Water in Polymers - American Chemical Society

at 0°C each water molecule forms two H-bonds, we estimate that only 0.1% of hydrogen bonds per degree need to be broken to ac- count for the surplus ...
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T h e S t r u c t u r e of W a t e r i n P o l y m e r s C. A. J. HOEVE

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Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843

Water absorbed in polymers is important for mechanical, electrical and other physical properties. For proteins water is by far the most important solvent. It interacts so strongly with proteins that this water is commonly referred to as bound water. These concepts must, however, be critically examined in order that the molecular properties can be understood. Such questions as what the order is in these water clusters and how far they extend, need to be answered. At first glance l i t t l e reason seems to exist for water to be strongly bound to most of these polymers. The energy of interaction between water molecules in bulk is quite large. The absolute value of the hydrogen bond between water molecules is on the order of 5 Kcal/mol. If water molecules prefer binding to other groups the binding energy must considerably surpass this value. The energy differences of a hydrogen bond of water with itself and that with the hydroxyl and amide groups in the materials considered in this article are small, however. These small energy differences are not conducive to binding. Some time ago (1_,2_) investigators pointed out that methane and other non-polar molecules are dissolved in water with negative enthalpy changes, contrary to the expected positive sign i f hydrogen bonds between water molecules would be broken to accommodate the non-polar molecules. The explanation is that water molecules form cage-like structures to allow entrance of the guest molecule. The building blocks of these cages are water molecules that are mutually hydrogen bonded to a higher degree than in bulk water. Sometimes these structures are referred to as icelike, although it has become clear that they should not be considered to be static. As the temperature is raised these structures are gradually converted into less ordered bulk water. This gradual dissipation of structures is associated with a high heat capacity (3). The following consideration shows that only a small fraction of hydrogen bonds need to be broken in order to considerably increase the heat capacity. Comparing at 0°C the heat capacity of water to that of ice, we observe a 0-8412-0559-0/ 80/47-127-135505.00/ 0 © 1980 American Chemical Society

In Water in Polymers; Rowland, S.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.



twofold increase. Let us consider that no hydrogen bonds are broken with temperature in ice, and that the surplus 9 cal deg~l mol" in heat capacity of liquid water over that of ice results from hydrogen bond breakage. If, furthermore, we adopt the value of 5 Kcal/mol for the energy of one H-bond and assume that at 0°C each water molecule forms two H-bonds, we estimate that only 0.1% of hydrogen bonds per degree need to be broken to account for the surplus heat capacity. This estimate is in excellent agreement with the value obtained by Luck (4_) from the temperature dependence of the infrared absorption band intensities. It follows from these considerations that the heat capacity is a sensitive indicator for any structural changes occurring with temperature. Although in this article we use the term hydrogen bond breakage, it should be mentioned that Pople (5) proposed that hydrogen bonds are not broken, but distorted. If the potential energy increase on hydrogen bond bending is relatively small, as believed (6), this description is to be preferred. For simplicity we shall use the former terminology. Of course, the large structural contributions to the heat capacity are expected on the basis of either mechanism. If small amounts of water are absorbed in bulk polymers the cage-like water structures present in dilute solutions cannot be fully developed, since the required cavities of several tens of Angstrom units do not exist in bulk polymers. The water structures must then deviate considerably from those found in dilute solution. We can expect, however, that the water molecules will tend to form vestiges of the cage-like structures, as far as space permits. The requirement for each water molecule to form four hydrogen bonds is especially difficult to satisfy if the polymer is glassy, or semicrystalline. In this case the polymer chains do not undergo appreciable conformational changes; compared to bulk water relatively few polar groups are present and these are generally situated inappropriately to satisfy the hydrogen bond requirements of water molecules. If the water molecules are sufficiently mobile, however, they can, at least, compensate for these deficiencies by additional hydrogen bond formation with each other. It follows from the foregoing considerations that water absorbed in rigid polymers should have a strong tendency to form mobile clusters. Only at extremely low concentrations are water molecules expected to be absorbed separately, without hydrogen bonding to each other.

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NMR Methods. One of the best ways to investigate the mobility of water molecules in a fixed matrix is by NMR methods. In the following discussion the collagen matrix is emphasized, although we do not consider the state of water in collagen to be unique. Collagen fibers provide an excellent matrix for studying the water structure. Similar results have been obtained for

In Water in Polymers; Rowland, S.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.

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Structure of Water


other hydrated matrices such as rayon (7) and layer silicates (8). Moreover, collagen shares with otïïer polymers the distinction that water absorbed in them is usually considered to occur in different states, bound and unbound. Collagen molecules consist of triple-stranded helices, which for our purpose can be regarded as rigid rods of approximately 15 A in diameter and 3000 Â in length. According to x-ray diagrams the rods are packed parallel with the fiber axis in an ordered lattice (19), the details of which are not important here. Furthermore, the lattice expands commensurate with the water content without destroying the crystalline regularity. The interstices between the rods are available for water absorption. Since the rod diameters are so small, the diameters of the channel like interstices cannot be more than several Angstrom. Furthermore, as shown by the sharpness of the x-ray spots (9), the water-filled channels must virtually be of uniform size throughout the sample for water contents less than lg of water per g of collagen. Thus collagen fibers provide us with narrow, straight, channels of known orientation. Broadline NMR measurements of water in these channels show two absorption lines instead of one for bulk water (10-17). The splitting of these lines depends on the orientation of the fiber axis with respect to the field. This is direct evidence that the water molecules are not isotropically rotating. They are, however, rotating surprisingly rapidly considering the narrowness of the channels between the rigid collagen rods. Most investigators (13,14,15,16,17) interpret the results in terms of two kinds of water, a"Traction of water molecules specifically bound to collagen, and another fraction of essentially free water molecules that rotate isotropically and have thermodynamic properties close to those of bulk water. In order to explain the NMR spectrum the further assumption is made that these two kinds of water molecules are rapidly interchanging, on the order of 10? times per sec, so as to yield an NMR spectrum averaged over both fractions. Disagreement exists, however, regarding the amount and the orientation of the bound fraction. Irrespective of how this fraction is bound, however, i t is difficult to see how isotropically rotating water molecules can exist with properties of those in bulk water. The narrow collagen channels prevent a full development of tetrahedral clusters, so characteristic of bulk water. In that case neither the thermodynamics nor the rate of rotation of water molecules and the isotropic character can be expected to be similar to that in bulk water. It is more likely that water molecules form the maximum number of hydrogen bonds with collagen and with each other, that all water molecules diffuse in a liquid-like fashion, but that none rotate isotropically. Whether to call this water bound or not, is a matter of semantics. In regard to its relatively large mobility and its

In Water in Polymers; Rowland, S.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.

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heat capacity its properties appear to be closer to bulk water than to those in ice or in crystalline hydrates. Sometimes (18) the water molecules that fail to freeze on lowering the temperature are denoted as bound. This notion is open to criticism, however. It is true that collagen shares with other polymers the property that a considerable fraction of water remains unfrozen on lowering the temperature. On the basis of the number of grams of water per g of polymer the values are 0.5, 0.3 and 0.3 for collagen, elastin, and methylcellulose, respectively. For different reasons the polymer chains are essentially immobile. For collagen the crystalline, rodlike, molecules are apparently in close contact with each other and in elastin and methylcellulose the amorphous polymers are in the glassy state. At temperatures below 0°C ice is the stable phase in bulk. In the narrow, fixed, polymer inter­ stices, however, space requirements are insufficient to form three-dimensional ice crystals. Other options available to the water molecules are to remain in the interstices in liquid form, or to form ice outside the polymer as a separate phase. The latter option involves breakage of hydrogen bonds between water molecules and polymer groups. The fixed positions of the latter groups prevent formation of hydrogen bonds between the polymer groups which provides compensation in the case of polymer solutions. Since the energy of hydrogen-bond rupture is so high, a lower (free) energy is obtained i f liquid-like water remains in the interstices. If at higher water contents sufficient polymer mobility exists, water diffuses out of the interstices, and forms ice as a separate phase; while the polymer shrinks and forms hydrogen bonds with itself dehydration occurs without a net loss of hydrogen bonds. Dehl's results (19) on collagen with high water contents show indeed that upon ice formation the wideline NMR spectrum of the unfrozen fraction of water becomes identical to that of samples with 0.5 g of water per α of collagen, the maximum unfreezable amount. Re­ cently (20), x-ray diagrams have confirmed that ice is formed in large~three-dimensional crystals that cannot be accommodated in the narrow channels. We see from this general pattern that the amount of unfreezable water is dependent on the mobility of the polymer and the size of its interstitial spaces, rather than on the strength of the bonds that can be formed with water. If so, bound water is an unfortunate term i f it is used to de­ note unfreezable water. Dielectric Measurements. The dielectric properties of ice can be understood on the basis of Pauling's model (21) in which a central water molecule is tetrahedrally surroundecTby four others with which hydrogen bonds are formed. Depending on how its two protons are directed towards the four neighbors, the central molecule can occupy six positions. On applying an

In Water in Polymers; Rowland, S.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.

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Structure of Water


electric field the neighboring dipoles do not reorient inde­ pendently. In order to preserve all hydrogen bonds molecular rotations must be cooperative. This cooperative effect in­ creases the dielectric constant approximately by the factor g (22). For ice g is close to 3 (23). For bulk water this factor cannot deviate much from this value, since, locally, the water and ice structures are similar. Indeed at 0°C the values of the dielectric constant of ice and liquid water are approximately equal. As we have seen, however, for lack of space tetrahedral structures cannot form i f small amounts of water are absorbed in polymers. In that case the g-factor must considerably deviate from that in water and ice. If linear water clusters occur, as seems likely, especially in collagen, larqe g-factors and thus large dielectric constants are expected (24). Even when the water molecules are not bound, their die­ lectric behavior must greatly deviate from that of the bulk water and ice phases. Potentially, valuable information is available about these water structures by studying their die­ lectric properties as functions of temperature, frequency and concentration. Unfortunately, the dielectric behavior of absorbed water is complicated by another effect. Besides the dipolar re­ orientation, just discussed, ionic effects are often present. Under the influence of an electric field positive and negative charges diffuse to the oppositely charged condenser plates, giving rise to space charges. These space charges also con­ tribute to the measured values of ε and ε". Their contri­ butions are known as the Maxwell-Wagner effects (25). In principle these effects can be suppressed by performing measure­ ments at high frequency, low temperature, or by using deionized samples. As a result of these complications a quantitative interpretation of the results has not yet been given. Whatever the exact molecular interpretation, however, both dipolar re­ orientation and Maxwell-Wagner effects are dependent on the mo­ bility of the water molecules. It is interesting to study this mobility at lower temperatures, where the water molecules be­ come sluggish and the possibility of vitrification exists. Although the nature of the molecular processes associated with the glass transition is s t i l l incompletely understood (26), it has been proposed that at lower temperature the free volume decreases. Consequently, the molecules do not diffuse indi­ vidually, but their molecular motions become cooperative. Ap­ parently, clusters of molecules become the kinetic units. The broad relaxation spectrum usually observed must then reflect the range of cluster sizes. Often, the activation energy reaches large values as the glass point is approached, indica­ tive of a high degree of coopérât!vity of the motions. Conversely, i f a wide spectrum of relaxation times is found with a strongly increasing activation energy as the temperature is 1

In Water in Polymers; Rowland, S.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.

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lowered a glass transition is indicated. For water in collagen, even at low percentages (7 per cent by weight), a wide distribution of relaxation times for the time-dependent dielectric properties ε' and ε" was found and, furthermore, the activation energv was found to increase rapidly at lower temperatures (24). The data fitted the Williams, Landel and Ferry equations (26), widely used for the mechanical properties of polymers to describe molecular motions as the glass point is approached. On this basis a glass point of 174°K (24) was deduced for water in collagen. This value must be considered as somewhat tentative, in view of the extra­ polation to lower temperatures and the assumed analogy between mechanical and dielectric properties; the mechanical and die­ lectric relaxation mechanisms do not always follow the same pattern. More important than the exact value, however, is the concept that water absorbed at such low concentrations in col­ lagen forms a glass. This conclusion is a natural one i f water is considered to be one mobile liquid-like phase. Necessarily, when freezing of water does not occur, a glass transition must then result at lower temperatures. Since bulk water displays a glass transition at 135°K (27) and water in collagen is less mobile, a glass point near 174*K appears reasonable. In con­ trast, a glass transition is incompatible with the concept of specifically bound water molecules. Surely, i f at room temper­ ature water molecules are individually bound at specific ad­ sorption sites, they must be even more strongly bound at low temperatures. In that case, however, their mobility and thus their contribution to the dielectric properties should be small. If bound individually, they certainly cannot perform mutually cooperative motions, indicated by the glass transition of water in collagen samples; amazingly, this glass transition in water is observed in collagen samples containing only 7 per cent of water (24). Recently, Grigera et a l . (28) performed dielectric measure­ ments by the cavity perturbation technique in the region of 8-23 GHz near room temperature. From their finding that the dielectric loss in the dehydrated collagen samples was found to be less than that in the water-containing samples, they concluded that hydration water with a relaxation time close to that of bulk water (approximately 10-10 ) ust be present. This water would correspond to the fraction of unbound water. They did not estimate the amount of this fraction, however. It is difficult to comprehend how a considerable number of water molecules in the narrow collagen channels, even when unbound, can be as mobile as those in bulk. That collagen is not unique in inducing water to remain un­ frozen at low temperatures is evident from results obtained for elastin. Elastin is an amorphous (29,30,31_) protein occurring in ligaments and arteries, where i t contains approximately 0.5 g s e c


In Water in Polymers; Rowland, S.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.

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Structure of Water


of water per g of elastin. Approximately 0.3 g of water per g of elastin is unfreezable. At these low water contents elastin is in the glassy state (30). Dielectric measurements (32) on hydrated elastin, similar to those performed on collagen, in­ dicated a relatively high mobility of the water molecules, decreasing rapidly at lower temperatures. An analysis like that for collagen indicated again a glass point at low temper­ atures (130°K). Recent dielectric measurements (33) on hydrated methylcellulose at lower temperatures, down to 90°K, are noteworthy. Like elastin, methyl cellulose is an amorphous glassy polymer at low water contents (less than 30 per cent on a weight basis). At temperatures below 150°K the values of ε and ε" for the hydrated (8 per cent of water) and dehydrated polymer are in­ distinguishable. Above 150°K, however, both values drastically increase for the hydrated sample. For a given frequency an extremely broad maximum is observed for ε" near 200°K. From the frequency dependence of these curves, the activation energy can be estimated. Values obtained in the ranges of 230 and 180°K are approximately 10 and 100 Kcal/mol, respectively. The extremely high values obtained for the activation energy at the low temperature is evidence for a glass transition of water in this range. We conclude that our dielectric results obtained for water absorbed in the rigid polymers collagen, elastin, and methylcellulose indicate that at room temperature the water mole­ cules are rather mobile, that their mobility decreases at lower temperatures, until not separately, but collectively, they become immobilized in a glassy state in the range from 130 to 170°K. 1

Heat Capacity Measurements. As discussed in the introduction, the heat capacity of water is higher than that of ice, since hydrogen bond breakage occurs with temperature in water. This property can be used to investigate the mobility of water molecules. If water molecules are immobile, their heat capacity contribution might be expected to be close to that of ice. In­ deed, by comparing the heat capacity of crystalline hydrates with that of corresponding dehydrated crystals, the heat ca­ pacity contribution of water was found to be within 10% of that of ice over a temperature range from 90 to 300°K (34). A l ­ though the nature of the bonding of water molecules in the different lattices is quite different, the combined contri­ butions of the three librations and three translations of the water molecules are approximately equal. The value of the heat capacity of water as a function of water content in polymers is, therefore, a valuable indication of the amount of bound water. If at low water contents water would be specifically bound, like in the crystalline hydrates, its contribution to the heat ca-

In Water in Polymers; Rowland, S.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.

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pacity should be low, equal to that of ice. If at high water contents mainly bulk water would exist, the water contribution should be representative of bulk water, a value approximately twice that of ice. In the intermediate region the heat capacity might be expected to rise to a maximum i f on increasing the temperature bound water with a low energy is converted to free water with a higher energy. Near room temperature the heat capacity was determined for hydrated samples of collagen (34,35), elastin (30), poly[2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethyl methacryTâte] (36) and methyl cellulose (37). The values of the heat capacity Cp of 1 g of polymer and y g of water as a function of y are schematically shown in Figure 1. In all cases the experimental data are represented by straight lines. The slopes £f these lines are indicative of the partial molar heat capacity, Cp. The values obtained for the heat capacity contribution are in the range of that of bulk water (18 cal deg-1 mol" ). This shows unambiguously that water absorbed in these samples should be considered to be a single liquid-like phase in the thermodynamic sense. The values for the partial molar heat capacity at room temperature are much closer to that of bulk water than that of ice; this suggests that also the properties of absorbed water are close to that of bulk water. Given the experimental errors, at most, a few per cent of bound water can be present at room temperature. The similarity of the results obtained for quite different polymers suggests that the often proposed concept that absorbed water can be subdivided into bound and free water needs reexamination. Equally interesting are the results at lower temperatures. For less than 50 per cent of water absorbed in collagen the partial molar heat capacity was found (38) to be independent of water content at any temperature in the range from 180 to 300°Κ. This value gradually decreased until near 180°K (the instru­ mental lowest limit) it converged to the value of ice. It follows from the foregoing considerations that the configurational contributions of water to the heat capacity have then disappeared. It is noted that this observation is in excellent agreement with the deductions from the dielectric properties that water absorbed in collagen is liquid-like with a decreasing mobility as the temperature is lowered until a glass results at 173°K. _ Recently, we have measured the partial molar heat capacity Cp of hydrated samples of methyl cellulose and elastin at temper­ atures ranging from 110°K to 330°Κ (37). For both, just as for collagen, at any temperature, the partial molar heat capacity of water appears to be independent of water content. Its values is equal to that of ice from 110°K to 150°K, where i t starts to in­ crease over that of ice and then increases virtually linearly with temperature to values close to that of liquid water at room temperature. Schematically, the results are given in 1

In Water in Polymers; Rowland, S.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.

Structure of Water

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y Figure 1.

Heat capacity, C , of 1 gram of polymer and y grams of water at fixed temperature p

T/°K Figure 2.

Partial molar heat capacity, C , of water as function of temperature p

In Water in Polymers; Rowland, S.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.



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Figure 2. Thus, the heat capacity results for collagen, elastin, and methylcellulose confirm the dielectric results that a glass point of absorbed water occurs near 150°K. Conclusions. For a number of different immobile polymer matrices the results of dielectric and heat capacity measurements show that at room temperature water is absorbed as a mobile phase. The heat capacity data over a range of water contents and temperatures fail to indicate the different states of water that have often been proposed. On the contrary, the independence of the partial molar heat capacity for water as a function of water content, at any temperature, is direct evidence that in the thermodynamic sense a single phase of water is present. This single phase is supposed to consist of relatively large clusters of mutually hydrogen bonded water molecules (24). The diffusion of water molecules is then more cooperative, and thus slower, than in bulk water. Furthermore, depending on the range of cluster sizes, a wide distribution of relaxation times exists. At lower temperatures the rate decreases and the degree of coopérativity increases until near 150°K all motion ceases and the clusters vitrify. We note that the cooperativity of motions is in sharp contrast with the individual motions to be expected of specifically bound molecules. It is true that specifically bound molecules could perform coordinated motions, i f the polymer chains to which they are attached become mobile. This mechanism is, however, unlikely in view of the same glass transition regions indicated for water absorbed in different polymer matrices. The model proposed does not imply that at a given moment the environment of all water molecules is identical. Indeed, some water molecules may, in addition to being hydrogen bonded to each other, also form hydrogen bonds with the polymer, whereas others may be exclusively hydrogen bonded to each other. At any instant long, essentially linear, chains of H-bonded water molecules exist. Diffusion of such a cluster occurs i f some water molecules break H-bonds with the polymer and, simultaneously, others in the same cluster form H-bonds with the polymer, without breakage of H-bonds between water molecules. In this manner the water molecules move cooperatively instead of individually. The cluster, instead of an individual water molecule, becomes the kinetic unit. As the entire cluster diffuses through the fixed matrix these different water molecules experience different environments. In view of the similarity of the results obtained for a variety of polymers, no need exists to assume that water molecules are specifically bound in collagen. In this connection it is interesting that the locations of the water molecules could not be obtained from x-ray patterns (39), in qualitative agreement with our proposal of liquid-like water clusters. It

In Water in Polymers; Rowland, S.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.

Structure of Water



should also be noted that the splitting of the NMR lines for absorbed water molecules is a direct measure only of the average rotational anisotropy. No requirement exists to in­ troduce two phases. Our proposal of a single anisotropic phase is, of course, equally consistent with the NMR results.

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Acknowledgment Support by the National Science Foundation through Grant #PCM-78-08580 and by the Office of Naval Research through Grant #N00014-79-C-0267 is greatfully acknowledged. Literature 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

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19. 20. 21. 22. 23.


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RECEIVED January 3, 1980.

In Water in Polymers; Rowland, S.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1980.