obtained. The hydrogenations were alcohol, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-2-naphthol of the phe- on 36 g. of &naphthol in 50 ml. of ethanol with 1g. nol, 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2-naphthol.In this Lab- of catalyst a t 3600 to 4000 p. s. i. The results oratory Musser' obtained the alcohol in a 55y0 given are the average of two runs. The catalysts yield, while Schultz2 prepared the phenol in 70% could not be compared a t the same temperature yield. Stork' obtained the phenol in 55y0 or the because the activity of a Raney nickel catalyst is alcohol in 66% yield depending upon the alkalin- so dependent upon the procedure followed in preity of the reaction mixture. With copper-chro- paring it from the nickel aluminum alloy. The mium oxide as the catalyst the alcohol is produced catalyst W-4 gave a more rapid hydrogenation a t to the exclusion of the phenol.' 65' than did the W-l catalyst a t 140'. The data Musser used Raney nickel (W-1) prepared by show that in the order of increasing activity the the Covert p r ~ c e s s . ~Schultz and Stork used Raney nickel catalysts are: W-1 as prepared by Raney nickel (W-2), prepared by the Mozingo the Covert process; commercial Raney nickel procedure,6 under a pressure of about 200 at- catalyst as supplied by the Gilman Paint and mospheres. Schultz completed the reaction in Varnish Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.; W-2 as preless than thirty minutes a t 120' while Stork did pared by the Mozingo procedures; and W-4 as the hydrogenation in two to three hours a t 85'. prepared by the Pavlic procedure.6 The W-6 Musser used a lower pressure of about 100 atmos- Raney nickel, described in a paper submitted for pheres and somewhat more drastic conditions, pubtication, is even more active than W-4. Catai. e., six hours a t 140°, in forcing the hydrogena- lysts W-1 and W-2 were somewhat more active if tion to completion so that decalols and decalin the procedure for washing the catalyst described were also produced. in the Pavlic process was used. It seemed worth while to test different nickel All of the catalysts referred to above except W-6 gave 6 to 11% yields of the alcohol and yields of TABLEI the order of 80% of the phenol. The addition of COMPARISON OF KANEY NICKELCATALYSTS IN HYURO- small amounts of sodium hydroxide or of triethylCENATION OF @-NAPHTHOL amine to the hydrogenation mixture changed the Temp., Time, Yield, % proportion of the products so that with the W-4 Catalyst "C. minutes Alcohol Phenol catalyst, for example, the yield of alcohol was inCommercial 90 260 7 86 creased almost eight-fold with a corresponding de25 11 75 Commercial 120 crease in the yield of the phenol. In no case did ,w '1 140 160 8 83 the addition of sodium hydroxide, in the quantiw-1 140 240 9 72 ties used, decrease the rate of hydrogenation. W-2 65 245 6 81 The nickel on kieselguhr catalyst sold by the w-2 00 180 6 84 Universal Oil Products Co. was also tested for w-2 140 15 7 82 the hydrogenation of 8-naphthol. It was similar w-4 65 120 9 87 in rate of reaction to the commercial Raney nickel 30 21 65 u. 0. P. 130 but gave a higher yield of alcohol and a lower w-1' 140 240 48 31 yield of the phenol than did any of the Raney W-4* 65 90 65 19 nickel catalysts. The U.O.P.catalyst, for a simiw-4" 65 90 23 61 lar rate of hydrogenation, must be used a t a temw-4' 65 90 22 59 perature 50 or 50' higher than that required by a u. 0. P.' 130 30 68 8 Raney nickel catalyst prepared by the preferred W-6p 65 30 18 73 The addition of a small amount of a 0.02 g. sodium hydroxide. * 0.24 g. sodium hydroxide. procedure. 00.02 g. sodium hydroxide. 0.6 ml. triethylamine. sodium hydroxide to the U.O.P. catalyst had the * 0.24 g. sodium hydroxide. Washed by Pavlic method. same effect in shifting the course of the hydrogen0 test by Harry Billica with a Raney nickeL W-6 catalyst ation to the production of the alcohol as with described in a forthcoming paper. Raney nickel catalysts. (1) Musser and Adkins, THISJOURNAL, 60, 664 (1838). LABORATORY OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (2) Harry Schultz, unpublished report (1843). UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN (3) Stork, THIS JOURNAL, 60. 576 (1847). RECEIVED JULY 21, 1947 MADISON5, WISCONSIN Comparison of Nickel Catalysts in the Hydrogenation of B-Naphthol


(4) Covert aod Adkins. ibid., 60, 416 (1932). (5) Moriogo, "Orgaole Syotheses," Sl, 14 (1841).

(6) Pavlie aod Adkinr, Tall JOUXNAL, 68, 1471 (1948).