Water, Carboset®fresin, and epoxy cure. Key to tough, permanent

Nov 12, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Water, Carbosetfresin, and epoxy cure* Cey to tough, permanent coatings* Looking for a durable, protective, highly adhesive coating? Try using Carboset resins cured with epoxy. Carboset/epoxy-cured coating systems provide excellent resistance to chemicals, corrosion, weather and water, along with outstanding adhesion. Besides metal and wood, your coating will adhere to difficult substrates like treated polyethylene. Coatings can be clear with high gloss, or pigment can be blended directly into the system. Printability is excellent. These Carboset-epoxy systems cure even at room temperature. For faster cures,

heat and/or catalyst can be used. Working life is 2-3 days, adequate for use on production equipment. And there's easy water cleanup before cure. Take advantage of the excellent versatility and durability of Carboset resins. To find out how, write us today. B.F.Goodrich Chemical Company, Dept.CN-47, 6100 Oak Tree Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44131.

BE Goodrich

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C&EN Nov. 19, 1973