We know bioprocessing - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a comprehensive representat...
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The Eppendorf portfolio of DASGIP® and New Brunswick™ bioreactors and fermentors

We know Bioprocessing From 35 mL to 2,400 L—Eppendorf has you covered

Eppendorf offers a complete portfolio of scalable bioprocess equipment, from small scale benchtop and parallel systems through large scale production bioreactors. Whether you prefer the convenience of single-use, the flexibility of an autoclavable system, or sterilizable-in-place stainless steel vessels, Eppendorf has a system for you.

> The DASGIP line of bioreactors ranging from 35 mL–3.8 L, with parallel control of up to 32 vessels simultaneously, perfect for high throughput processes > The New Brunswick line of bioreactors continues with scalable solutions ranging from 1.3 L–2,400 L, offered in glass, stainless steel, and single-use options

www.eppendorfna.com • 800-645-3050 131.A1.0114.B © 2013 Eppendorf AG.

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4/8/13 4:27 PM