Waters Associates, Inc

so that it is economical to dedi- cate Radial-PAK cartridges to specific analyses. Dedicated cartridges last longer and perform better than steel colu...
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an important advance in LC HPLC analysis timereduced50%.* New-type columns are efficient, reproducible and cost less. Radial Compression— a new look at HPLC The Waters RCSS is the result of an ongoing Waters program to improve the speed and performance of HPLC while reducing pressure drop and cost. In RCSS chromatography, a flex­ ible-wall packed cartridge is subjected to uniform hydraulic pressure to maintain a radially compressed packed bed structure. The result: a highly efficient, homogeneous and stable packed column that offers many out­ standing advantages over conventional steel columns—

• superior economy and convenience • enhanced reproducibility and reliability • high efficiencies at higher flow rates for faster analysis and improved productivity • lower backpressures • complete elimination of column voiding and channeling

Insert the cartridge into the module, and just move three levers to exert uniform hydraulic pressure upon the cartridge. No external utilities are required and there aire no column end fittings to connect or disconnect.

RCSS operates with high efficiencies at high flow rates and low pressures With the appropriate Radial-PAK car­ tridge in the RCM-100 module, you pro­ ceed with the separation. You're doing it at higher flow rate, lower backpressure, and higher efficiency than conventional 15-30cm steel columns. Typical RadialPAK efficiencies are 5000 plates per 10/x particle cartridge and 9000 plates per 5ju particle cartridge over a wide flow rate range with backpressures of 4002000psig. Analysis of Preservatives 1 . p-hydroxybenzolc acid 2 . methylparaben 3. propylparaben 4 . butamben 5. butylparaben

RCSS is simple to use The columns, called Radial-PAK™ cartridges, have flexible high-density polyethylene walls. The compact car^ tridges are only 10cm long, with either 5mm or 8mm ID, and contain a new family of 5μ and 10μ spherical LC pack­ ing materials optimized for the RCSS. Radial-PAK cartridges are used in the RCM-100 Radial Compression Module, which can be incorporated readily into any existing LC system.

°Assenza& Brown. J. Liq. Chrom.3:41,1980.

"The radially-compressed columns were found to be efficient and reproducible, and enable the analysis time of human serum to be reduced by 50%."

Radial-PAK C-18 8 mm 6ml/min 1400 psi

Radial compression exerts internal forces which allow use of unique thin-disc components in Radial-PAK sample distributor.

RCSS is reproducible and reliable Multiple compression-decompression cycles prove that the Radial-PAK struc­ ture is stable and highly reproducible. Radial-PAK chromatograms for a test mixture on the first cycle and after the 50th cycle (two cycles per day for 25 days) appear below. RCSS Compression D e c o m p r e s s i o n Study: Steroids Comparison of Initial and Final Analyses Cartridge: Radial-PAK {8 mm χ 10 cm) Solvent: CHiCN: rUO/55:45 Flow Rate: 3 ml /ml η Detector: Model 440, 254 ran

RCSS limits band spreading Two factors minimize irregular flow patterns during separations with RadialPAK cartridges: • uniformity of the radially-compressed packed bed, and • a unique built-in sample distributor system at both ends of each cartridge. The narrow sample bands achieved through Radial-PAK cartridges contribute to the high efficiencies and superior resolution of the RCSS.

1) Hydrocortisone




2) Fluoroxymesterone 3) Hydrocortisone Acetate 4) Methyl testosterone 5) Progesterone


RCSS is versatile Radial-PAK cartridges offer a broad selection of chromatographic perform­ ance with different selectivities than the packings used in conventional steel columns. This is ideal for methods

Come and see us in Booth 6 0 0 7 at the Pittsburgh Conference.

technology development and analytical problem solving. The 8 m m ID cartridges provide high speed and high performance over a wide range of flow rates. The 5 m m ID cartridges offer similar performance at reduced flow rates but with greater sensitivity. The variety and flexibility of Radial-PAK cartridges bring a new level of flexibility to HPLC for dedicated, routine and research analyses. Radial-PAK cartridges extend the chromatographers choice of selectivity and retention and become a useful adjunct to the use of steel columns. Radial-PAK • 5 m m or 8 m m ID • 5ju or 10ju spherical particles • Reverse or normal phase • C 1 8 . C 8 . C N . silica

RCSS saves time and money With its high flow rates, R C S S increases productivity by reducing analysis, equilibration and clean-up times. The lower pressures m e a n less H P L C system wear lower maintenance costs and greater system reliability. Finally. RadialPAK cartridges cost less than steel columns so that it is economical to dedicate Radial-PAK cartridges to specific analyses. Dedicated cartridges last longer and perform better than steel columns where LC conditions are changed often. Waters R C S S i s a w i n n e r of t h e c o v e t e d IR-100 Award for Innovative Technology.

The waters RCSS Radial Compression Separation System

For further details on the RCSS, contact your Waters Representative or call the R C S S Information Center at (617) 478-2000. ext. 2612. Waters Associates, Inc. A subsidiary of Millipore Corp. Milford. MA 01757 CIRCLE 237 ON READER SERVICE CARD

A faster, simpler way to do HPLC.