Chemical separations A symposium on Modern Methods of Chemical Separations will be held at State University College, Buffalo, N.Y., April 17-18. Joint sponsors are the ACS Western New York and Rochester Sections. The following papers will be given: FRIDAY MORNING Liquid Chromatography. J. Kirkland. Continuous Electrophoresis in Endless Fluid Belts. A. Kolin. FRIDAY AFTERNOON Adsorption as a Method for the Reclamation of Water. W. J. Weber. Ultracentrifugal Methods for the Separation of Viral Products. R. Trautman. Permeation Chromatography. K. Bombaugh. SATURDAY MORNING Reverse Osmosis. S. Loeb. Radiochemical Separations and Analysis Using Gas Chromatography. S. P. Cram.
Water Treatment with Activated Silica Sol Can Reduce Chemical Costs 20% Activated silica sol serves as a coagulant aid in the treatment of both r a w and waste waters. Made on location from N® sodium silicate and a reactant chemical in a PQ N-Sol® process, it could be your most pract i c a l a n s w e r to a c o n s t a n t p l a n t problem. Practical in c o s t reduction. F r e quently, 2 0 % savings in chemical costs alone can be realized. In some applications, savings up to 50% have been possible. A d d e d efficiency t h r o u g h e x t e n d e d filter r u n s c a n boost this figure still higher. There are other economic benefits, too: increased equipment capacity; and recovery from effluent of raw materials which can be re-Used.
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52 C&EN APRIL 6f 1970
There will be a social hour and dinner on Friday evening. The afterdinner speaker is Dr. F. Rieders of U.S. Public Health Service, who will talk on Forensic Toxicology. For further information write Dr. Larry B. Church, Dept. of Chemistry, SUNY, Buffalo, N.Y. 14214.
Polymer symposiums The 5th Biennial Polymer Symposium of the ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry will be held at the University of Akron, June 15-18. The First Akron Summit Polymer Conference, sponsored jointly by the ACS Akron Section and the Institute of Polymer Science of University of Akron, will follow immediately, with sessions June 18 and 19. The conference will consist of a Symposium on Anionic Polymerization. All papers are by invitation and were selected for their significance in the science of anionic polymerization. General chairman of the polymer symposium is Dr. John K. Stille of University of Iowa. Dr. Thomas G. Fox of Carnegie-Mellon University is program chairman. General chairman of the summit conference is Dr. David P. Tate of Firestone Research. Abstracts of papers to be given at the symposium will be distributed at the time of the meeting and may be ordered later for $1.00 a copy from Dr. H. L. Stephens at Institute of Polymer Science, Akron, Ohio 44304. Preprints of papers at the conference will be distributed at the time of the meeting and may be obtained later for
$2.00 a copy from Dr. L. J. Fetters of Institute of Polymer Science, who is arrangements chairman. Program Polymer Symposium MONDAY MORNING Synthesis and Properties of ABA Block Co polymers. M. Morton. Morphology of ABA Block Copolymers. D. Mclntyre. MONDAY EVENING Copolymer Structure and Chemical Reac tivity. H. J. Harwood. Reaction Mechanisms: Comonomer and Stereosequence Distributions. C. W. Pyun. TUESDAY MORNING Soluble Ladder Polymers. C. S. Marvel. The Physical Properties of an Aromatic Heterocyclic Polymer (BBB). G. C. Berry. TUESDAY EVENING
We treat new product ideas
Mechanism of Initiation of Vinyl Polymer ization via Charged Transfer Complexes. J. K. Stille. New Synthesis of Sequential Polypeptides Through the Acylazide Hydrobromide. W. J. Bailey. WEDNESDAY MORNING Dynamics of Chain Conformation. W. H. Stockmayer. Viscoelastic Properties of Amorphous Poly mers. D. J. Plazek. WEDNESDAY EVENING Crystallization Wunderlich.
During Polymerization.
THURSDAY MORNING Hindsight and Foresight on Polymer Sci ence and Technology. W. O. Baker. Bio- and Polymer Chemistry: A Perspec tive. M. Goodman.
Akron Summit Polymer Conference THURSDAY AFTERNOON Recent Advances in Anionic Polymerization. M. Szwarc. Nature of the Propagating Chain End in the Organolithium Polymerization of Dienes. M. Morton. Structure and Reactivity of Organolithium Compounds. T. L. Brown.
MEN & MOLECULES A radio series presented by the American Chemical Society Released April 10
The Promises off Ovonics Heinz K. Henisch Penn State University See "Men and Molecules" list ings in C&EN, March 23, page 78 for stations broadcasting in your area. Each week C&EN an nounces here the "Men and Mole cules" program to be released the following Friday. Call your local station to find out about specific programs.
With aluminum alkyls. To help prepare new commodities for the marketplace. And improve old ones. Catalytically...for low pressure and stereospecific polymerization sys tems. As intermediates for the pro duction of α-olefins. As reducing agents and pyrophoric fuels. And the list keeps growing. We ought to know... as the first merchant producer of aluminum al kyls. And because of our close rela tionship with users. Our interest in customers doesn't end with the sale.
We offer all the technical help needed for safe and efficient storage, han dling and use of aluminum alkyls. On request, our people will go right into your plant to instruct your people. Which is one reason why we are also the world's largest merchant pro ducer. Would you like more information on aluminum alkyl therapy for prod ucts (present or projected)? Write to day to Texas Alkyls, Incorporated, 6910 Fannin Street, Houston, Texas 77025.
Exclusive Sales Agent: Stauffer Chemical Company, Specialty Chemical Division, 299 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017.. APRIL 6, 1970 C&EN
FRIDAY MORNING Chelated Organolithium Catalysts. A. W. Langer. Allylic Lithium Adducts from 1,3-Butadiene and Alkyl Lithium Compounds. W. H. Glaze. Organodilithium Reagents as Polymerization Catalysts. C. W. Kamienski.
Martin Industries — for years one of the largest manufacturers of wooden plates and frames — had to devote months of research and testing to discover a syn thetic material that would make chemical filtration easier and more economical. Then we found one. Polypropylene. Strong . . . corrosion-resistant . . . virtually maintenance free. It more than satisfied all the criteria. Polypropylene plates and frames* weigh 80% less than iron. They offer a greater press capacity than wood and seldom need replacement. Add to that the FDA's full approval for pharmaceuticals and foodstuffs and it's not surprising that Martin plates and frames are fast becoming the standard for dependability. Martin plates and frames, in open or closed delivery configuration, are now available in the following sizes: 12", 18% 24", 30", 36", 42", AZVA " , 48".
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Rubber group Akron Rubber Group will hold its spring meeting April 9 at the Mayflower Hotel, Akron. Theme will b e Sympo 70—Rubber in New Decade, an economic and technological forecast of rubber industry activity in the 1970's. Featured speaker will be George R. Vila, chairman and president of Uniroyal. Write John B. Winkler, University of Akron, Box 126, Akron, Ohio 44304.
437 Whittenton Street, Taunton, Mass. 02780
OurTiOi, ZnO and Dust are available f o r instant employment.
For further information about either symposium, write Dr. H . L. Stephens, Institute of Polymer Science, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44304.
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Polymerization of Cyclic Sulfides. R. Kammereck. The Effect of Alkoxides on Chain Transfer and Termination of Sodium-Catalyzed Polybutadienes. D. P. Tate. Anionic Graft and Block Polymerization. J . Heller.
MEETINGS April 13. Association of Consulting Chemists and Chemical Engineers, Dinner Meeting. The Chemists Club. Write ACCCE, 50 East 41st St., New York, N.Y. 10017. April 2 9 . Symposium on the FoodPeople Balance. National Academy of Engineering, 6th Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C. Write ΝΑΕ, Rm. 313, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418. May 2 3 . 1970 Organosilicon Award Symposium. State University of New York at Albany. Write J. J . Zuckerman, Dept. of Chemistry, SUNYAlbany, Albany, N.Y. 12203. June 2 - 5 . International Symposium on Pollution and Lung Biochemistry. Richland, Wash. Write Dr. J . N. Roehm, Battel le-North west, P.O. Box 999, Richland, Wash. 99352. Aug. 2 4 - 2 6 . Energy and the Environ ment. A EC Conference organized by Oak Ridge Associated Universities. Oak Ridge, Tenn. Write ORAU, P.O. Box 117, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830. Sept. 1 4 - 1 8 . Engineering Foundation Research Conference on Engineering in Medicine—Automated Multiphasic Health Testing (AMHT). Davos, Switzerland. Write Engineering Foundation, 345 East 47th St., New York, N.Y. 10017. Oct. 4 - 9 . Society for Applied Spectros copy. 9th Annual National Meeting. Jung Hotel, New Orleans, La. Write Dr. George G. Guilbault, chemistry dept., Louisiana State University, New Orleans, La. 70122. (New date and location)