AUTHOR INDEX Ackerman, D. G. Jr. Ahlstrom, D. H. Anderson, G. R. Anderson, L. Anderson, T. J.
ι·· 1
h Y'.. Ι
Bazinet, M. L. Bhatia, K. Blaedel, W. J. Bonavita, M. Borello, A. Boyle, E. A. Bruton, L. G. Burke, M. F. Butts, W. C.
573 587 628 509 521
623 609 509, 5 2 1 561 607 514 579 573 538
Carr, J . D. Chang, T-L. Christian, G. D. Coe, R. H.
583 534 611 591
Dacre, J. C. Dolansky, V.
589 518
Easty, D. B.
Feldman, F. J .
Gibbins, S. G. Guffy, J . C. Guidotti, G. R.
621 556 607
Hamlin, P. A. Hopkins, J. R. Huber, C. O. Huston, J. L.
618 5 5 6 , 630 498 581
INDICATING DRIERITE changes from blue when dry to rose-red when exhausted Indicating DRIERITE is a chemical drying agent for the efficient and rapid drying of air and gases in systems where visual indication of active desiccant is desired. In use, the color changes sharply to a rose-red as the margin between the exhausted and active desiccant progresses through the tube or column. It is available in 8 Mesh, the standard granule size, and in 20-40, 10-20, 6 and 4 Mesh. Impregnated with cobalt chloride. Indicating DRIERITE retains the high efficiency of Regular DRIERITE, anhydrous calcium sulfate, plus the added advantage of the color change for indication. It dries air and gases to a terminal dryness of 0.005 milligram per liter of gas. Regeneration reverses the color change and makes possible repeated use after heating at 375-450°F while spread one granule deep for one hour. Regular white DRIERITE (non-indicating) is available in the above mentioned sizes and also in 200 Mesh and 325 Mesh. DRIERITE is a product of the W. A. Hammond Drierite Co., Xenia, Ohio.
McDermott, J. X. McElroy, H. G. MacKellar, W. J . McLean, D. A. Manche, E. P. Manis, J. L. Mansfield, C. T. Markowitz, S. S. Mead, T. E. Mostecky, J.
530 586 561 623 621 597 586 542 534 518
Nelson, D. R.
Oita, 1. J. O'Neal, M. J. Osburn, R. L. Overman, R. F.
624 591 594 600 6 1 6
Page, J. A. Peychal-Heiling, G. 545 Phipps, A. M. Pilz, G. P. Popl, M.
602 550 820 597 518
Quinn, E. J.
Rainey, W. T., Jr. 538 Rhodes, D. R. 556, 6 3 0 Robinson, R. E. 591 Roelofsen, D. P. 631 Rorabacher, D. B. 561
Schultz, F. A. Shendrikar, A. D. Shu, F. R. Shults, W. D. Snyder, L. C. Stainton, M. P. Stokely, J . R., Jr. Swartzfager, D. G.
502 594 561 603 628 625 603 583
Jaselskis, B. Jolly, W. L.
581 514
Kuras, M.
VanLoon, G. W.
Lamb, J . F. Lambert, J. L. Landolt, G. R. Lee, D. M. Looyenga, R. W.
542 618 West, P. W. 613 Wharton, D. R. A. 542 Wilson, G. S. 545, 498 Wronski, M.
594 623 550 606
Available from your nearest LABORATORY SUPPLY HOUSE.
DRIERITE Circle No. 77 on Readers' Service Card
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