Washington state chemistry teachers get it together - American

Oct 22, 1982 - MIND" by Dr. Hubert Alyea sponsored by the Lowell Institute ol. Boston ... Chemistry Education Committee and Continuing Education Com-...
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Chemistry Education Commfflee and Contlnulng Education Commlttee of the Northeastern Section. American Chemical Soclety at the Museum of Science, Boston, ~assachusetts Contact: Valarie Wilcox, Museum of Science. Science Park, Boston. MA 02114

November 11,1982 CHEMCON '82, Drew University-Madison, Madison, NJ Far further infamation, see the September 1982 issue of mls JOURNAL.

November 11-12.1982 THE NEW JERSEY SCIENCE TEACHERS ASSOCIATION (NJSTA) SCIENCE CENTER wlll be held a1 the 1982 NJEA (New Jersey Education Association) Convention. Atlantic City, New Jersey For further information, see the September 1982 issue of THIS JOURNAL.


edited .-- - bv WALACE J. GLEEWAN Brooklme High School 6rwkl:ne. MA 02147

edited by NANCYLEMASTER D. W. Daniel High School Central, South Carolina 29630


November 12-13,1982 October 22,1982 "LUCKY ACCIDENTS, GREAT DISCOVERIES AND THE PREPARED MIND" by Dr. Hubert Alyea sponsored by the Lowell lnstltute of Boston, Museum of Science, Boston, Massachusetts Contact: Valarie Wilcox. Museum of Science. Science Park. Boston. MA 02114

October 23,1982 ARMCHAIR CHEMISTRY AND PRWECTION WORKSHOP presented by Dr. Hubert Alyea co-sponsored by the Museum of Science and the

ANNUAL MEETING OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SCIENCE TEACHERS ASSOCIATION (NCSTA) Greensboro, North Carolina, l o be held at Hilton and ~reensboroCol~eae. h - . Greensboro. ~ o r t Carolina Contact: Dr. Ira Trollinger. South Mebane Elementary.Mebane, NC, (919) 653-6905.

November 15,1982 WESTERN CAROLINA REGION OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Anderson College, Anderson, South Carolina Workshop for secondary teachers and students.

Volume 59

Number 10 October 1982

89 1

Speakec Or. G. M. Badner "Idol Musing on What the History of Science Tells Us About me Philosophy of Science" Contact: Christine Jamis. Clemson University, School of Textiles. Clem son. SC 29631. (803) 656-3176.

November 20,1982 4TH ANNUAL SAACS HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE BOWL at Unlverslty of Tennessee at Martin, Martin, Tennessee 38238. For further information see the September 1982 issue of THIS JWRNAL.

Contact: Carol Brown at Incarnate Word High School f w m e inlotmation

December 1-3.1982 SETH SOUTHWE~T-ETH BIENNIAL ROCKY MOUNTAIN JOINT REGIONAL MEETING. El Paso Convention Center, El Paso, TX For further information, see the September 1982 issue of rHls JOURNAL.

Washington State Chemistry Teachers Get it All Together

December 28, 1982 CONFERENCE ON RECENT ADVANCES IN PHYSICS, Unlverslty of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. North Carolina Emphasis on computers. Contact: Larry Rowan, Unlvenity of North Carolina. Chapel Hill. NC

Nancy J. Cooper BGlO Department of Chemistry University of Washington Seanie. WA 98195


edited by JAN HARRIS Cypress-Fairbanks High School Houston. TX 77064

October 9, 1982 WORKSHOP TO DISEMINATE COMPUTER PROGRAMS DEVELOPED AT THE DREYFUSIWILSON SUMMER INSTITUTE, at the Brookhave College Resource Cenler sponsored by the Dallas-Ft. Worth High school Chemistry Teachers Contact: Robert Roe at Highland Park High Schaal for mare information

(214) 521-9277

October 23, 1982 WORKSHOPS TO OISEMINATE COMPUTER PROGRAMS DEVELOPED AT THE DREYFUSIWILSON SUMMER INSTITUTE will be s~onsoredthroughout the month by the Metropolitan Houston dhemisfrv ~ e a c h i r sAssociation Contact: Ed Ercadero at St. John's High School for more infwmetion


November 4-6.1982 CAST '82-CONFERENCE FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE TEACHERS sponsored by the Science Teachers Association ot Texas nardin-Shnons University. Abilene, TX. will be held Included in the Prooram: Friday. ~ o v e m b i 5 r

''Science and the Histmy of Science" by Duane H. D. Roller. Univershy of Oklahoma

"The M&ls and Concepts of Chemisby" by Ardrew Stefani. University of Mississippi Meeting of the Associated Chemistry Teachers of Texas (ACTd West Texas Barbeque at the Perini Ranch Saturday, November6 "The Anatomy of a Research Project" by Andrew P. Stetani "Technology, An Educational Imperative" by Margaret L. A. MacVicar, MassachusensInstituteof Tehoiogy

Most freshman chemistry textbooks are simply loaded with too much information and this pushes students away from chemistry rather than drawing them towards the suhject. So claimed two-time, Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling a t a recent Washington State High School and Community College Chemistry Teachen Conference held a t the University of Washington in Seattle (April 15,1982). Pauling was the keynote speaker at the second annual conference, which drew together chemistry educators from all corners of the state. Speaking hefore an SRO crowd in one of the largest lecture halls on the University of Washington campus, Pauling went on to deplore the unnecessary complexity of freshman textbooks, and to advise that the introduction of molecular orbital theory he postponed until a student's sophomore year in college. Reeaenizine " " the im~ortanceof Universitv interaction with hiah school science nroerams. the Denartment of Chemistrv heean soonto familiarize them with the instructionaland research facilities within the Department and a t the University. Fallowing a campus-catered lunch, guided group tours were conducted for the guests. Stops included the Nuclear Physics Laboratory and Cvclotron. the Volcanic Seismoloev ".Monitorine Laboratory (which oversees the activities o f amone others. Mount St. Helens).





super-conducting ZOOMHz and 5OOMHz wide-bore nuclear magnetic resonance spect&eters in the Chemistry Department. Program attendees (including a student guest selected by each of the attending teachers) were also treated to a presentation of lecture demonstrations, designed t o stimulate student interest in the laboratory aspects of chemistry. The Department of Chemistry provided the teachers with a "how-to" handbook of these experiments, as well as other pamphlets and brochures on chemical careers and employment opportunities in the physical sciences. In addition, selected undergraduates in the Chemistry Department described their independent research projects as an illust,ration of what high school students could look forward to.

November 5,1982 ENVIRONMENTAL WORKSHOP lor Loulslana science teachers at Woodworth, LA, co-sponsored b y the Loulslana Soil Conservation, Fishery and Forestry ~epartrneni Contact: Bob Hawkins for more information (504)885-8324

November 23,1982 ANNUAL SCIENCE CONFERENCE OF THE LOUISIANA SCIENCE TEACHERS ASSOCIATION at Sheraton Acadlana, Lalayette, LA Contact: Bob Hawkins for more information (504)885-8324

November, 1982 WORKSHOP ON ELECTROCHEMISTRYsponsored by the San Antonlo section of ACT, at Trinity University. The tw-evening workshap will be held sometime during November and will include both lab work and instruction for secondary school teachers.


Journal of Chemical Education

A challenge to continue . . Make your plnnr; now toattend 1heC'hemEd nrtrvrtwr nt the ACS Natwnsl Meerlng in Spntrle. March LU 23, 19X1 D e t a h will follow in future issues. Meeting Chairman: Norman Rose, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195 (206)543-1766, High School Chemistry Teachers' Program: Doug Mandt, Science Coordinator. Sumner Hieh School. 1707 Main Street. Sumner.