WARREN Electronics Inc

glass observation door, an automatic, constant water level feeder, and wet and dry thermometers with wick and water box. They are manufactured in 4 si...
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load. Long term stability is 0.01% or better. Model 402 is a d.c. supply with out­ put of 500 to 1600 volts at 1 ma. I t fea­ tures selective grounding, calibrated voltage controls accurate to 2 % or bet­ ter, and choice of output connectors. Regulation is 0.03% or better for 20% change in line voltage and 0.03% for load current change from no to full load. Noise and ripple are less than 20 mv. Stability is claimed to be 0.01% short term, 0.1% long term. 3 Humidity Cabinets

Cabinets that provide relative humid­ ity controllable at any point from 50 to 99% ± 2%, and a dry bulb tem­ perature range from ambient to 70° C. ± 1° C , are offered by Blue M Electric Co. The units' counterflow air baffle and cooling coil arrangement is said by the com­ pany to allow high humidity without condensation on test specimens. Extended surface cooling coil and solenoid valve is standard equipment for circulation of tap water. The design allows automatic operation at ambient, slightly below ambient, and up to 70° C. Amount of water circulation is less than 5 gallons per day. A power selector switch on the dry bulb heater permits selection of wattage in relation to temperature and work load. A low velocity, multiblade blower mounted on top of the cabinet main­ tains uniform vertical air flow. The cab­ inets are of stainless steel construction inside and out, and have an inner glass observation door, an automatic, constant water level feeder, and wet and dry thermometers with wick and water box. They are manufactured in 4 sizes with capacities from 1.4 to 10.0 cubic feet. 4




SPECTRACORD ultraviolet

· visible ·





Practical automatic spectrophotometer recorder . . . geared to meet the faster, more competitive t e m p o of today's costs-and-rcsults conscious m a n a g e m e n t . T o c o m b i n e speed with precision a n d accuracy . . . a new revolutionary concept of spectroscopy in a com­ pact, convenient instrument.


r i r S t

Recording spectrophotometer based on daily experi­ ence with the needs of a m a j o r industrial laboratory . . . w h e r e savings of time a n d e q u i p m e n t were needed to extend professional skills a n d e x p a n d the research program. Fully field tested s p e c t r o p h o t o m e t e r . . . with speed a n d sensitivity to increase today's p r o d u c t i o n . . . with flexibility to e x p a n d t o m o r r o w ' s research horizons.

Power Supplies

A high voltage supply, Model 312, claimed to have a high degree of regu­ lation and stability is now in production at Atomic Instrument Co. Designed primarily for scintillation counters, it may also be used for other counting purposes. According to the manu­ facturer, it permits successive experi­ ments to be conducted without making corrections in settings or applying correc­ tive factors. The Model 312 is a 60-cycle a.c, For further information, see coupon on page 47 A VOLUME

2 6, N O .

11, N O V E M B E R

NEW 12-page illustrated booklet explains in detail how the W a r r e n Spectracord accomplishes all these firsts . . . how it can advance your re­ search or process control p r o g r a m . W r i t e today far booklet 3 0 1 .


Electronics Inc.






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