(244) Achieving Custom Manipulation of Sample Data Using Dynamic Data Exchange in Atomic Spectroscopy. F. Délies, Ε. Vanclay
Instrumentation II—Advances in FT-IR, Raman, Sensors, and Optical Methods Room 84 G. J. Meisner, Presiding 1:30 1:50
2:10 2:30 2:50
3:25 3:45 4:05
4:25 4:45
(245) Sensitivity Issues in Step-Scan FT-IR Spectrometry. C. Manning (246) Synchrotron Radiation-Powered IR Microspectroscopy Used To Chemically Map Tissue Sections Operating in Trans mission Mode. D. L. Wetzel, A. J. Eilert, J. A. Reffner, L. Carr, S. M. LeVine, S. S. Miller, L. Pietrzak (247) Comparative Study of Fiber-Optic Remote Raman Probe Designs. T. F. Cooney, Η. Τ. Skinner, S. M. Angel (248) Tunable External-Cavity Diode La sers for Raman Spectroscopy. T. F. Cooney, S. M. Angel (249) Designing a UV-vis System To Meet the Qualification Requirements of the Regulatory Environment. J. P. Ham mond, M. Long, P. Davies, M. Brown (250) Integrated Optical Analytical Sensor Based on Antiresonance Waveguides. T. Delonge, H. Fouckhardt (251) Radionuclide Scintillator Light Source for Time-Resolved Fluorometry. D. L. Burden, S. E. Hobbs, G. M. Hieftje (252) Multidimensional Hadamard Trans form Spectrometry. M. K. Bellamy, A. N. Mortensen, E. A. Orr, D. A. Mc Carthy, J. V. Paukstelis, R. M. Hammaker, W. G. Fateley (253) Multiple-Wavelength Laser Light Scattering for Polymer Analysis. C. E. Mooney (254) Tests for the Survivability of a Thin Film Microelectronic Gas Sensor Struc ture for Automotive Applications. S. V. Patel, J. W. Schwank, D. A. Schweiss, J. L Gland, K. D. Wise
Tuesday Morning Symposium: Direct Solids Elemental Analysis—What Technique Do You Use? (Arranged by R. K. Marcus) Room 80 R. K. Marcus, Presiding 8:30 8:35
Introductory Remarks. R. K. Marcus (360) Direct Spark Spectrometries and Spark Ablation ICP Spectrometries. J.A.C. Broekaert 9:10 (361) Present and Future Trends in the XRF Analysis of Solid Materials. P. Pella 9:45 (362) Direct Analysis of Solids by Second ary Ion MS. C. W. Magee 10:35 (363) Glow Discharge Devices for Bulk and Depth-Resolved Analyses. R. K. Marcus 11:10 (364) Laser Ablation into ICP-AES and MS: Bulk and Small Feature Analysis. A. Raith
Symposium: Near-Field Imaging and Spectroscopy—The Chemical Perspective (Arranged by P. J. Treado) Room 82 P. J. Treado, Presiding 8:30 8:35
Introductory Remarks. P. J. Treado (365) When Lenses Fail. A. Lewis
(366) Near-Field Fluorescence Micros copy and Spectroscopy of Single Mole cules. S. Xie, R. Dunn (367) Combined Imaging/Sensing Using 9:45 Polymer-Modified Imaging Fibers. D. R. Walt 10:35 (368) Spectroscopy of Single-NanometerDimension Objects: From Molecules to Quantum Electronic Devices. T. D. Har ris, J. K. Trautman, J. Macklin, R. D. Grober, H. Hess 11:10 (369) Progress on Applications in NearField Scanning Optical Microscopy. P. Moyer 9:10
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Room 83 C. McCreary, Presiding
(380) Design, Performance, and Applica tions of a Compact Raman Spectrome ter. H.F.J. Cormican, M. G. Catney, J. J. McGarvey 8:50 (381 ) Characterization of Paint Films by Raman Spectroscopy. C. K. Mann, B. Sun, T. J. Vickers 9:10 (382) Process Control in Petroleum Indus try by Raman Spectroscopy. N. Zanier, P. Marteau, F. Cansell, A. Aoufi, G. Hotier, D. Silva 9:30 (383) Nondestructive Evaluation of Me chanical Properties in Fiber-Reinforced Composites by FT-Raman Spectroscopy. S. Farquharson, R. Basilakis, M. Carangelo, M. DiTaranto, W. Smith, M. A. Serio, P. R. Solomon, C. Petty, R. Elleithy, T. Ebeling, J. F. Wallace 9:50 (384) In situ Analysis of TLC Frac tions—A New, Simple Method for Sur face-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. J. J. Andrew, B. P. Newby, C. J. Adams 10:25 (385) UV Resonance Raman Microscopy. V. Pajcini, R. W. Bormett, S. A. Asher 10:45 (386) UV-Raman Spectroscopy Monitors the First-, Second-, and Third-Order Phonon Bands of Diamond and the C - H Stretching Bands of Nondiamond Compo nents of CVD Diamond Films. R. W. Bormett, S. A. Asher, R. E. Witkowski, W. D. Partlow 11:05 (387) Ultrasensitive Detection of Pyrene by UV Resonance Raman Spectrometer Using an Intracavity Frequency-Doubled CW Argon Ion Laser. Z. Chi, S. A. Asher
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FT-IR—Process and Interfacial Applications Room 87 J. A. de Haseth, Presiding 8:30
(408) FT-IR Process Monitoring for Opti mization of ΝΟΛ Control at Coal-Fired Power Plants. A. S. Bonanno, C. M. Nel son, K. S. Knight, M. A. Serio, P. R. So lomon 8:50 (409) Real-Time Monitoring of Metal Pow der Size and Temperature by FT-IR Spectroscopy for Intelligent Process Con trol. S. Farquharson, P. Rosenthal, J. Cosgrove, J. Haigis, J. R. Markham, P. R. Solomon, S. Ridder, F. Biancaniello 9:10 (410) A Novel Approach to Open-Path FT-IR Spectroscopy. R. L. Richardson, P. R. Griffiths 9:30 (411) Diels-Alder Reaction Analyses Us ing a Mid-IR Fiber-Optic Probe. J . A. Van Gompel 9:50 (412) Anomalous Bandshapes in SurfaceEnhanced IR Absorption Spectroscopy on Metal Films. G. T. Merklin, P. R. Grif fiths 10:25 (413) Micro-Raman Imaging of an Epoxy at an Interfacial Region. C. M. Stellman, M. L. Myrick
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Analytical Chemistry,
Vol. 67, No. 3, February 1, 1995 1 3 1 A