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An open question to biomedical GAS CHROMATOGRAPHERS:
With Warner-Chilcott Gas Chromatography, you get equipment that is guaranteed to give the results you need for your specific application. You needn't labor through pages of complex specifications—and then wonder if you've purchased the right system. We have devised a unique new kind of customer insurance called Operation GRASP. It stands for GAS REVIEW and APPLICATIONS STUDY PROGRAM, and it's a new concept to guarantee that your Warner-Chilcott Gas Chromatograph suits your individual needs. Operation GRASP consists of three major elements: 1. A Warner-Chilcott Gas Chromatography System —a versatile, modular system with up to 20 basic building blocks that fit into dozens of configurations depending on your biomedical applications. These include respiratory, anesthetic, and blood gases; blood and tissue volatiles; lipids; fatty acids; glycerides; phospholipids; sterols; steroids; biological toxins and narcotics; barbiturates; tranquilizers; pesticides; and carbohydrates. You get our technical recommendations on how much system capability you need— and what you don't need. 2. The Warner-Chilcott Training Seminar. Free to every purchaser of a Warner-Chilcott Gas Chromatography System. In one week, you learn to operate this equipment for your specific application—and you learn in our modern, well-equipped training laboratory at Morris Plains. You learn how simple Warner-Chilcott plumbing and electrical connections are— because you set up the system yourself, step-by-step, using our foolproof set-up method. You even get a certificate of achievement. 3. You. You are the reason why Warner-Chilcott has developed the other two elements of Operation GRASP. They're designed to make you a satisfied customer and user, and to give you a good grasp of gas chromatography principles, especially in the practical techniques you need. When you complete the seminar, your equipment will be as familiar to you as your right arm—and just as useful. A new proficiency for applied chemical analysis by gas chromatography is the result of this combination: the Warner-Chilcott System, and Training Seminar, and You. Send in the handy coupon now and learn more about how Operation GRASP can benefit you.
Warner-Chilcott Laboratories Instruments Division 200 South Garrard B l v d . , Richmond, Calif. 94808 Please tell me more about Operation GRASP. WARNER-CHILCOTT LABORATORIES INSTRUMENTS DIVISION R i c h m o n d , Calif. · Morris Plains, N . J .
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