Waters Associates, Inc

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SEP-PAK Cartridges

revolutionize sample cleanup with big savings in time and money SEP-PAK Cartridges f r o m Waters provide an easyto-use sample cleanup system that is a cost-effective alternative to traditional liquid/liquid extraction, open columns, and thin layer chromatography for such diverse applications as: pesticide residues vitamins drugs and metabolites aflatoxins pharmaceuticals environmental monitoring multicomponent polymer mixtures carbohydrates peptides These prepackaged, ready-to-use cartridges mount on a standard Luer-Tip syringe and often achieve in a single step what traditionally required several operations.

time and steps in your sample preparation—whether it be for final analysis by gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, spectrophotometry, or other methods. Save money from less solvent and reagent consumption and less apparatus required.

Additional benefits In many instances SEP-PAK Cartridges offer extra benefits over other sample preparation techniques, such as greater recoveries and less exposure to toxic agents. Also, they reduce the problems of crosscontamination, emulsions, and evaporation of large samples. Using SEP-PAK Cartridges lessens the possibility of broken glassware and permits ^H direct sampling in the field.

Fast cleanup for GC, LC & UV SEP-PAK Cartridges readily separate different compounds or groups of compounds in solution. Thus, SEP-PAK Cartridges can save you

innovative and reliable Unique SEP PAK Cartridges are designed and quality controlled to ensure reproducible sample preparation. There are several SEP-PAK Cartridges available— SEP-PAK C18 Cartridges, SEP-PAK Silica Cartridges and SEP-PAK Florisil* Cartridges. To investigate saving time and money in your sample preparations, just call Jim Bruno at 6 1 7 / 4 7 8 - 2 0 0 0 Extension 2 5 0 8 or clip and mail the coupon.

Waters Associates, Inc. 34 Maple Street Milford. Massachusetts. 01757/(617) 478-2000

Chromatography Supplies Waters Associates, Inc. 34 Maple Street. Milford, MA 01757


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