Waters Division of MILLIPORE

tmi f. I t I. I I dBNESHUfee&Mti. Waters Dimension GC. Series Takes You. Beyond. Conventional Performance. Waters Dimension I GC. Integrated diagnosti...
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Waters Adds a New Dimension to Gas Chromatography

Waters Dimension GC Series Takes You Beyond Conventional Performance.

M o u s e driven s o f t w a r e . A d v a n c e d multi-tasking Maxima™ software provides easy mouse driven o p e r a t i o n a n d PowerLine'" system control of either LC or G C systems. Convenient column accessibility. A large d u a l column oven with i n d e p e n d e n t sideby-side access lets y o u c h a n g e columns swiftly.

Wafers Dimension I GC

Integrated diagnostics. Built-in ability to monitor fuel, oxidant, a n d detector gases saves precious time. Increased productivity. Direct autosampler transfer between independently heated injectors increases throughput.


Detection versatility. A complete line of high perform a n c e G C detectors provides unmatched versatility. C h o o s e from flame ionization, flame photometric, N i 6 3 electron capture, electrolytic conductivity, p h o t o i o n i z a t i o n , n i t r o g e n / p h o s p h o r o u s , discharge ionization a n d thermal conductivity detection.

Unique sample cleanup. Waters MilliLab Workstation couples automated sample cleanup a n d preparation with G C analytical power. Automate a w i d e variety of repetitive tasks w h i l e feeding autosampler carousels completely unattended. O n l y a W a t e r s Dimension I or II G C System c a n give y o u all of these p e r f o r m a n c e options, plus the industry's most reputable support program. C a l l 1 - 8 0 0 - 4 5 6 - W D G C for the W a t e r s representative in your area.

Waters Division of MILLIPORE © Millipore Corporation 1989