WA TAYLOR AND CO. - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 16, 2012 - W.A. TAYLOR AND CO. Anal. Chem. , 1957, 29 (2), pp 86A–86A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60122a780. Publication Date: February 1957. ACS Legacy ...
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f a s t , accurate tests for pH, CHLORINE with

TAYLOR COMPARATORS Help Control Chemical Processes, Wafer Purification, Boiler Water, Waste Treatment

Get accurate determinations of pH, chlorine, bromine, phos­ phate, QAC, nitrate in a matter of minutes with lightweight, portable Taylor Comparators. On-the-spot, colorimetric tests give you dependable operational data in three easy steps. Testing consists of comparing the treated sample with the movable color standard slide until colors match. You then read values direct from slide. Complete water analysis is only a little more detailed with the Taylor Water Analyzer.

COLOR STANDARDS GUARANTEED Be sure to use only Taylor reagents and accessories with Taylor Com­ parators to assure accurate results. All Taylor liquid color standards carry an unlimited guarantee against fading. SEE YOUR DEALER for Taylor sets or im­ mediate replacement of supplies. Write direct for FREE H A N D B O O K , " M o d e r n pH a n d Chlorine Con­ t r o l " . Gives theory a n d a p p l i c a ί tion o f p H control. Illustrates U a n d describes full Taylor line.

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sign) is cited as providing: high resolu­ tion over the entire focal curve; absence of coma, distortion and slanting lines; more uniform spectral lines· less light loss; and higher contrast between faint spectral lines and background. Baird Associates-Atomic Instrument Co., 33 University Rd., Cambridge 38, Mass. 41A Spectrometers, N-M-R. Information available on company's high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectrome­ ter now with a new "Super Stabilizer." Applications include quantitative and qualitative analyses of functional groups, hydrogen bonding studies, fol­ lowing molecular rearrangements and structural studies of natural products. Instrument Div., Varian Assoc, Palo Alto 4, Calif. 12A Spectrophotometers. 60-page catalog "Tools for Science" available. Contains short discussions of modern analytical methods and information on company's Junior and Universal spectrophotome­ ters. Coleman Instruments, Inc., Mavwood, 111. 90A Spectrophotometers, Infrared. Com­ plete information available on the new Beckman IR-6 infrared spectrophotome­ ter designed by Dr. John U. White. This new, low-cost instrument, designed for the broadest use of chemical labora­ tories, is cited as being rugged, reliable and extremely easy to use. Scientific Instruments Div., Beckman Instru­ ments, Inc., 2500 Fullerton Road, Fullerton, Calif. 35A Spectrophotometers, Recording. Cir­ cle 6A-1 for information on recording spectrophotometer that helps set color tolerances for production runs. Circle 6A-2 for information company's Tristimulus Integrator, an automatic com­ puter that provides numerical values for three factors: hue, vividness, and light­ ness. Circle 6A-3 for periodical "Spec­ trophotometry Digest" that provides the latest news on color measurement. General Electric Co., Schenectadv 5, X. Y. 6A-1,2,3 Spectrophotometers,


Complete specifications available on all Gary recording spectrophotometers. Cited features include: counter-dial wave-length scales, multipot-eorrected 100% lines, special recording functions available, accurate photometers, high accuracy electrical zeroing, and photo­ metric precision to statistical limits. Applied Physics Corp., 362 W. Colorado St., Pasadena, Calif. 57A

Stirrers, Electric. Information avail­ able on company's electric stirrers with TAYLORANDCO. sparklcss induction type motor. Uni­ RD. · BALTIMORE-4, MD. form power output eliminates rheostats,

Circle No. 86 A on Readers' Service Card, page 91 A 86 A

Product Capsules


gears, or friction-drive discs. Utilizes thrust ball bearings. W. M. Welch Scientific Co., 1515 Sedgwick St., Chicago 10, 111. 47A-1 Stirrers, Electric. Company's stirrer is designed for general laboratory applica­ tions where accurate speed regulation is essential. Speeds: 100-1200 rpm in 11 discrete steps. Gerald K. Heller Co., 3 N. Carev St., Baltimore 23, Md. 79 A-1 Stopcocks. Circle 45A for catalog de­ scribing the full line of company's prod­ ucts with the new "Lab-Crest" stop­ cock that is conventional in design, re­ quires no lubrication, and provides no product contamination. Fischer & Porter Co., 1516 County Line Rd., Hatboro, Pa. 45A Transformers, Variable. Bulletin available on company's "Powerstat" variable transformers for heavy duty applications. Units are available in ratings from 150 to 160,000 volt-am­ peres. Units are supplied for single or three-phase; 120, 240 or 480 volt service with current ratings up to 400 amperes. The Superior Electric Co., 1001 Middle St., Bristol, Conn. 25A Tubing, Plastic. Tygon flexible plastic tubing is cited as being chemically inert, glass clear, non-contaminating, non­ toxic, seamless, tough, and easy to handle. U. S. Stoneware, Akron 9, Ohio 78A Viscometers. Complete facts avail­ able on the new portable Brookfield 8speed viscometer. Measures the vis­ cosity of any fluid. Provides readings down to V5 of 1% with materials having viscosity of from 1 to 32 million centipoises. Brookfield Engineering Labora­ tories, Inc., Stoughton 212, Mass. 56A Viscosimeters. Circle 62A-2 for bulle­ tin in the Hoepplcr viscosimeter that operates on the falling ball principle. Circle 62A-3 for bulletin on the Ubbelohde viscosimeter that operates on the principle of the suspended level. FishSchurman Corp., 72 Portman Rd., New Rochelle, N. Y. 62A-2,3 Voltage Meters. Full specifications available on company's portable, bat­ tery-operated voltage meter with volt­ age ranges of 0.008, 0.02, 0.08, 0.2, 0.8, 2, 8 and 20 volts full scale of either polar­ ity. Accuracy is within 2%. Has 200 microvolt sensitivity and 1014 ohms input. Keithley Instruments, Inc., 12415 Euclid Ave., Cleveland 6, Ohio 22A (Continued on page 87 A)